
Using Existing Health Care Assets to Advance Social Determinants

Using Existing Health Care Assets to Advance Social Determinants

Few hospitals and health systems currently have plans in place to address social determinants of health (“SDOH”) in their communities, but more aim to structure their policies, programs, and initiatives to better address these issues in coming years. As providers brainstorm ways to structure and implement SDOH strategies, each should consider how its existing asset portfolio (including existing real estate assets) could be used to effectuate those SDOH goals. This upcoming panel will focus on how some systems already use these assets in a such manner and their SDOH initiatives more generally. The goals of this panel discussion will be to (1) help attendees have a better understanding SDOH, (2) hear from providers as to their SDOH initiatives, and (3) provoke attendees’ thinking about how their existing assets may be used to address SDOH in their communities.

Podcast Participants

Addison Bradford

Hall Render

Matt Paradiso

Hall Render

Ashley Brand

CommonSpirit Health

Patricia “Pia” Dean

Denver Health

Today, we’re preventing using existing healthcare assets to advance social determinants, presented by Hall Render attorneys Addison Bradford and Matt Paradiso.

Addison Bradford: Thank you and welcome everyone. As Julie mentioned, my name’s Addison Bradford and I’m an attorney at Hall Render within our real estate team, and my practice focuses on assisting healthcare providers with real estate transactions. Today, I’ll be moderating a panel discussion with three people. We have Pia Dean, who’s the chair of the board of directors for Denver Health, Ashley Brand, the system director for Community and Homeless Health or CommonSpirit Health, as well as my college Matt Paradiso who’s within our real estate section at Hall Render. I’ll give everybody on the panel a little bit of time to introduce themselves a little bit more, but just a few more logistics.

Addison Bradford: We plan for this webinar to be 45 minutes and it will have a conversational format. We will try to stick to that 45-minute timeline as best we can. If you have any questions, feel free to put them in the question-and-answer box and we’ll be happy to the extent we can weed them into our discussion. The goal of today’s webinars is threefold. It’s one to help our attendees have a better understanding of what social determinants of health are, hear from a couple of providers about their existing social determinants of health initiatives, specifically with regards to hospital assets, and then to just hopefully provoke everybody’s thinking about how hospitals, health systems and other providers and parties in the healthcare industry can use their assets to address social determinants of health in their communities.

Addison Bradford: Two quick plugs. The first is this will be the first in a series of webinars that will be hosted by our Hall Render real estate section hopefully on a monthly basis, but in the coming spring. Our next one is scheduled for Wednesday, January 27th at 1:00 pm Eastern Time, and that will be over the new normal for managing medical office space. And that will specifically focus on what hospitals and other medical office building operators are doing from a facility’s perspective to manage medical office space. My colleague Joel Swider will moderate the discussion with Julie Carmichael from Hall Render advisory service as a panelist as well as Mark Theine who is the executive vice president of asset management at Physicians Realty.

Addison Bradford: And now our real estate section puts out a monthly newsletter that’s free. So if you’d like to be on that newsletter going forward, feel free to message me or email me after this and we’ll be happy to get you added up. So well with those logistical issues taken care of, I’d like to welcome our panel. So Pia, Ashley and Matt, start with Ashley, we’ll go alphabetical. If you could just tell us a little bit about yourselves, about you and your involvement with social determinants of health.

Ashley Brand: Thank you Addison. Good morning and good afternoon depending on your timezone. My name is Ashley Brand. I am the system director for community and homeless health for CommonSpirit Health. For those who are not familiar, CommonSpirit Health was created by the alignment of Catholic Health Initiatives and Dignity Health as a single ministry in 2019. Our commitment to serve the common good is delivered through the dedicated work of 1000s of physicians advanced practice clinicians, through clinical excellence delivered across our system of 137 hospitals and more than 1000 care centers, serving 21 states, so we have a very broad footprint.

Ashley Brand: I started my career actually providing direct services to those experiencing homelessness on Skid Row in Los Angeles, California. And I have been in and involved with program management, implementation and evaluation for the last 13 plus years, with a real focus on serving those experiencing homelessness but also the larger vulnerable communities as a whole. I’ve been with Dignity Health for eight years. I started in their community health and outreach division for the Greater Sacramento area. And with the alignment between CHI and Dignity Health, we created a real focus on addressing housing insecurity and homelessness and creating a system wide strategy on how we address those social determinants of health focused around housing. Thank you for having me.

Matt Paradiso: Good afternoon. My name is Matt Paradiso and I’m an attorney in Hall Render’s Michigan office. Along with Addison, I’m in the firm’s health transactions practice group and I focus primarily on real estate transactions for hospitals and other health care providers across the United States. As it relates to addressing social determinants of health, my involvement in that area includes writing on the topic and observing how health systems are addressing these issues in practice.

Patricia Dean: And hello, my name is Pia Dean, thank you for having me. I am a healthcare attorney who spent all of my career at a firm in Denver called Holland and Hart. And during that time, I did an LLM, in health law, and fell in love with this concept of medical legal partnerships, which is just simply the idea of adding a pro bono attorney to a fully integrated medical team.

Patricia Dean: And that led to starting a medical legal partnership in Denver. And really what a medical legal partnership is intended to do is advance care management, or most specifically address social determinants of health. That has led us to expand in several different ways, including at Denver health. I’m also the Chair of the Board of Denver health, which is an anchor institution, it’s a safety net hospital, and a large number of FQHCS that serve a very, very vulnerable population. And as such, we are constantly looking at how social determinants of health and these social factors affect the health of our patients.

Addison Bradford: Great, well, thanks, everyone. Appreciate the introductions. Just to start off, social determinants of health is certainly a big buzzword these days. And it means a lot of things to a lot of people. So, Matt, I’m going to pitch this to you first, because you’re my colleague here, but when we talk about social determinants of health, what are we talking about? What do we mean?

Matt Paradiso: Sure, yeah. Thanks, Addison. When we’re talking about social determinants, we’re really talking about the non medical factors that influence health outcomes. So the World Health Organization defines social determinants of health as the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. And I came across a TED talk recently that was on social determinants of health. And it was presented by Randy Oostra, who’s the CEO and president of Promedica. Promedica is another institution that focuses a lot of efforts on social determinants. And in his TED Talk, he told this story about a young couple who just learned that they were having their first baby, and they went to the hospital to see their doctor for the first time, the OBGYN walks into the office where they meet the young couple, and he’s very concerned. And he says to them, “I’m worried about your baby’s diagnosis.” And the couple confused and startled, says, “Doctor, I don’t understand. It’s our first time seeing you, we just learned we’re having a baby. What do you mean you’re concerned?” And the doctor responds and says, “Well, your baby is a 43604.” And they say, “Well, that’s our zip code.” And he says, “Exactly.”

Matt Paradiso: So I think that story hits at the heart of it. And studies have shown that one’s zip code is a more powerful predictor of health than one’s genetic code. It’s interesting when you hear it like that, but when you start to think about it, it makes sense. It’s zip code tells where you were born, how you live your life, who your parents were the social and economic conditions of your life. And research has shown that social determinants account for substantially more of the variation in health outcomes than medical care does. Up to 50% of a person’s health and well being is based on social determinants. So social and economic factors, physical environment, et cetera, non medical factors, whereas medical care only accounts for up to 20% of a person’s health and well being. And the remaining 30% is shown to be on health behaviors.

Matt Paradiso: Some of the big areas of social determinants are housing, so homelessness, quality of housing, affordability, neighborhood. Others include transportation, food security, employment and education.

Addison Bradford: Yeah, Matt. That’s great information and good statistics. In addition to location, outside of population, what populations are … there are different populations of people that are more likely to face health issues arising out of social determinants of health?

Matt Paradiso: There are, yes. Yes, several different populations. One that comes to mind is homeless population. Studies show that those in the homeless population have emergency, excuse me, rates of emergency department use and inpatient hospitalization at rates that are three to four times higher than those of the average person.

Matt Paradiso: In 2017, the average emergency department visit, the cost of such was approximately $14,000 … $1400 excuse me. So the homeless population three to four times as much presumably suggests that this population has three to four times the amount of health issues. Other populations, low income, why income level shapes one’s overall living conditions, and that affects psychological functioning, influences health related behaviors, such as quality of diet, standard physical activity, tobacco, excessive alcohol use.

Matt Paradiso: Research has also shown a direct correlation between income and health. Almost 40% of those households making less than $23,000 a year reported being in poor or fair health. And that’s compared with households making more than $48,000 a year, only 12% reported being in poor or fair health. So there is correlation between income and one’s health and well being. And on the topic of low income, another quite startling statistic that was published by the Journal of the American Medical Association is that the difference in life expectancy between the highest 1% in income and the lowest 1% is about 15 years for men, and 10 years for women. And just to give that some context, that’s about the same life expectancy as smoking. So it’s startling statistics.

Addison Bradford: Yeah, it is startling. P and Ashley, you guys have had a hand in this throughout both of your careers thus far, how is the healthcare systems understanding and view of the importance of social determinants changed over the past decade or two?

Patricia Dean: Vastly. And it really started a lot with value based reimbursement. When we started realizing how important it was to keep our populations healthier, and it became a major step towards social determinants. For instance, our state Medicaid agency, is now funding things like medical legal partnerships. They’re interested in some of these housing efforts that we’re putting forth, because Medicaid understands that to make value based reimbursement work, you have to do more than just provide care. And as we move away from fee for service, and more into a PM type of system, it is in everyone’s best interest to address the entire patient and really population health. So there’s been a complete change as I’ve seen it, and it was partially the ACA, it was a lot of different things. But it’s really the understanding that a person’s health is, as Matt said, only minimally affected by the healthcare that they’re receiving. It really is these other social factors, which are going to be determinative.

Ashley Brand: Yeah. And I would just add, I think, even from our frontline staff in the hospitals, it’s a recognition from them that we can do as much in the clinical setting. But if those community partners and that collaborative approach to addressing a whole person is not there, it can be very fragmented. And so I think there’s a recognition of understanding the components that must be collaborative and part of the continuity of care to support these efforts. And I think one thing P and I discussed earlier was this is an ongoing iteration of work. There’s never going to be a point where we have a full understanding because things change so rapidly. COVID-19 is a perfect example where nothing’s new, but everything has been exacerbated. But the way we approach it has shifted, especially around those experiencing homelessness in our community. So I think there’s a better understanding, but our approach is going to constantly shift as we continue to improve our collaborative efforts to address the needs of the communities we serve.

Addison Bradford: Yeah, and there is a study recently published in the Journal of Health Affairs and that study analyzed in all new programs involving direct financial investments and social determinants by US health systems for a two year period spanning from January, 2017 through November, 2019. And that study identified 78 unique programs involving 57 different health systems. So that’s about 9.1% of all health systems in the United States. So I think what that tells us is that it’s not an overwhelming majority of health systems who are focused in this area yet, but what the study also showed is that those who do focus in this are making significant investments.

Addison Bradford: The study revealed that 2.5 billion of health system funds were invested in social determinant programs. And the study also broke down the specific categories where health system focused, the largest being the housing area, 1.6 billion, employment was second, 1.1, and so on and so forth. So I think the takeaway there is health systems are starting to recognize these issues. And when they do, they realize how much social determinants really affect someone’s health and well being and they’re making sizable investments.

Patricia Dean: No. Well, I’ll make this really quick. I spend a lot of time working with young residents and medical school students, and the thinking has changed so much that I now see in this generation that’s coming up, a group that says, I will not be satisfied until I can write a prescription for food and a prescription for housing. And so that’s how much there’s been a change in the thinking and the approach that they want to be able to take with their patients.

Ashley Brand: And I was just going to add, I think the exciting part of this work is the ability for health systems and a variety of partners to come together and really create system transformation in this work. The more we work together, the more we partner, the more we’re engaging with our community partners, engaging with those with lived experiences, the better we’re going to create a solution for a variety of different factors that are falling within social determinants of health. But this is an opportunity. And what excites me is when we bring stakeholders together and we break down some of the competitive nature that we often have to address the community need. We are partnering with funders together, [inaudible 00:17:31] homelessness to create a national health system funders for housing justice, which is exactly that bringing health systems together to create a shared agenda and prioritization on how we create an action focused effort moving forward to address housing and insecurity and homelessness, so that it’s really exciting in that factor that we’re coming together to respond.

Addison Bradford: I agree. On the topic of housing and partners, Ashley, who are the types of partners you traditionally work with? And what makes a good partner in this area?

