Gain an insider’s view into the vital connection between health care systems and private equity.
Join us on “Deal Rx” to gain critical insights that propel success and foster groundbreaking advancements in the health care sector.

Latest Episodes
Not Your Grandparents’ Health Care – Private Equity Is Changing It, with Gyasi Chisley
Podcast Participants Rubin Pusha III Book time with Rubin Pusha III Hall Render | LinkedIn | Facebook | X Gyasi Chisley Facebook ☑️ PNC Bank | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | X | YouTube...
Highlighting the Connections Between Health Care and Private Equity
Highlighting the Connections Between Health Care and Private Equity In the inaugural episode of Deal Rx, host Rubin Pusha of Hall Render welcomes guest Bob Ridlen, vice president of...
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“Deal Rx: A Health Care & Private Equity Innovation Podcast,” hosted by Rubin Pusha, offers an insider’s view into the vital connection between health care systems and private equity. As a distinguished leader of the private equity team at Hall Render, a national law firm exclusively focused on health care, Rubin uses his expertise to unravel the complexities and opportunities within health care investments.
Listeners will discover how private equity is driving innovations, shaping regulatory landscapes, enhancing supply chains, and addressing compliance challenges. Join us on “Deal Rx” to gain critical insights that propel success and foster groundbreaking advancements in the health care sector. Tune in and transform your understanding of the power of investment in health care.