Ashley Brand: I think that question has so many different answers. We want to partner with everyone. We want to partner with other health systems on a national level, we want to partner with other health systems in our local markets, really engaging around housing with the affordable housing developers, the community organizations that are providing frontline services, our homeless continuum of care, understanding the mechanism in which the local CLC or the continuum of care operates, understanding how coordinated entry works, as we look at chronicity of those experiencing homelessness that are moving into housing, versus medical vulnerability of the individuals that we’re serving. So I think it’s really creating space for everyone to be at the table. Trust is a key component of that work. We have to understand and build trust before we can move forward in a collaborative manner. And oftentimes, that takes just meeting normally in person, obviously, virtually right now and breaking down stigmas, breaking down any barriers, creating shared language, oftentimes, there’s a disconnect between the verbiage we use in healthcare, the verbiage that our homeless service providers use, and our affordable housing developers.

Ashley Brand: And so coming together with that collective vision, and then moving that forward into implementation and operation, I think, to me has really been the key in building these collaborative processes. But it’s also thinking outside the box. What opportunities are out there that we haven’t thought of? And how again do we have individuals with lived experiences at the table helping create those solutions?

Addison Bradford: Ashley on this point, we have a question from one of our participants. What are some of the legal barriers and challenges to working with your community partners and with government or privately funded social assistance partners?

Ashley Brand: I think oftentimes it can start with sharing data. So it’s really working through the legal components of covered versus non covered entities in which we share and how we share data and working through that workflow. But there hasn’t been a time where we haven’t been able to overcome that opportunity. I would say with the government side, the challenges is when there’s an internal system. So if the counties are running the local continuums of care, and there’s a local county hospital, trying to figure out how a nonprofit hospital can be supportive of that work is something that we, from CommonSpirit Health are still trying to figure out. But I think understanding the workflow, understanding the services that are in place and how individuals are referred to what programs, is a good starting place, but the data sharing and the referral process has been challenges, but I want to say barriers that have kept us from moving forward in some of these collaborative processes.

Addison Bradford: On this topic of partnerships, we discussed at a more macro level thus far about social determinants of health. Yeah, I know the Denver health has a housing initiative that’s been in place for a couple of years now. Could you maybe tell us more about that program and how keen to be.

Ashley Brand: Sure. We have a relatively large campus, there was a building that we do not need to use. And so we entered into a partnership with the Denver Housing Authority, whereby we’re redeveloping it, which has been a long process because it’s filled with [inaudible 00:21:58]. So it’s taken some time. But the goal is to make it into transitional housing with specifically for …. two floors will be specifically for patients who have tasked medical necessity who are impatient at Denver Health, but have nowhere to go. And so the idea is we don’t want to return anyone to homelessness. So, that will be transitional housing. But that led to other interesting initiatives and ideas.

Ashley Brand: One of the things that we’ve been dealing with is the fact that we have a number of our employees, we have 7500 employees who do not make a living wage. And we’re really doing several initiatives to try to get all of our employees to living wage, and some of that is career pathways and career ladders, but we’re also looking at a program that we’re going to work on with Elevate Land Trust in the Gary Trust, which would allow us to start with 500 families, 250 of which are employees of Denver Health, and over a five year period tried to pull them out of poverty and into home ownership. Ultimately, we feel like the goal has got to be home ownership, because that’s where wealth is built. So that program runs along the lines of identifying these 500 families, and then helping them with a down payment and rent assistance where necessary, but even a down payment to buy that will then forgive over a period of years.

Ashley Brand: The other major project that we’re looking at is another building on the Denver Health campus, which is an old building, but it has good bones. And I think the feeling is that it should be turned into a low cost housing to try to deal with homelessness.

Addison Bradford: And Ashley, I know we only talked in our initial call, I know we talked to CommonSpirit taking a similar approach with the housing with dignity program, although it’s not using an existing asset but an asset of a third party. Can you tell us about that program?

Ashley Brand: Yeah, so our housing with dignity program developed in 2014 in partnership with Lutheran Social Services, and it really focuses and aims to assist homeless individuals with severe chronic health and mental health issues, obtain and retain housing, care and services designed to achieve stability in their lives. The process is that through our hospital case managers, we work directly with Lutheran Social Services staff to identify participants who will be housed in supportive stabilization apartments and receive intensive case management supportive services. And these are individual apartments that are master lease by Lutheran Social Services. Purpose of the program is to provide up to six months of transitional supportive housing to individuals experiencing homelessness and resulting in reduced hospitalization, identification of permanent supportive housing and or independent housing for the individuals.

Ashley Brand: And it really is a collaborative process recognizing many of our programs were focused more on a shorter period of time, 30 to 45 days. And unfortunately, there’s been a decrease in funding for transitional housing. But some of these individuals needed a little bit longer length of time to get stabilized if they needed behavioral health services, including substance use services. This is a low barrier program for individuals who are interested in moving into housing. This program has been expanded in 2016. We started with five apartments and expanded to 15. And the recognition is that through our partners that are able to work through the processes, I get identification, if they don’t have it, work on income, help with obtaining coverage, if they don’t have it already, or linkage to a primary care provider. And during that time, also getting them ready to move into a more permanent solution.

Ashley Brand: What’s unique about this program is because they are master leased apartments, oftentimes an individual can move from our program, housing with dignity, into their own permanent housing without actually moving in our apartment. So we can use that apartment and transition them into multiple programs, which allows them to create consistency. But it’s also a program where we meet the individuals where they’re at. A story I often share is one of the individuals that was referred to the program, I believe it was about two or three weeks that they slept on the porch outside because they weren’t comfortable sleeping inside. But it was also about meeting them where they’re at and developing that safety, that comfortability of moving inside. And eventually they did. But we want to allow the individual to move at their own pace.

Ashley Brand: This is really focused on establishing individual goals led by the individual we’re serving. And so they’re developing what their priorities are, and we’re moving with them. And I think as a health system, this is really where collaboration is so critical, finding those community partners who are able to engage with the individuals and the participants in the program, understand their needs and help work through that process together. It’s been a great program. The reality is individuals are very ill. So we do see a decrease in hospital inpatient and length of stay, but we also recognize that as they find housing, some of their illnesses actually tend to exacerbate because they’re not in this flight or fight mode anymore. And now they’re addressing these long term chronic illnesses that they hadn’t been able to address early on. But for them to have a roof over their head, have a safe place to receive services and a plan to move in permanent supportive housing has been really successful.

Addison Bradford: We’ve talked about creating these opportunities, but I imagine it’s also difficult identifying the populations that are served by these housing opportunities. I think it’s probably difficult to ask somebody specifically about their living situation as it could be a very sensitive conversation with the patient. Ashley and Pia, how has Denver Health and CommonSpirit worked to identify patients and other people within your communities that would be served by this?

Patricia Dean: That’s a really critical piece. I think that every health system should be doing a social questionnaire, if you will, there’s ICD-10 codes now for homelessness. It’s available in Epic, it’s available in eClinicalWorks. There has to be a screening upfront for social risk factors. And it’s no different than checking for whether people smoke or consume too much alcohol, or have a gun in the house. It becomes as important to say identifying food insecurity and housing insecurity. So we’re not finding it hard to identify these people. We’re not. And we’re using a mobile band to go out and work with people who are living in the homeless community outdoors. And so that’s another way to identify folks. So we’re not finding it as hard to identify who needs help. It’s just a matter of providing all the help that’s needed.

Ashley Brand: Yeah, and the only thing I would add to that we are working, as we have aligned and have a large footprint creating consistency around those types of screenings. I think it is a sensitive topic that some people don’t feel comfortable sharing. So I think one of the challenges that we have is they might not disclose that they’re experiencing homelessness up front, but throughout their time in the hospital, either in the ED or inpatient setting, it does come out that maybe they’re couchsurfing or they’re living in their car. But I think them recognizing what homelessness includes, is something that we want to both educate our clinical teams that are asking these types of questions, but also empowering the individuals that it’s a safe place for them to share some of the challenges that they’re experiencing.

Ashley Brand: I think the one thing that we are really interested in doing a better job is around housing insecurities. Because we’re oftentimes not asking, are you behind on your rent? And I think if we are really looking at this work, addressing both the homelessness side and the housing insecurity side is really critical. Otherwise, we’re going to see the inflow into homelessness just as much as we’re contributing to those moving out of homelessness. And so I think having both sides is going to be extremely important.

Addison Bradford: How are a lot of these projects funded and it looks like we have a question from our audience, specifically, what type of government assistance is available for these programs?

Ashley Brand: Pia, you want to go with the government one?

Patricia Dean: Sure, I’d love to. I didn’t want to keep interrupting you Ashley, I’m sorry. We’re finding that the government is getting easier and easier to deal with, as I mentioned before, especially Medicaid agencies. Now there’s, of course limitations, but there really is an understanding that these social risk factors play a very important part in health. And one of the things that is important is to be able to measure both objectively and subjectively how people are doing with increased interventions. And we’ve been able to pull that data together in a way that we’ve been able to say to our state Medicaid agency, we can reduce the number of ED visits, we can reduce the number of days in hospital, we can reduce the number of missed appointments, we can reduce the number of days of missed work. Not only that, but people report feeling better, being more compliant with medications and being able to look for ways to sustain themselves in a more effective way.

Patricia Dean: So I think that the governmental funders are becoming much more interested in doing this, I think starting with state Medicaid agencies is really important. But I know our own legislature is interested in finding ways to fund things like medical legal partnerships, they’ve opened an office of public guardianship, which is huge and can be very, very helpful. So it’s getting easier. There are some legal barriers to all of these kinds of issues, but I think that the governmental involvement is becoming easier to accomplish.

Ashley Brand: Yeah, and I think a lot of our partners are receiving government assistance. And from CommonS1pirit, it’s kind of how do we fill some of those gaps? And in terms of funding, we do have grant funds, smaller amount that we do provide around housing. One model that we’re looking at in rural community in California is scattered site permanent housing. So partnering with a small, affordable housing developer where they’re actually purchasing homes, remodeling them and then creating shared housing in which housing choice vouchers can be used. And we’re providing the funding to purchase the house and then the housing choice vouchers are able to support the operating cost on that. We also have social innovation grants. But one of the main things that we’ve had historically and since 1990s, our Community Investment Program, and it provides below market interest rate loans to organizations to improve the health and quality of life in their communities.

Ashley Brand: This includes resources to organizations that support projects of housing, access to jobs, food and education and health care for people of low income communities and helping the most vulnerable. Right now the portfolio is to support over 114 community investments and 165-170 million in approved loans. And around housing in fiscal year 20, they’ve approved 12 loans for a total of 27.7 million, leveraging 101 million in funding and supporting the development of 368 affordable housing units. And those community investment loans oftentimes are in collaboration with government funds that are coming and other investors at the table. So I think we’re trying to pull really all the different resources we have. But it’s also again, going back to the partnership with other health systems is, how do we leverage our collective resources to invest in the community?

Addison Bradford: Okay, you mentioned some interesting analytics about days missed from work, what other measurements do we have for measuring the effectiveness of these programs? And for any health care providers that are looking at potentially implementing social determinants of health initiatives? Are there realistic goals that they can set based off those metrics?

Patricia Dean: I think that there are realistic goals. So now we’re out of my expertise. But I work with epidemiologists on this. And so they use all validated measures, and whether it’s [inaudible 00:35:57], or short form, the SP nine or six, there are multiple validated measures that we can use. One of the things that we’re experimenting with and starting to play with is this idea of looking at the number of kids with an EAP. Yeah, there’s lots of different metrics. But I think that is the key, is to keep measuring what you are doing and what you’re trying to put forward, so that we have ideas about effectiveness.

Ashley Brand: Yeah, and I would just add, I think the evaluation piece, understanding it and defining success up front is such a critical component of it. What type of measurements do you want to see improve or do you want to measure over time to determine if a program is successful or not? I think from a housing perspective, if we’re looking at referrals from health systems, there’s two components of it. There’s the internal component of utilization. So doing a pre and post survey of either six months to a year around hospital admissions, length of stay, ET visits, and understanding the pre and post of that. And like I mentioned, it is important to understand that sometimes, you actually see an increase in utilization, but it’s more appropriate utilization and a shorter length of stay, because they do have a place to reside to come back to.

Ashley Brand: But also from a community perspective and what we really look at and partner in with our organizations is, what type of information is important to collect to show the community impact? Looking at overall impact around law enforcement, other types of services that they may have been utilizing, but no longer need once they’re permanently housed. Linkages and successful appointments with their primary care providers, follow up with behavioral health, follow up with any type of legal services required, ensuring that they’re completing their applications for any type of benefits they may be eligible for, and then the linkage to any other resources. So I think we want to look at both sides when we identify these programs, but that’s more focused on housing. I think as Pia mentioned, there’s a lot of different metrics to measure, but you really have to understand that upfront. Otherwise, trying to do it on the back end, I think is what causes a lot of programs not to maintain funding, because they haven’t thought through that process.

Addison Bradford: Great. So we’re getting close to our time here. So I want to make sure I ask this question to you all. Denver Health and CommonSpirit certainly I would consider leaders in this area, and I’m not just saying that. But what would you say to a hospital or a health system that desires to develop or structure an initiative or program to address social determinants of health? What advice would you give them?

Ashley Brand: Well, it’s interesting because a question just came up about the hospital community health needs assessments. And I think that’s a great place to start. Identifying the needs in the community is assuming that you really take a proactive community participation approach of those focus groups and engaging the community in identifying your priorities within your community health needs assessment. But I think that’s a first place to approach. It identifies the priorities that maybe your community members have already identified. I think it’s having these conversations with community organizations of what resources exist, and where there’s gaps in services.

Ashley Brand: I think it’s really important not to go in with this as a solution we’re going to create because oftentimes, you’re the duplicating or you’re fragmenting the local continuum of care. So taking the time to understand the needs and then building the partnerships so that the workflow makes sense, you can see the seamless transitions of care from one resource to another for the population you’re serving. And I think it’s okay to start small. Every health system has a different portfolio of investments and what that looks like. But starting small and building that understanding, building the business case, engaging leadership, and engaging your clinical teams, I think are all part of that process to create a sustainable program that’s integrated within the culture of the organization.

Patricia Dean: I agree completely. The health needs assessment is a great place to start to understand what’s going on in your community. And then figuring out what’s out there and who you need to be talking to is key. And then creating those relationships. Ashley mentioned trust earlier. It is a matter of building trust amongst the different community members, and an understanding of who is doing what and how we can build on what each other is doing. And I would urge any system, if they say we can’t go straight into housing, transitional housing or something else, to start where they can, working with food banks, working with entities that can help people get all of the benefits that they are entitled to, which they often are not getting. How many times we hear people say, “I’m not getting my SNAP benefits because X, Y, or Z.” And so I try to attack housing and homelessness in a number of different ways.

Patricia Dean: In Colorado, we have very poor housing laws. So somebody may come and say, “My housing is inadequate or substandard.” And the concept is, can we work around it other ways? Can we find a way to improve their income basis? Can we work with a program to get them a job, there’s a wonderful agency here called Activate, which basically helps people get jobs and then works with them for a year. And so I would say to a hospital, find an entity like that and agree to hire 50 people from an entity like that, in your own institution. The Activate group here, 58% of the people who are now employed, have experienced homelessness within the last year. So there’s lots of different approaches to work the problem. And it is wherever you feel comfortable starting, but I would encourage everyone to go ahead and start small, medium, you’ve got to start somewhere, and it makes a huge difference. And then once you start realizing what the partnerships can bring, it just expands us.

Ashley Brand: Well, great, thank you, everyone. We’re butting up against our time. We appreciate your time, and certainly the conversation has been enlightening from my standpoint. Just for everyone who’s listening, an audio of this webinar will be available in the coming weeks that will be shareable and public. So if there’s any information you need from there, it’ll be available. Also, if you have any questions about any of the items discussed [inaudible 00:43:15] or I just want to have a dialogue about some of those conversations, feel free to contact us. And with that in mind, I’ll kick it back to Julie to wrap us up.

Thanks, Addison. Thanks to all of our speakers actually, for today’s webinar. It was really insightful. If you’re interested in learning any more about any of the topics discussed today, please reach out to any of the speakers. You’ll see their contact information on the screen here or visit our website at any time

The Post-Election Outlook for Health Care – A Conversation with John Williams

The Post-Election Outlook for Health Care – A Conversation with John Williams 

Hall Render attorneys John Williams and Libby Park discuss the post-election outlook for health care. John is a shareholder based out of Hall Render’s Washington, DC office, and he provides his thoughts on the following topics: President-elect Biden’s regulatory agenda, the COVID special package, release of the Stark and Anti-Kickback final rules, the future of the 340B Drug Pricing Program, and more. Learn about John’s background for the first few minutes of the podcast, after which we jump into health care specific questions.

Podcast Participants

Libby Park

Attorney, Hall Render

John Williams

Attorney, Hall Render

Libby Park: Hello, everyone and welcome to the Healthcare Real Estate Advisor podcast. I’m Libby Park, an attorney with Hall Render, the largest healthcare focused law firm in the country. Today we will be speaking with John Williams. John is an attorney with Hall Render and based out of our Washington, D.C. office. I consider John a resource on all things healthcare related at the federal level.

Libby Park: Today we’ll talk with John about the post-election outlook for healthcare in the United States. John is a seasoned veteran in the healthcare industry and he has a great story to tell us today about his career and also what’s happening in D.C.

Libby Park: John, thanks for joining me today.

John Williams: Great to be with you, Libby.

Libby Park: John, before we talk about the post-election outlook, let’s talk about your background. Tell us where you’re from, where you went to school and what you aspired to be.

John Williams: Well, born in Indianapolis, Indiana, raised in Galveston, Texas until I was 16, back to Indianapolis where I finished high school and then went to Embry-Riddle University in Daytona Beach, Florida where I intended to be a commercial airline pilot.

John Williams: When I got out of college in 1992 the airline industry had suffered a number of bankruptcies. Pan Am, Eastern, Midway had all gone out of business and you couldn’t find a flying job and so I ended up looking elsewhere and meandered my way into politics, like so many young people before me and after me.

John Williams: Somebody said to me, “You need to go to work on a political campaign.” And so I ended going to work for the mayor of Indianapolis, who at the time was Steve Goldsmith and my job was to drive Steve around and be what they refer to as his body guy. So I did that, bounced around with some other campaigns, did some work at the Indiana State House and then eventually when Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 1994, subsequent to that I went to Washington.

John Williams: Again, like many before and after me who had done campaign work and then ended up making their way to D.C. So I worked on Capitol Hill as a Congressional staffer, mostly at the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, where I served as the press secretary, but I also served a policy role for the chairman of the committee. So in that role I covered issues like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and that was my first real, real taste of healthcare policy.

Libby Park: So then how did you transition into more fully focused healthcare work.

John Williams: I went to law school in Washington at night while I lobbied during the day for the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. So my parents were thrilled that I was actually using my undergraduate degree for something. It came to the point, as for many lawyers, where you have to decide where you’re going to take the bar exam and I realized that if I took the bar exam in Virginia where I was living that I was going to stay in D.C. probably for the rest of my life.

John Williams: And so I was engaged at the time and really in transition and used that as the opportunity to come back to Indiana. And my initial course in Washington at that point had run and I was ready to go and I was done with politics at that point. And so I moved back to Indianapolis, got married and started at Hall Render and that would have been in 2003. I started at Hall Render as a litigator doing medical malpractice and other healthcare defense work, largely because that was as far away from politics that I could humanly get myself, which was my desire at that point.

John Williams: But politics is like the Mafia, in that you never really get out and so along the way I did some things like when Mitch Daniels was elected governor of Indiana I ran the transition for the Indiana State Department of Health for Mitch. We had a Republican mayor in Indianapolis get elected at one point, Greg Ballard, and I helped to the transition of the mayor’s office for him. So I stayed active here and there.

John Williams: And then it just so happened that about eight and a half years into it I had actually made shareholder and it interestingly coincided with the time that Mitch Daniels was deciding not to run for President of the United States, which a lot of us had expected him to do, and had become somewhat invested in that idea. That coincided with the leadership change at Hall Render where John Render retired and Bill Thompson became the chairman, John Ryan became the president and we instituted a growth strategy that happened to include opening an office in Washington.

John Williams: So I decided to take on the task of opening a Washington, D.C. office and dived back into healthcare policy and that’s where I’ve been ever since.

Libby Park: I am learning a lot about you today as well, John, because you have a very interesting background. Before we jump into our specific healthcare topics I have a very important question, do you still fly planes?

John Williams: I do. As a matter of fact. I belong to a flying club in Indianapolis and still fly somewhere between 30 and 50 hours a year. So that’s one thing that I have not given up on.

Libby Park: Great. Well, thanks, John, for sharing about your background. Let’s jump into some topics that we would like to cover today. So as of the recording of this podcast Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the election and is poised to become the 46th President of the U.S. Can you tell us what the atmosphere is like in D.C. with this recent news?

John Williams: I keep telling myself that I’m not going to use the word unprecedented any more but it’s 2020 and all that so it’s hard not to. The atmosphere in D.C. today is really unlike any other in history because of the pandemic.

John Williams: For people who do what I do, being on Capitol Hill, meeting with members and staff, being in Congressional offices and hearing rooms is vital but Capitol Hill’s been closed to the public for months, I think since March, and D.C. as a whole has almost become a ghost town, almost like New York. So D.C. is unlike any other time that anyone can really remember.

John Williams: As far as the transition goes, on the one hand you’ve got an incoming administration that’s doing all the typical things that an incoming administration does, making Cabinet appointments, making White House staff appointments, putting things in place to take office in January.

John Williams: And then on the other hand, you’ve got an outgoing administration that’s refusing, to a large extent, to accept the results of the election, which again is unprecedented. So you’ve got that playing out on one side and then on the other side you’ve got President-elect Biden who’s doing all the things that you traditionally do to put a new administration into place.

Libby Park: Let’s jump to another topic. On November 20th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, CMS and the Office of Inspector General released long awaited Final Rules under the Federal Stark Anti-Kickback and Civil Monetary Penalties Laws. What’s been the response in Washington to the release of these Final Rules?

John Williams: The response has been great and we’re thrilled as a law firm for that. One of the first things that we did when we opened our office in Washington, D.C. was undertake an effort to reform Stark and eight years ago we would travel to Capitol Hill to have meetings with congressional staff and say, “Hi, we’re here to talk about the Stark Law.” We would get this deer-in-headlights look because Stark, as everyone who’s probably listening to this knows, is so convoluted and it’s so confusing.

John Williams: In the time since then we’ve had some success in terms of getting some changes to Stark made. From a regulatory perspective in the 2016 physician fee schedule we were successful in getting some changes there as far as the writing requirements are concerned and some other technical issues. And then we were able to get those changes codified into the statute, subsequently to that in 2018.

John Williams: So Stark is something that we’ve been working on for a long time and when this administration came in and Seema Verma became administrator of CMS, because she’s from Indiana and so many of us have known her for so long, we jumped at the opportunity to encourage her to take on Stark reform and so she in fact asked us to prepare recommendations for her on what they should consider pursuing and so we did.

John Williams: And those things included things like defining commercial reasonableness or what it means to take into account and creating a rebuttable presumption for fair market value. So we were thrilled to see CMS take a lot of this stuff into consideration. Rebuttable presumption, they obviously did not but the reception so far to what’s been produced has been great. We’re thrilled that they’re able to get it out the door before this administration ends and the response, I think from the industry has been favorable and the response on Capitol Hill’s been favorable.

John Williams: We’ve had members of Congress from both parties praise the administration’s work on Stark and anti-kickbacks. So it’s been great. It’s been great. Now as you well know they’re both long and very convoluted and confusing so we’re still working through it and we may not be as thrilled once we are able to analyze the details of it. But, no, to this point we’re really pleased.

Libby Park: Okay, great. Well thank you for that update. I know that Hall Render has been digesting and processing those rules since they came out and hosted a webinar yesterday in a round table format that discussed these Final Rules and if any listeners of the podcast are interested in that webinar it is available on our website at So take a look at that.

Libby Park: And, John, can you tell us about the COVID special package? What is this and what should we expect from this?

John Williams: Yeah, there’s two things that are happening right now as far as legislation on Capitol Hill is concerned. One, funding for the federal government expires on December 11th. Congress funds the federal government on an annual basis and the last funding legislation expires on December 11th. So Congress must renew that or else we begin to default on our loans and a whole lot of other nasty things happen. So they’ve got to deal with that on the one hand.

John Williams: The other thing is obviously COVID relief and what are they going to do and that has been in a real big stalemate for weeks, even since the election there hasn’t been a lot of action on COVID. That’s changed significantly in just the last 48 hours. And so in the last 48 hours obviously we know that government funding has got to get done and appropriators on the Capitol Hill are working through that right now.

John Williams: We don’t know what the funding levels for each federal agency are going to be. We know that some things might get added to that, non-COVID related. For example, there’s talk about trying to put surprise medical billing legislation into the year end package. I know people are lobbying for that. I don’t think they’re going to be successful because there still isn’t consensus in the House of Representatives on what that should be but I just want to let everybody know that it is out there.

John Williams: But what we’re now hearing in the last 48 hours is that the leadership on Capitol Hill wants to use the government funding bill as a vehicle, what we call a vehicle, to put all the COVID relief language into. And so what you’ve seen this week is you’ve seen different pockets come out with their own COVID proposals. So for example, on the one hand, Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell has rereleased really what the Senate passed back in September with some adjustments to funding levels for things like unemployment insurance and PPP. He’s tweaked those a little bit but otherwise it essentially remains the same.

John Williams: What everybody is really talking about in the last 24 hours is this bipartisan group of senators and also members of what’s called the House Problem Solvers Caucus, which is 50 members from both parties in the House. They have come together and reached the framework of a deal that would provide $980 billion in COVID relief and that would be spread out in a lot of different areas. Again, it’s the framework right now. So Washington is very much a the devil is in the details type of place so we’re really not going to know where they are until they reduce it to what we call legislative language. They put it in bill form.

John Williams: But right now they’re talking about an extra $300 a week add-on for unemployment insurance, which is lower than the $600 that’s been in existence for quite some time. More money for PPP, a temporary liability shield, which I know a lot of hospitals and other providers are interested in as well as a whole bunch of different industries. $50 billion for vaccine distribution. We’re also hearing that there’s $35 billion in there that would go into the CARES Act provider relief fund.

John Williams: So in other words, more money for hospitals. Now, that’s in the Problem Solvers Caucus bill, this bipartisan proposal. I can’t even call it a bill because it’s not a bill yet. That’s in there. That’s not in McConnell’s proposal. And then on the other hand, we’ve got Speaker Pelosi talking to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin about a deal between them and the White House. So there’s a lot of moving parts to all of this but I think what I can say is we’re seeing more action on COVID relief in the last 48 hours than we’ve seen in the last month.

John Williams: And there’s a recognition in Washington that they’ve got to get something done and no group of people play chicken more than the members of Congress. That’s why everything gets done at the last second. So as I sit right now I think there is a good chance that you’re going to see targeted COVID relief be part of the year-end spending bill that gets passed on December 11th.

John Williams: But I could be wrong. God knows I have been before so…

Libby Park: Well we never know until we know, right?

John Williams: Right. Exactly. Exactly.

Libby Park: Interesting. Well, let’s shift then to a hospital focus. You said potentially this Problem Solvers bill could have earmarked $35 billion towards hospitals, maybe something like the CARES Act type funding that we’ve seen but what should hospitals expect even up … not necessarily through December 11th or in the coming weeks but in the next few years as the administration changes and a second question on that, what is the future of the 340B drug pricing program?

John Williams: So in terms of the Biden administration’s healthcare priorities and Capitol Hill are concerned it’s going to come down to what happens in the Georgia run-offs in January. There are two seats that need to be filled out from there. If Republicans hold at least one of those two seats, which I expect that they will at least one, perhaps two, they’ll keep control of the Senate. Republican control of the Senate means things like Medicare for All, adding a public option to the ACA, the Green New Deal, things that President-elect Biden talked about a lot on the campaign trail are complete non-starters. They’re not going to happen.

John Williams: Republicans in the Senate will never go for that. So the focus then shifts to what a Biden administration can do from a regulatory perspective and that is going to focus a lot right out of the gate on undoing a lot of what the Trump administration has done from a regulatory perspective. I think one of the first things … well, the first thing that you’re going to see happen because it happens in every administration is the incoming Chief of Staff, who in this case is Ron Klein, is going to issue a memorandum to all federal agencies instructing them to freeze work on any unfinished rule.

John Williams: So that’s going to take place first. So if something isn’t done by that point then it’s going to get frozen. And when I say done, it means that there’s got to be a certain amount of time too for implementation that has to pass. So if that clock hasn’t run then that’s going to be a problem for a lot of unfinished rules. And again, every administration does that.

John Williams: The second thing I think you’re going to see happen is that Biden is going to do what Trump did in terms of going to the Oval Office on the day that he’s sworn in and start issuing some executive orders and I think that one of the first executive orders you’re going to see is going to be directed at what’s going to be his biggest priority and that’s shoring up the ACA. So I think you’re going to see Biden issue an executive order that reopens enrollment for the Affordable Care Act.

John Williams: My understanding is that closes on December 15th but Biden can use the public health emergency as an excuse, a reason, justification for issuing an executive order to immediately reopen enrollment for the Affordable Care Act. So there’s one thing that he could do. He could also start using the public health emergency to direct monies to things like increased marketing for enrollment, funding navigators to help with enrollment. These are things that the Trump administration drained money from. They didn’t market enrollment. It was their way of trying to starve the ACA to death.

John Williams: So you’re going to see Biden reverse those. One of the interesting things that people are talking about is whether or not he can actually move money around from different federal agencies to do things like increase subsidies for the ACA without having to go to Congress in order to do that or even to go through the rule making process to do that and I think you’re going to see the Biden administration look to some of the Trump administration moves for around things like the border wall where the Trump administration moved money around internally from agency to agency in order to fund construction of the border wall because Congress wouldn’t fund it.

John Williams: So I think you’re going to see the Biden administration use that precedent to try to do things like increase subsidies. Beyond that, actions to reverse other Trump administration regulations are going to have to go through the traditional rule making process. So that means notice and comment, that means it takes time, right? That could take up to a year in some cases.

John Williams: So if you want to talk about things like reversing the funding cuts for Planned Parenthood or other abortion providers, rolling back the contraception mandate coverage stuff from the ACA, the anti-discrimination rules for transgender patients, even eliminating the Medicaid work requirements in some states, which were done under waiver, that’s going to take time if they want to try to reverse those things.

John Williams: So the Biden administration is going to have their hands full from an administrative standpoint undoing what they want to undo from the Trump administration. So that’s where the focus is going to be and it could be for the first couple of years. Beyond that, what they want to do from a regulatory perspective is a guessing game right now because nobody really knows because there’s just so much to do in terms of rolling back the Trump administration’s regulations.

Libby Park: Okay. Well, thanks for your thoughts on that and definitely sounds like there is a lot to do. I know that some of our listeners are likely pretty interested in the future of the 340B Drug Pricing Program.

John Williams: Right.

Libby Park: Do you have any intel on what may be happening with that in the short term and the long term?

John Williams: Well, I think as a general rule the Biden administration is going to be much more favorable to 340B than the Trump administration has been. It’s no secret in Washington that pharma hates 340B and they took advantage of the, I guess, if you will, pro business position of the Trump administration to try to really do damage to the 340B Program and you saw that with significant cuts to 340B and in other regulatory actions.

John Williams: So I think that 340B entities can feel more comfortable that they’re not going to get additional cuts from a Biden administration. They could see a rollback of some of the cuts that were made by the Trump administration and just a general overall positive attitude or more positive attitude towards 340B. It’s a controversial issue on Capitol Hill too. The overall growth of the program in the last 10 years has gotten an awful lot of attention.

John Williams: So I think you’re still going to see folks in Washington looking at issues like transparency within 340B Program. “Where does your money go?” I know that we’ve gotten that question a lot from members of Congress when we would go to the Hill to represent our 340B clients. Simply, “Tell me where your money goes? Where does the money go? What do you spend the money on?” I don’t think that’s going to go away necessarily but I think that the Biden administration is going to be much, much less likely to propose additional cuts to 340B.

Libby Park: Okay. Thanks for your thoughts on that, John. And do you foresee any additional challenges or restrictions in regard to physician owned hospitals?

John Williams: This is another controversial issue in Washington. I know that we saw some relaxing of the rules, right, in … during COVID, during the pandemic. Let me put it to you this way, when Republicans controlled the White house, the House and the Senate, if they were not able to roll back the moratorium on physician owned hospitals I don’t know how it’s going to happen otherwise.

John Williams: American Hospital Association and a whole host of others are adamantly opposed to that. It is a huge issue for them and they will lobby hard against any rollback of that moratorium. And that moratorium you’ve got to remember, right, it was part of the ACA. So Democrats are not in favor of rolling back physician owned hospital moratoriums. So unfortunately for folks in that sector I really don’t see any changes coming. That train left the station when Republicans were in control and they didn’t get it even done.

Libby Park: Okay. I’ve got a couple more topics here, two more questions I’d like to ask you, John.

John Williams: Sure.

Libby Park: So have you heard anything on the life sciences front and do you anticipate there will be more or less funding from the National Institutes of Health?

John Williams: Everything is going to focus around the pandemic, right, and so NIH is one of those entities in Washington that’s as much as anything can be noncontroversial because lawmakers can make anything controversial these days, it’s NIH and NIH has really had fairly broad support amongst both parties for quite a long time.

John Williams: When we’ve seen healthcare funding bills come out of Capitol Hill you see cuts to site neutral payments and these other things but for some reason, not for some reason, for the reason that people like the NIH on Capitol Hill, it gets more money.

John Williams: So I do think that you’re going to see more money go into NIH during a Biden administration. I think there’s a lot of support for that and so you’re going to see much more of the life sciences get support as well.

Libby Park: Will there be ACA challenges under a conservative majority court?

John Williams: Well, I think one of the things that you’re going to see and this happens with the change of any administration, right, is that you’re going to have new folks at the Department of Justice and how DOJ goes about participating in ACA related lawsuits is going to change. When the Trump administration came in and it was a Republican Department of Justice they took a different position. There were lawsuits they were pursuing that they just dropped because it didn’t serve their political purposes any more.

John Williams: So you’re going to see a Democratic, democratically run DOJ do the same thing as far as the ACA is concerned. They’re not going to take any litigation position that’s going to undermine the ACA. Now, what Republican Attorneys Generals across the country are going to do could be a different story. We all know that there was oral argument before the court last month, no one really believes that the ACA is going to be taken down in its entirety. It’s much more of a political issue that was both put out during the campaign. We should get that opinion next year.

John Williams: So it’s really going to be up to Republicans at the state level to decide what lawsuits go forward against the ACA and that might reach the Supreme Court because the Democrats are not going to do it. It’s long been a political issue and I don’t see Democrats doing anything that is going to undermine that in the future. So I would be surprised if we get much more ACA related legislation, or excuse me litigation before the Supreme Court in the next four years.

Libby Park: Okay. Well thanks for your thoughts on that as well, John. I feel like we’ve covered a lot of ground today and I’ve learned a lot and I know you have a wealth of knowledge so thanks so much for sharing it with me and with our listeners today.

Libby Park: For folks that tuned in if you would like to pick John’s brain or my brain please feel free to reach out to us. John’s email is and mine is And as always, if you have any topics you’d like to hear covered on the podcast please feel free to email me directly.

Libby Park: Thanks for your time today, John, and thanks to our listeners for tuning in.

An Interview with David Auerbach, Institutional Trader, World Equity Group

An Interview with David Auerbach, Institutional Trader, World Equity Group

An Interview with David Auerbach, Institutional Trader, World Equity Group. In this interview, Andrew Dick interviews David Auerbach, Institutional Trader, World Equity Group. Andrew sits down with David to talk about trends in the real estate investment trust (REIT) industry.

Podcast Participants

Andrew Dick

Attorney, Hall Render

David Auerbach

Institutional Trader, World Equity Group

Andrew Dick: Hello and welcome to the Health Care Real Estate Advisor podcast. I’m Andrew Dick, an attorney with Hall Render, the largest healthcare focused law firm in the country. Today, we’ll be talking with David Auerbach. David’s an institutional trader at World Equity Group. He specializes in real estate investment trusts or REITs, preferred stocks, close end funds and ETFs. He’s well-known in the REIT industry for being a thought leader, mentor and commentator on trends in the industry. Today, we’re going to talk about healthcare REITs, other REIT product types, the industry in general, and some of David’s other interests. David, thanks for joining me.

David Auerbach: Thank you for having me. I really appreciate it.

Andrew Dick: David, before we talk about your current role at World Equity Group, let’s talk about your background. Tell us where you’re from, where you went to college and what you aspired to be.

David Auerbach: I’m born and raised in Dallas, Texas. With the exception of the four years that I spent at the university of Texas at Austin, welcome Horns, I have found myself back in my old neighborhood. I did spend a couple of years going to Southern Methodist University in their grad school program at night. I have spent my entire career here in good old big D.

Andrew Dick: After you got out of college, you ended up working as a financial advisor. It sounds like you’ve always worked in the equity space, but talk about your first job out of college.

David Auerbach: Sure, so to rewind further than that growing up, I was always fascinated by Wall Street, watching CNN in the early days, learning about Warren Buffett, reading the Wall Street Journal when they used to publish stock tables on the paper. I was just drawn to it at such a young age. My parents love telling the story like six, seven years old kids are up watching cartoons and I’m watching business news just to watch the ticker. I knew at a very young age that I wanted to go down this road.

David Auerbach: I graduated from UT and joined up with a local practice, a CPAs financial advisor, where he my boss was a certified public accountant. He had a book of Wall Street clients. As a result, he brought me on. He helped me get my licenses. It was a great foot in the door to learn about the business, learn about the retail network.

David Auerbach: From there, I went to a firm called Green Street Advisors, which had their trading desk based here in Dallas. Green Street is and was considered the preeminent research firm in the country. I was very privileged to learn from some wonderful mentors, people that I’m still in touch with to this day, that they really paved the way for my entire career. The running joke with that job is that the day I started in March of 2000 was the day that the market rally officially ended. Every couple of years I’ll get an email from my former boss, just like, “You know my portfolio took a hit that day that we hired you.” I’ll never forget it. I spent about 11 years working at Green Street, just under 12 years. It was just a great spot. I’m still very close with a lot of people. It made me the trader and person that I am today.

David Auerbach: From there then I went to a firm called Esposito Securities here in Dallas. I was working on a relationships, the ETF universe. From there I’ve found myself now working with World Equity Group. I’m also working with a partner on some consulting in IR type information. We’ll get into some other things, but it was really that Green Street got me my start in this career, and I’m very lucky.

Andrew Dick: David, what does it mean to be an institutional trader for those listeners that may not be familiar with that title?

David Auerbach: Sure. That’s a great question. I do get that question very often. Institutional trader would be somebody who would talk to a family office, a hedge fund, a mutual fund, a bank, a pension plan, some type of big institution that would have multiple millions of dollars under management or more. You have to qualify to be an institutional investor. There’s various check boxes that a firm would fill out. It’s different than a typical retail broker advisor who would be dealing with what I call the mom and pop investors. Whenever I recommend a company or I’m talking about something, I always refer to the mom and pop in Missoula, Montana. That’s where I always fall back onto Missoula, Montana. It’s a whole different audience. There are high net worth individuals that can qualify under some of the accredited investor, institutional investor check boxes, but traditionally it’s firms that that’s what they manage as an institutional advisor.

Andrew Dick: Got it. When you’re making purchases or selling equities, these are presumably high, big dollar amounts we’re talking about lots of shares, not the retail investor.

David Auerbach: There are some retail investors that do trade that kind of volume, but yes, that is correct. There would be big size orders and on behalf of those guys. Correct.

Andrew Dick: Got it. Okay, so David, just to provide some more background, I met you a couple of years ago. You’ve been a great resource for me and for many others. I think, I found you because I had heard you speaking on one of the Nareit podcasts where they had an update a couple of years ago. Just want to thank you for all the information you share with the REIT community and just a great resource. If you haven’t met David, he’s always willing to help. We will talk a little bit more about that here in a little while. David, we appreciate your thoughts.

Andrew Dick: Let’s talk about the healthcare REIT industry, because that’s really the space that I work in and that’s what our audience is primarily concerned about. We’ll hit on that, but we’re going to dive into some of the other REIT asset types. We just finished the third quarter earnings report for, I think, just yesterday or today was one of the last healthcare REITs reported. I saw that one of the REIT analysts just send out a note about national healthcare investors.

Andrew Dick: Let’s talk about the big three David. When we talk about the big three that’s Ventas, Welltower and what is now called Health Peak. Those are in my mind, diversified healthcare REITs big players in the space with really different models in some cases. Give us a flyover of your perspective of those REITs today. I know we’ve talked in the past about Ventas and its CEO. She’s really dynamic. She’s tough. I have no doubt that she’s going to make Ventas perform very well after we come out of COVID, but give us your thoughts, David.

David Auerbach: Sure, so first from a very high level perspective, I’ve been out on record and I will probably until the day I die, I will say that the healthcare REITs is the only sector that I can think of that will literally make money off of every single American or any individual whatsoever at some point in our lifetime. No matter how you look at it, some kind of healthcare company is going to make money off of you. Whether you have to go to the hospital, the doctor’s office, a medical office building to see a doctor, rehab, sadly, hospice, end of life, assisted living, senior housing. There are so many different segments of the industry that as a whole, the healthcare REITs combined will make money off of every single one of us. I always ended it with as they always say, “Do you know who’s undefeated in sports, don’t you?”

Andrew Dick: Who’s that?

David Auerbach: Father Time. And so I’ve [inaudible 00:08:26] Father Time, hate to say it, we are several minutes older than we were when we started this conversation. As a result, that’s why I’m such a big fan of these companies. Ventas, Welltower, good old HCP, or now Health Peak, as you comment, they are the big three. They’ve been around for so long. They run such effective companies. They make money off of every single American. What’s really interesting when you look back at when COVID started, the one industry that took a hit right off the bat was the healthcare REITs, because of them finding the cases in some of the senior housing communities.

David Auerbach: The talk from the sector has been, “Okay, this happened. How are we going to address this head on, face the pandemic inside our communities, and then deal with the aftereffects coming on the other side?” Well, we’re not out on the other side, but what did we learn from earning season? It wasn’t as bad in the third quarter as it was in the second quarter and as it was towards the tail end of the first quarter. These guys have expected to have occupancy declines this year. I was just reading the Welltower release record as we were getting on the air here, and I think their number, their shop occupancy came in down like 125 basis points, but they were projecting down 125 to 175. If you’re coming in within your expectation, it’s almost like a win in itself.

David Auerbach: If you remember going back, putting on your hat from like 10, 15 years ago, when companies would announce earnings, remember, there was always two numbers. There was the first call estimates, and then the whisper number. Remember the whisper number If you did, it was one thing to beat the first call. That’s nothing, but unless you beat the whisper number, that’s what everybody focused on. Well, for the healthcare REITs, it seems to have been over the past couple of quarters. It’s not everything that they’re doing. It’s what’s the number of the occupancy, looking at their same housing occupancy numbers, shop. If they’re able to come in at, or within a certain range or better than then that’s a win. You’re noticing that happening.

Andrew Dick: David, we’ve talked before about the big three different strategies, a lot of new headlines over the last couple of weeks. One in particular you and I were just talking about is a Health Peak, formerly known as a HCP, moving its headquarters to Denver. They were looking at Dallas …

David Auerbach: Correct.

Andrew Dick: … and Nashville. Then they ended up in Denver. Health Peak’s also been in the news because their strategy has, they’ve given more emphasis over the last couple of years on life sciences properties. Then they’ve announced that they’re going to start disposing of a large volume of senior housing assets. Maybe you could give your thoughts on Health Peak, and then we can talk a little bit about Ventas.

David Auerbach: The Health Peak news is really interesting to me. I remember when they rebranded to Health Peak from HCP just a couple of years ago, not even a couple of years ago now. People were scratching their heads trying to figure out what’s Health Peak. I don’t quite understand. Now, as you just mentioned with them announcing this big senior housing portfolio disposition, as well as moving their headquarters, this is a massive corporate and strategy shift that the company is undertaking. There’s good healthcare companies that are out there outside of the big three, thinking about what Health Peak focuses on. Then you have guys wide Omega Health, OHI, Medical Properties, MPW, where there’s guys focusing on the hospitals, there’s guys that are focusing on the medical office aspect of it.

David Auerbach: I commend Health Peak for making this change. Obviously, a lot of people are taking advantage of good relocations. I mean, Colorado has seen a massive inflow of folks recently, and so what a great place to consider building your headquarters. Everybody is relocating to Dallas too, of course. Texas has very far favorable property taxes and no state income tax. I think if you’re noticing here that this, I don’t think their strategy shift is done.

David Auerbach: I think this is just another step of things that they’re trying to evolve into, because one of the things that I love to talk to you about, and I always pester you about this is talking about Father Time, the nursing home today is different than the nursing home that our grandparents were in. Frankly, what we are going to move into down the road is going to look different than what we see today. I’m curious, thinking about the next generation. I know we’re going to talk about some more of this down the road here in a little bit, but thinking about how we are so technology oriented today by way of our cell phones, are iPads and all this other stuff. How is that going to be implemented and integrated into the nursing home of the future? How is that going to be implemented into the office building, the medical office building that we walk into into the future?

David Auerbach: I think that one of the things, and I know we’re going to talk about Ventas and the life science space and the lab innovation, but I think that just like a lot of companies, like McDonald’s has their test kitchen, I think some of these other guys have, like the hotel REITs, just to shift gears. A lot of the hotel companies like Marriott and Hilton have a lab set up on their campus where they’re working on future innovation. This is what the hotel room of tomorrow is going to look like. This is what the office building of the future is going to look like. I’m pretty sure that some of these guys and their HQs as well, I think they’re trying to figure out what’s the healthcare property going to look like 30 years from now, 20 years from now, because a gen seer who lives pretty much behind the screen, 24/7, they’re going to expect that to be implemented in their daily lives at the next chapter where they move into. These are the things that keep me up at night.

Andrew Dick: Yep. Nope. All good points. You mentioned nursing home you’re right, LTC, Omega, really good companies, what I consider more of a pure play, long-term care REIT. Talk about Ventas, because I know you really like Ventas in the sense that Debbie is a dynamic CEO and just seems to provide really great leadership, and the company historically has done very well.

David Auerbach: You summed it up great. Because when you look, as far as leaders are concerned, Debbie is always one of the first people that is always mentioned. When I was growing up in the industry, and I believe they still do today, her nickname was Diamond Debbie, because everything that she touched, turned to gold. Debbie is so well-respected, and more importantly, she’s such a nice person. I remember talking to her at a conference so many years ago. I went up to her, and I was like fan boy around her, gushing. She’s like, “Stop, just quit it. I’m a nice person.”

David Auerbach: I joke, but in all seriousness, when you achieve the status that Ventas has achieved, when you’re as big as they are, when you’re in the S&P 500, when you’ve earned this cachet, it says you’re doing something right. Thinking about how the company has evolved just in the past 20 years that I’ve been following it, they’ve done one, I want to say two or three public mergers you may may know better off top of my head, but I think three public mergers.

David Auerbach: They’ve now going towards some of these life science deals, like the big joint venture that just announced with the government of Singapore last week, with what they’re doing with One Use City in Philadelphia, I believe it’s in Philly, and some of these other places, they’re looking at the next step as well. You’ll know, it’s like Boston properties, which is an office REIT, announced this big, huge lab space deal just a couple of days ago in Waltham, Massachusetts. Alexandria who is considered to be the pioneer of life science and lab space, they’re always in the conversation.

David Auerbach: Ventas has made such a push over the past couple of years, that this is a big shift. It’s not just, we’re going to operate a bunch of communities and hospitals. They’re focusing on again, the development side of things right now. One of the other, thinking about REITs and how office REITs and healthcare REITs and where they’re in space together, it costs a lot more to build one of these properties because of the sterile nature of lab space and the white glove, white coat, wearing the hood and everything that these guys and the walls. Think about Homer Simpson where he puts his hands on the gloves to do, that’s what these guys are building.

David Auerbach: As a result, the fabrication costs of these properties are so expensive. But remember, and we’re going to talk about this in some other sectors in a little bit, who do you think pays for that stuff? Ventas is the one building the property, but guess what? That costs is going to be passed off to the tenant that’s moving in there. They’re already inherently able to charge an additional premium on the states, because they’ve gone to this effort to build out a white coat lab facility.

David Auerbach: As Debbie’s, she owns a piece of the Pittsburgh Penguins. I’m a Dallas Stars fan. I can’t blame her. Pittsburgh’s got a good team. Thinking in terms of hockey, one of the great expressions is don’t watch where the puck is, watch where the puck’s going. Keep your eyes on where the puck is going to be. That’s what they’re doing. They’re literally trying to stay ahead of the puck. This is one size matters, when you have a pretty stellar balance sheet, when you’re, I have to pull up the rate. I’m guessing they’re pretty highly rated. Your cost of capital is very small. You can go out and get 30 year money for pennies on the dollar for some of these guys and use that to build these properties that are going to be effective 20, 30 years down the road. It’s a really interesting story. Again, how can anybody not trust what she’s trying to do? That’s my opinion.

Andrew Dick: Yeah. One more, I agree, David. I agree. All good points. Let’s talk about Welltower real quick, and then we’ll transition to some of the other sectors. Welltower had a change in CEO. Tom DeRosa stepped down. The chief investment officer was promoted to CEO. Any thoughts there or how the industry reacted? Tom had been around for a while. Welltower, I think has performed over a long period of time. It’s performed pretty well. Big company. They seem to be more interested in finding senior housing opportunities when you compare that to Ventas or Health Peak. Any thoughts on Welltower before we transition?

David Auerbach: You brought up a really good point about the transition, because Tom was so well-respected. A lot of folks were speculating, “What does he know that we don’t know? Why now? What’s happening?” Mr. Mitra has been around for so long, as you had mentioned, that because of his experience, it’s a natural transition. It’d be one thing from them to bring in somebody from the total outside that had nothing to do with the company. When it’s really next up on the bench to take over, it’s not like they’re changing their strategy shifts. As you know, they also did a huge outpatient facility disposition right at the same time.

David Auerbach: This is a little bit similar to what Health Peak was doing is they’re shifting their strategy a little bit, but they’re rebounding. As I mentioned, their occupancy came in within their target people are watching, and so the question that a lot of these folks have to answer, whether you’re a retail investor listening to this podcast or an institutional guy, but the big picture that remains, and I asked you, “What’s your definition of longterm?” When I was growing up in school, when I was taking finance classes and everything, we were taught that the longterm would mean your retirement money. You’re 18, 19, 20 years old sitting in your first classes. When they define longterm, they’re talking 50 years from now, okay? If you talk to a gen Z kid, that’s coming out of college today, that’s 22, and you asked him what his definition of longterm is, two years, maybe five years. Their timeframes are different.

David Auerbach: I ask the person that’s listening to this podcast today, “What’s your definition of long-term.” If you’re thinking about something many, many, many years down the road, then I leave you this question of thinking about Welltower and what they do and their properties, thinking about Ventas, thinking about Health Peak. It’s not what’s happening today with COVID, it’s what is this going to look like 10, 15, 20, 30, 50 years down the road.

David Auerbach: Now you want my take. Here’s what I think. There’s a reason why you’ve got the big three and a lot of the other players that are out there, Capitol senior, you mentioned LTC, Genesis, Brookdale, some of these other operators that are out there. When you have so many companies that make up the sector, I was always taught to think one thing, the big get bigger, the small get smaller. In a universe that probably is dominated by an 80/20, 90/10, and they know what that means, where 20% of the folks control 80% of the properties or more, It means that these guys are going to continue to acquire their smaller competitors. If you, we’ll use Ventas as the example, as I mentioned, I think they’ve done two or three public mergers, but maybe more. When Ventas wants to grow, they’re not just going to go buy a property or two, they’re going to buy a company to grow.

David Auerbach: I think these guys are, Welltower helped pick these guys. The big three are doing a good job driving down their lanes of a highway, knowing what they know so well, that it’s pretty much everybody trying to get in their lanes. Because of their size, they can just muscle them out. I think it’s going to be really interesting to watch, especially as we get older and as this industry shifts. As we move on, I will say again, keep in the back of your head, medical office buildings, senior housing facilities, the rehab facility, drug rehab, a hospital for your x-rays, unfortunately for your end of life and your hospice care final living days, the healthcare REITs are the guys that are making money off of every single one of these people. That’s you. That’s me. That’s my mother and father, my grandmother, my grandfather, my brother, my sister. Every single one of us is going to be paying money to these guys.

Andrew Dick: Yep. Good point, David. Let’s switch gears. You and I have talked about other REIT sectors before. Give us an idea of what’s happened over the last six or eight months as a result of COVID. I mean, we’ve all heard or read the headlines about the retail sector. It’s taken a beating. You and I have talked before about companies like Simon Property Group, which happens to be headquartered here in Indianapolis, where I’m at. The company in my opinion is really well ran, has some of the best properties in the world. I think once we get through COVID, it’s going to be just fine. Give us your take.

David Auerbach: I have the most respect for David Simon of Simon Property Group. You will never hear me say anything bad about him whatsoever. There’s some great, great, great stories that go under the radar in COVID right now, because as you mentioned, everybody focuses on the work from home situation, so therefore, the office building is dead, what they read about with JC Penney and Sears and some of these retail closures and the mall is dead. Now, everything, obviously there is an asterisk pre-COVID, post-COVID. We all understand that. Let’s take a couple of different sectors at a time and we’ll hit on some different points.

David Auerbach: Okay, first things first, you and I are doing this podcast on the web today. I’m looking at you. You’re looking at me. I hear you. You hear me. This is all being run through data centers and cell towers. Data center REITs and cell tower REITs have been two of the best performing sectors this entire year. We’re all Zooming using cell towers. As a result, these are the guys that are benefiting the most from that.

David Auerbach: Take it one more step. Okay, I don’t know about you, but my wife and I, we love this little tiny website called Of course, it’s great. With Prime they deliver within the hour. It’s awesome. The thing about where all that stuff is stored, all that stuff stored at big industrial warehouses that are owned by a bunch of REITs. Another sector that’s done amazingly well this year is the industrial REITs, because Amazon, Walmart, Target, all these guys have these big, huge warehouses that store their products and their properties.

David Auerbach: You mentioned retail, Simon. Okay, so Simon has been very active this year. They just had the earnings a couple of days ago. It’s a great transcript to read. If you haven’t, I highly suggest you read it. David’s really tapped into what’s going on. What Simon’s been doing, they joined up with a company called Authentic Brands. They have been going out and acquiring a bunch of retailers this year. People were like, “Why? Why are you buying JC penny? Why are you buying Lucky Brands and Brooks Brothers? What is the benefit there?”

David Auerbach: The answer is there’s a variety of reasons. The big 10,000 foot version of why they’re buying this, think about how much real estate a JC penny owns at a property as an anchor tenant. I’m just going to throw a number out there. Let’s just assume a 50,000 square foot box. It could be less. It could be more. But let’s just use a random 50,000 foot number. Why is this important? Okay. Simon will be more than happy to buy a 50,000 foot empty vacant box and then do a couple of different things. We can bring in a new tenant that’s not around there right now. One of the questions that they got asked on their call was about a joint venture they have that [inaudible 00:27:11] talked about called Allied Esports. Allied Esports is an e-sports arena that kids or folks can go and watch people play video games, participate in some of these games. Instead of watching on Twitch or on one of these online platforms, it’s a way to draw traffic back to the mall, the millennial generation, back to the mall.

David Auerbach: If that doesn’t work out, Simon would be more than happy to spend some money and taking that 50,000 foot box and breaking it up into a 20,000 foot box, another 20,000 foot box and a 10,000 foot box. Now you can bring in three other tenants to make up one space. More importantly, in the call, they mentioned that they’re signing more leases right now during COVID on the look out through on the other side here that it’s, they call it the Warby effect, the Warby Parker effect. Are you familiar with the term called showrooming?

Andrew Dick: Uh-uh (negative).

David Auerbach: Have you heard the term showrooming? For those that don’t know showrooming is I’m going to go to the store. I’m going to look at the product. I’m going to play with it, touch around with it, but then go home and order it online. I’m not going to buy it in the store. It used to be very frowned upon. It killed Circuit City. Best Buy took a big hit form it. If you go back and read some of their transcripts in the early 2000s, they talk about this showrooming effect.

David Auerbach: Well, now the Simons of the world and some of these other retailers have said, “Okay, you know what? People are going to be people. They’re going to do what they want to do. Instead of shunning it, let’s embrace it.” A perfect example of that was Tesla. If you recall, Tesla built dealerships in these malls, but you couldn’t buy the car there. You had to go home and do the process online. They put it there for you to showroom it. Come check it out, come press the buttons, come hear the engine roar or not roar exactly, and then go home and buy the car online. These guys at Simons of the world said, “You know what? Go ahead, Warby, go ahead and go to a store here. Don’t make any sales. We don’t care. You’re going to pay us rent. Then you have a chance now to expand your footprint.” I think that you’re seeing the shift in the retail landscape of the bricks and mortar enhances their online component. I’m a big fan of what’s happening in the data centers and the towers.

David Auerbach: I’ll give you one more statistic before we move on to a different sector. The former CEO of American Tower, his name is Jim Taiclet. He went off to a company called Lockheed Martin. He’s looking out for your defense. Jim had a great quote a couple of years ago at a conference I was at. I use it in every interview, because it staggers me. There’s 24 hours of content posted to YouTube every minute. That stat’s a couple of years old. If you assume things only go up, let’s say that number is now 28 hours or 30 hours. That’s a lot of content. Where is that being stored? It’s in this thing called the cloud. It just floats above us. In all seriousness, it’s housed in data centers in servers and racks and all these buildings across the country. That’s run by data center REITs, Digital Realty, Core Site Realty, Cyrus One, QTS. There’s several publicly traded data center REITs.

David Auerbach: Another interesting way to play it’s through the ETF space. If you play exchange traded funds, if you don’t know what an exchange traded fund, I call it a publicly traded mutual fund. You can buy a basket of tower and data center REITs. There’s two products out there. One is run by a company called Pacer Benchmark, the ticker is SRVR. It’s the data center and server or tower infrastructure ETF, and then Global X, which is another very large ETF issuer, just launched one a couple of weeks ago on their tickers VPN, how appropriate Victor, Paul Nancy. These are just some interesting ways to potentially play a couple of different spaces.

David Auerbach: One more sector that’s getting a lot of coverage right now is cannabis. There are several, there’s one publicly traded cannabis, [inaudible 00:31:19] pure play, and that’s Innovative Industrial, IIPR. You’ve got a couple other companies that are trying to get their foot in the door, try to grow in the warehouse side of the cannabis space. You have a big candidate. One of the first SPACs, the special purpose entities, focusing in REITs was just filed a couple of weeks, just launched a couple weeks ago. It’s involved in the cannabis space. The company’s called Subversive. You’re seeing, one of the questions I always ask when I get to talk to the analyst or the company is this, “What’s the next sector? What’s the next industry?” If you go back 10, 20 years ago, nobody would have talked about towers and data centers. If you go back 10 years ago, nobody would have talked about cannabis REITs. Now, the question becomes, “What’s the next sector?”

Andrew Dick: David, those are all good insights. You and I have also talked about some of the more novel or niche REITs that we’ve seen. One in particular, Safehold REIT, relatively new REIT that plays in the ground lease space. It’s performed very well. How do those fit into when you’re looking at the REIT industry overall? I mean, I think it’s a very interesting company.

David Auerbach: I love Safehold. I love the guys there. One of the things that I love about it is that it’s a unique play. If you look at a partner REIT, there’s 10 publicly traded partner REITs, maybe more. There’s 10 plus healthcare, 10 plus office, 10 plus lodging. There’s only one ground lease REIT that’s out there right now, and that’s Safehold. It’s an interesting story, because thinking about the Warren Buffet mantras and things that we grew up on, talking about, number one, being a first mover. They were the first mover to take advantage of this situation.

David Auerbach: Number two, building an island. When you’re out on an Island by yourself, and somebody has to literally, you build a moat around you because as a first mover, somebody is going to have to invest a boatload of capital to go and compete against you. Frankly, up in where they’re located and what they’re doing, there’s really only a handful of guys that can truly compete with them right now at this moment in time, that being Colony Capital and Starwood Capital. I know that they’re, I think they’re tiptoeing into it, but they are not diving into the effect that Safehold has done.

David Auerbach: Number three, they are backed by their parent company, iStar. Now that can both be good and bad. Why do I say that? A lot of the institutional investors in the REIT community sometimes shun the fact that it’s an externally advised company by the parents. Not that there’s necessarily collusion, but it’s not a standalone entity, because it could fall back on the parent to take care of it. But in the same breath, that’s not a bad thing because they can fall back on the parent, and also knowing that if they’re doing a deal, it’s because the parent is behind the deal. As an example, Safehold just did a secondary offering last night. They upsized the deals. It was in the market for two days. They were able to upsize it, but concurrently with it, they did a private placement to the company of a slug of stock.

David Auerbach: Rewind, going back to a COVID, Safehold was the first, one of the few companies and the first company to float a public offering during the pandemic. While everybody was on Zoom doing what you and I were doing now, they may actually get a secondary offering off on the table. At the time, the company, rightfully so, was so established that they were able to get a deal done like this in COVID right at the beginning stages of it.

David Auerbach: What’s interesting is that they have such a unique set of properties. It’s office. It’s lodging. There’s some apartment type stuff. The number one rule of real estate is location, location, location. A lot of the stuff that they’re investing is the intersection of Main and Main is what I call it. Because you have such good properties, with the way that the ground lease works, and I’ll give you the 10,000 foot. For those that don’t know the website to go check it out, it’s a safeholdinc, I-N-C, .com ( It’s a interesting story.

David Auerbach: A ground lease, what happens is pick a building. Let’s just use the Empire State Building, which is owned by a different REIT, but we’ll just use the Empire State Building. What Safehold does is they go to the guys that run the Empire State Building and say, “Okay guys, you own the building, we’ll own what’s below the ground. We’ll own the ground. You rent that from us. Upon the maturity of the lease in 99 years, Safehold will take possession of the Empire State Building.” What they’ve done is they’ve amassed quite a portfolio, above and below ground real estate, that they own, when they talk about their valuation, they equate it to like a 99 year bond. They talk about the MIT bond. It’s in their metrics. It’s just such a unique story that until somebody says, “We’re coming after,” again, who’s to fight against them.

David Auerbach: Now let’s flip it. They do their earnings based on earnings per share. Most REITs focus on FFO or AFFO. That’s one caveat to be aware of. Number two, rates traditionally have a very high dividend yield. Right now, I believe you mentioned Nareit before. I highly recommend you go check out That’s the website for Nareit. Right now, the typical REIT dividend yield, I believe is just around 4%. Safehold is well under that. Now the company says as they go out and acquires how they raise their dividend and raise the yield. Again, thinking about the definition of longterm, Safehold is not a day traders type of game. Safehold is not a name that you’re going to want to sit here and just own for a year. If you’re buying Safehold today, it’s what is this going to look like five, 10 years from now as they continue to amass high quality real estate portfolio.

David Auerbach: One other thing, if you’re a sports fan, and I think you are a sports fan, they happen to be locally here in Texas, because I know this. One of their partners is somebody who used to go by the nickname of The Admiral. Do you know who The Admiral was?

Andrew Dick: No.

David Auerbach: David Robinson, who was a famous basketball player, who played for the San Antonio Spurs, won many, many NBA championships and was in the Navy. He was a Naval, I believe he was an, not national, but he was very highly up in the Navy. He was on the Spurs. His company, Admiral Capital, is a partner with Safehold on some of their Texas properties here. There’s a sports tie in there for you.

Andrew Dick: Very interesting. Yeah, I think the company’s interesting as well. We see a lot of ground leases in the healthcare industry, and so I like it. I think it’s very interesting. David, let’s switch gears. We’ve only got a couple minutes left. Mentoring, last time we spoke you, you told me you’ve been spending a fair amount of time mentoring young professionals. You’ve always given back to the REIT community in terms of your time and resources. I know you used to publish a weekly newsletter. You may still do that.

David Auerbach: Still do.

Andrew Dick: Talk about giving back, mentoring, because a number of folks who listen to the podcast, they’re young professionals looking to advance their career.

David Auerbach: It’s a great topic. I really appreciate you bringing this up. I think at some point in our careers, we know that the next generation is coming up in the ranks. After 20 plus years of doing this, we learn a couple of things. If I’m able to pave the path, smooth the path for the next generation by dealing with my experiences, or if I’m able to answer some questions that they’re afraid to ask, then that gives them a little bit more sense of comfort.

David Auerbach: I’m also a big believer of karma and what goes around, comes around that when I used to interview folks, at my own shops. Whenever anyone would come in, usually there’d be interviewing with four or five, six other people. I would always say the person just to try to, first of all, throw them off a little bit, but second, just so they feel a little bit more at ease, I would always say to the person, “My job here as I sit here and interview you is to get you to ask me the hard hitting questions. You are to ask me the questions that you’re afraid to ask, because I don’t want you to come on board here and say, ‘Well, nobody told me about this. I wasn’t expecting this. How come I didn’t know that this?'” I would always say, “There’s no such thing as stupid questions just stupid people.” Have you heard that expression before.

Andrew Dick: I have.

David Auerbach: I love using that expression. I always say, “There’s no such thing as a stupid question. What you may think is stupid may actually be the secret sauce that what you should be asking that you you didn’t realize that you should ask.” It carries through to the mentorship thing that I’m trying to do, because I want people to number one, not be afraid of the interview process. A lot of people now, because they are so tied to their phones, they lose out on the face-to-face interaction. When you’re sitting across the table from somebody, and if you don’t know how to cure yourself in a face-to-face conversation, you have to understand, you may be investing in this company, be a management of this company, you could own this company, which means you’re going to be dealing with the media and all this other stuff. If you don’t know how to interact with people, what kind of message is that going to say to your boss, your partners, your shareholders, whatever.

David Auerbach: I feel like now, especially with the folks that I’m focusing on, it’s the guys that are anywhere from getting out of high school, going into college, dealing with their first intern type interviews, going into grad school, coming out of grad school, going into their next positions, whatever it is, but if my 20 plus years of REITs and ETFs is able to help them understand just a little bit more of what they’re walking into or I had somebody reaching out to me today asking me about Safehold. I got them an interview with the company. He wanted to understand what is the company. I sent him a friend’s video. I’m like, “Watch this. If you watch this, then when you call the guy and have your interview with him today, you’re able to come prepared with a roster of questions, because you said, ‘I watched your interview. You said this. Can you explain this to me? I don’t understand.'” What does that say to the person across the table from you? This guy spent his time doing his homework. He really cares. He’s really interested.

David Auerbach: When somebody calls me and says, “I’ve got the second interview, I got the job, whatever,” that’s about as valuable as a paycheck is in my opinion. More importantly, it could be a year from now, 10 years from now, a hundred years from now, that guy isn’t going to forget. He is going to remember that I helped him get to that point.

Andrew Dick: David, last question. What advice would you give to a young professional who’s looking to get into the real estate business?

David Auerbach: It’s the same, same thing I’ve heard, that I’m sure you’ve heard a million times over and I stand by it. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Networking as a full-time, 24 hour a day job. It’s why I lost my first job as a retail broker before I joined Green Street. My boss and I had a disagreement as far as the proper times to be networking. He thought it should be an after the stock market hours type of job. I said to him, “Wait, if a prospect says they want to have lunch with me, I have to tell him no, because my boss said I can only network after hours?” I said, “That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.” They fired me the next day because I said that. As a result, you and I would have not connected if it wasn’t from networking back in the day. I wouldn’t be able to email David Simon and him email me back on a day of earnings without networking. As I say on a mentorship platform, you never know when you’re going to come across your next partner, your next boss, your next client, whoever it is. It’s all because of networking. I would emphasize get out there, meet folks, explore LinkedIn, ask questions, learn, as Red says in Shawshank, “Get busy living or get busy dying.”

Andrew Dick: Good advice. David, where can our audience, how can they reach you?

David Auerbach: I am affiliated with a broker dealer out of Chicago called World Equity Group. My email address there is davidauerbach, D-A-V-I-D A-U-E-R-B-A-C-H. @weg, W-E-G, ( If they want to ask about the daily REIT note that covers the REIT sector, please feel free to reach out to me at that email address or on my consulting address at, I-R-R-E-A-L-I-Z-E-D, and I’d be happy to chat with you more there as well.

Andrew Dick: Great. David, thanks for your time. Thanks to our audience for listening on your Apple or Android device. Please subscribe to the podcast and leave feedback for us. We also publish a newsletter called the Health Care Real Estate Advisor. To be added to that list, email me at 

An interview with Andy Van Zee, Senior Housing Advisors, Marcus & Millichap

An interview with Andy Van Zee, Investment Broker, Knapp Group – Senior Housing Advisors, Marcus & Millichap

An interview with Andy Van Zee. In this interview, Andrew Dick interviews Andy Van Zee, Investment Broker, Knapp Group – Senior Housing Advisors, Marcus & Millichap. Andrew sits down with Andy to talk about senior housing trends.

Podcast Participants

Andrew Dick

Attorney, Hall Render

Andy Van Zee

Investment Broker, Knapp Group – Senior Housing Advisors, Marcus & Millichap 

Andrew Dick: Hello, and welcome to the Health Care Real Estate Advisor podcast. My name is Andrew Dick. I’m an attorney with Hall Render, the largest health care focused law firm in the nation. Today we’ll be talking to Andrew Van Zee. He is an investment broker with Marcus & Millichap. In particular, he works in their senior housing group. We’re going to be talking about his background in the industry, how we ended up where he is at today, and then we’re going to talk about seniors housing in general. Andy, thanks for joining me.

Andrew Van Zee: Hey, thanks, Andrew. Appreciate being able to have this opportunity to talk with you about this.

Andrew Dick: Andy, before we jump in to trends in the industry, tell us about yourself, where you’re from and where you went to school and what you wanted to be when you grow up.

Andrew Van Zee: Absolutely. So I’m originally from small town, Prairie City, Iowa, just East of Des Moines. I grew up there. My family still all lives there. I’m currently in Indianapolis with my family, my personal family, and went to undergrad, South Dakota State, wanted to kind of get far enough away from my parents that I couldn’t drive home on the weekend. I got a political science degree at South Dakota State and originally thought that I was going to get into politics. Did a lot of the grassroots politics route, multiple campaigns working with one of the national parties for several years to a point where let’s just say I ended up on the wrong side of the ticket and needed a little bit of a change. So I went to law school thinking that I was going to end up back into government or politics of some sort, but the Lord had other plans.

Andrew Van Zee: So I went to Thomas M. Cooley Law School, which is now Western Michigan up in Auburn Hills, Michigan. I met my wife at that time. We got married. But she was a Hoosier. So after graduating, we moved down to Indiana, where I found myself working in-house for a major skilled nursing developer and was really introduced to the senior housing industry through that timeframe doing a lot of work specializing in the certificate of need laws. I applied for a certificate of need applications in states across the country, as well as just kind of going through some of the licensing process for our group to be able to continue to grow and expand and was introduced also to some awesome operators during that timeframe, a lot of the people who we were directly in partnership with on new deals or just kind of consultants along the way, a lot of great people in this industry that when I moved on from that position, I started to do some on my own in the world of certificate of need.

Andrew Van Zee: I did a few more projects notably with a major hospital health system actually back in Iowa. Through that timeframe, real estate, that development aspect of being able to see this industry grow and be a part of that is what brought me back to or brought me to Marcus & Millichap. We had networked with them throughout the timeframe when I was doing certificate and need, also looking for beds. Jim Knapp, who is a part of the Knapp Group Senior Housing Advisors within Marcus & Millichap, the team that I’m now associated with, I had called upon him back in 2015. When I joined Marcus & Millichap, it was just a great landing spot to be able to build upon some of the knowledge that I currently had, but also be with a great group of senior agents within the firm to be able to launch and grow outward from there.

Andrew Dick: So thanks, Andy. That’s a very interesting career path, what you and I have had the chance to work together over the years, and I’ve always enjoyed working with you, and I’ve always thought of you as an expert in the long-term care space. When I heard you landed at Marcus & Millichap, I was personally excited for you. It’s a great platform and a great organization. Before we dive into some of the what’s going on in the industry, Andy for our listeners, tell us about the senior housing industry and how you break down the different asset types. I typically think of senior housing as skilled nursing facilities, assisted living, et cetera. But be more specific for maybe those who aren’t familiar with the different asset types.

Andrew Van Zee: Certainly. Well, let me touch a little bit about that and Marcus & Millichap, even the platform that I’m with. So Marcus & Millichap is a full service real estate brokerage company that we only specialize in investment sales. But each agent has their own product type, I should say, that they have really drilled down into and try to become experts within. So within senior housing, we really focus on skilled nursing assisted living, independent living, memory care, and CCRC products that obviously would encompass all of those other four components onto one campus. We only focus on real estate. However, there is times when we do come across home health companies that will be connected with an operator’s skilled nursing business or a senior housing business in some way or another, and we will work with those as well. But primarily, from our platform, we are really focused on that core of skilled nursing assisted living, memory care, independent, and CCRC.

Andrew Van Zee: Medical office space is a separate group within Marcus & Millichap. So we don’t really touch into that as well as a hospital and in those really high acuity dialysis or other dentistry, any of those types of medical type real estate components is now part of our group.

Andrew Dick: So your group is able to focus and really get into the weeds on valuation and what’s going on in the industry is my understanding, Andy?

Andrew Van Zee: That’s exactly right. We really try to become experts throughout Marcus & Millichap, but in the senior housing space, especially when it’s different than any other type of… or I should say of the most real estate components, in which when you’re selling the asset, the underlying real estate asset, most oftentimes you’re selling the business with it, and/or it’s a specially built property where the value is driven by the actual operation of that specialty, skilled nursing, assisted living that has been operated out of that space. So we really are unique in that format that we drill down in to understand both the real estate trends but also the operations. There’s a lot going on, especially in the last couple weeks, months with COVID in the health care space in senior housing specifically that if we tried to cover all of health care, we couldn’t be the experts that we really need to be for our clients.

Andrew Dick: So you mentioned COVID, Andy. I know that senior housing has been significantly impacted by the virus. What has that done, or what are you seeing in the industry as a result of COVID? Has it impacted occupancy? Has it impacted operations financially? What’s it done to sale prices, et cetera? Give us kind of a broad overview?

Andrew Van Zee: Good question, Andrew. It’s definitely had an impact. When we look at what has happened with COVID, it’s had an impact just like any other real estate asset or any other business really. What’s interesting about the health care is it’s always been deemed one of those essential businesses. So the lights have always been on. Employees have always been coming to work. People are still getting care. Even unlike some of the medical office space where a lot of those elective procedures were put on hold or even telemedicine where you could go somewhere else. In senior housing, it’s always been a truly essential part of the economy and a business that has continued to operate. From that standpoint, because it’s continued to operate, it’s been exposed to COVID in more ways than a lot of other industries, and therefore, there have been some negative press that’s come about that exposure.

Andrew Van Zee: But it’s really been six months now past the start of this pandemic. It’s really been a really strong and resilient industry and a fun one to be able to kind of watch and interact with. By and large, I would say starting with the skilled nursing aspect of it, everybody that I have interacted with, every operator has taken COVID seriously on day one. There was a time where I was visiting some facilities before some of the mandates came out back in early March that weren’t letting me. As soon as some of these just even scare started to arise, they were shutting the doors. I would say that that has been something that has been pretty consistent throughout that every operator that I would say has been in the business, and most operators in senior housing are truly in it because there’s something more than just the operation of a business and collecting a paycheck. They want to care if there’s a care component deep within them. They care for those residents that are inside their buildings. They’ve done a good job of containing it.

Andrew Van Zee: Now, that said, there’s been a lot of change. So skilled nursing, obviously, the biggest impact right away was the shutdown of the electives seizures in some of the hospitals. If you had any sort of Medicare component to your revenue model, you weren’t just a truly long-term care and relying upon Medicaid. You had an impact on day one. That was in terms of occupancy. So as occupancy goes down and you weren’t able to continue to backfill those, definitely there’s been an impact on revenue on day one. Assisted living seemed to be a kind of the next, the next group that was impacted, but it wasn’t as immediate. They were affected more through attrition and/or just marketing efforts, kind of a mixed bag, and some of the trends have shown that really, it has been a downward trend on occupancy overall.

Andrew Van Zee: But when there was a run on supplies in March and April, May, there were some reports early on that those assisted living facilities that could market appropriately through virtual tours or just kind of quickly being able to change their strategy, we’re actually seeing an increase in occupancy for a period of time as people were wanting to have more of a secure spot to be. Unfortunately, I think some of the negative press overall of mostly driven by isolation than today than the fear of an outbreak is assisted living and independent living because it is more of a choice to move into those types of facilities. They’re having a slower recovery, whereas skilled nursing, once elective surgeries have picked back up, they have shown a stronger rebound, but it’s also does come back to the quality of the operator. As a whole, overall, the industry occupancy wise, and income’s all driven by occupancy in this category.

Andrew Van Zee: It is still has ways to go to catch up to where we were. But the plus side is there’s been a lot of positive stimulus cashflow that has been pouring into the system from day one, starting with the PPP, but there was Medicare advanced payments. There were a lot of grants that are still now new grant money out there specifically targeted for senior housing operators who can develop or create isolation wings, whether that be brand new or converting still reimbursed for converting those spaces. There are been more reports now on skilled nursing specifically if there’s been an outbreak, and they’ve had to isolate and shut down any part of the organization. Medicaid even is reimbursing some of that 14-day period of time for some groups

Andrew Van Zee: So I think the upside is the government as a whole recognizes that this is a strong industry, I think, that needs to… We need to take care of our residents. We need to take care of our seniors. I think it’s going to be a really good setup for the future. This has always been an industry that has a very long runway, and we’ve always been very bullish when you just look at the aging of the population as a whole. New development has led the way I think on a lot of the growth and a lot of the change in the industry. But because of COVID and because of the focus on the quality of care, and especially in terms of isolating our residents and taking care of our staff, I’m seeing changes that I think will have some long-term impacts overall, that’ll be good, even for the established business who maybe can’t win the market share on day one because they don’t have the newest and shiniest product in town.

Andrew Van Zee: Example, I’ve got an operator that I’m working with in Iowa, done a phenomenal job, kept COVID out of the building. It’s an older property. But they were older in terms of it’s not new within the last 10 years but has still kept COVID out of the building, has kept an isolation wing, always made available for new residents to be able to come into an artificially held occupancy low because of that so that they can have those excess beds open. As a result of that you know, some of these newer advancements that are coming out just recently of COVID testing units in the buildings, because of the focus on the care of residents and staff in this building and the quality that’s been driven, this facility is one of 10 in the state that’s going to get one of those first new testing machines in the building.

Andrew Van Zee: So I think that’s what’s going to be kind of the silver lining, I guess you could say out of all of this going forward is that people have been forced to change throughout this entire process, and they were forced to change very quickly. In the last six months, senior housing has done an amazing job of taking care of the residents and adapting with it through technology of virtual tours, through technology of just virtual meetings, technology of tracking the flow of visitors, but even down to just operationally shifting very quickly, delivering meals in the rooms. You get on social media, and you see countless videos or photos of innovative ways in which family members can still see their loved one in a facility behind a plexiglass wall or something that is… things we have never seen before. Obviously, we’ve never seen this pandemic before, but all of these changes I think are going to set up this industry for a very strong run in the future.

Andrew Van Zee: That said, I’m sorry for being long winded on your question, Andrew. But that said, because of all the stimulus, there’s also been several groups that I think at the first quarter or first half of next year, we’re going to start to see some stress fractures in the operations. Obviously, not everybody in the graduating class or the top of the class. There’s always some that are just getting by. Those who are in this industry today, who have not adapted very well, and I’m not been able to either through a desire or lack of just ability economically or otherwise. I think that when all these stimulus opportunities start to wear off, and some of the cashflow that has come through that has artificially been propping up some of these groups, we’re going to start to see some of those, the fallout that’s going to come with that in terms of exchanges in the marketplace, ultimately sales.

Andrew Van Zee: Hopefully, it’s not foreclosures or anything of that nature, but I think that we’ll start to see a lot more transactions in the near future for those distressed assets than what we are today.

Andrew Dick: So, Andy, that was a great overview. I talked to Rich Anderson, who’s an equity REIT analyst. He covers the publicly traded health care REITs for SMBC bank a couple of days ago. He was comparing skilled nursing to assisted living and independent living. He said most of the stimulus money has really flowed to the skilled nursing operators. Unfortunately, independent living and assisted living operators haven’t received any funding and in most states. Has that impacted how investors look at the different asset types, Andy? I mean, I think you’re you’re right that a lot of folks I’ve talked to said, look, the federal health care programs are not going to allow skilled nursing to fail in most cases. But independent living, assisted living, they’re kind of on their own. I mean, is that a fair analysis, or what are your thoughts?

Andrew Van Zee: Yeah. A good question. You’re absolutely right. Short of the Payroll Protection Program and any type of advancements that was really more for assisted living that actually had employees working independent, depending on how involved you may have had from a staffing standpoint. Yeah, it didn’t get a lot of funding. Didn’t get a lot of help. I know there’s been a lot of talk recently about possibly sending some money in that direction of future stimulus funds. From an operator standpoint, there’s been a lot of groups that have… Well, let me take a step back. From a real estate standpoint, just in general, transaction-wise, everything was really put on hold, screeching, stop, in March. All properties that were on the market remained on the market. But our office, our group didn’t list anything, didn’t put anything new on the market for at least four and a half months.

Andrew Van Zee: That was really true of a lot of the brokerage companies that we’ve networked with or banks or anybody across the board. So there was a lot of money because of the uncertainty of what was to come that nothing transacted. When there were several groups that we were talking to in January and February who were looking at 2020 as a year in which they were wanting to acquire or sell, get out of the business altogether. So the fact that, back to assisted living this, this stimulus aspect of it of until we can actually have, even on these most recent conversations out of Washington is money coming to resonant. It’s held back the flow of inventory on the market, number one. Groups that have seen a decrease in occupancy through this timeframe are afraid to take anything to market that their properties are going to be devalued accordingly.

Andrew Van Zee: For the most part, it’s a very valid concern. The question really comes in is, how long can some of those groups last, and how long will it be before they recover, coupled with the lending aspect of it? A big piece of what we’re seeing during that timeframe of close transactions, where right at the peak of this, we had the lowest interest rates that we’ve had on record in years, and refinancing and looking at new acquisitions as a result of that was a huge opportunity. Then that became unsteady, especially in this market. So we’re starting to see the banks come around and those lending institutions come back on board, which is helping. But we’re still not seeing on assisted living and independent living the occupancies really jumped back as quickly as skilled nursing is.

Andrew Van Zee: Because of that, we’re not seeing as many groups who are willing to just jump into the game and transact as strongly. We have taken a property to market. Our group did within the last month. It was a CCRC that was mostly with no skilled nursing component, so assisted living, independent living, memory care. We did see some good market activity on it. Overall, I think that right now, there’s a lot of pent-up demand in the marketplace. There is still a good opportunity where because there’s nothing out there, and there are groups that need to be active to continue to survive and/or just wants to take advantage of a timeframe where there’s not as much competition on bidding on properties. It’s a little bit more of a buyers’… I mean, a sellers’ market in that way with that pent-up demand. But we’re still not seeing a lot of groups ready to jump into that yet, especially on assisted living and independent living because of potential stimulus money is still coming in and/or these occupancies that just haven’t come right back yet. I hope that answered your question. [crosstalk 00:24:11].

Andrew Dick: No, that was great. That was great. You hit on a couple of points there. One was what the lending institutions are doing. Talk about the capital markets. If you’re the owner of a senior housing facility, is it a difficult time to refinance? If you’re a buyer, and you need some capital, how are the banks looking at the different asset types? Is it tough to get interest, or have prices went up for the cost of capital?

Andrew Van Zee: For the most part, I think the biggest variable right now that is looking at, how hard of a hit did you take on occupancy as well as just kind of the fundamentals, age of the building, what’s your blended rate on your payer types? Financing’s coming back. It definitely pulled back. Even though we had these bottom-of-the-market interest rates, lenders in senior housing were putting floors on those to try to cover some of the risks with the biggest fear being, is COVID going to get into your building and wipe everything out between time for closing and/or shortly after you close on it. Right? So that was the number one thing is we saw floors right away. Then kind of the loan-to-value ratio started to creep up, where you could have maybe gotten a 75% loan-to-value, you were down to 70. Maybe if it’s an older building, 65.

Andrew Van Zee: So some of that amount of leverage that you can put on some of these buildings is definitely been scaled back from what it was at the beginning of the year. I think by and large, we’re starting to see that banks are coming around and slowly more and more are getting onboarded. I would kind of liken the banks to what we’re seeing even on a very macro level with some of the REITs. Some of the REITs on the recent transactions that we’ve had, the recent deals that we’ve had have been the more conservative bidders currently. We’re seeing a lot more of the private equity or just private money in this space being more active in the bidding and in the aggressiveness of those bids right now in the last two to three months. I really likened that to kind of the way the banks are. They’re institutional in that same fashion as the REITs. They’re taking the longer look. They obviously are having to deal with imminent foreclosures that are now starting on other product types outside of just senior housing.

Andrew Van Zee: So as we can have more time from the beginning of this pandemic and more space, more data to show these lending institutions that senior housing is still a safe place. It’s a very safe place to be, and there’s a lot of runway. I foresee that we will continue to have greater access to capital. Even we were projecting that some time after labor day, that it would really start to look more normal. I don’t know that we’re normal in terms of where we were pre-COVID yet. But we are certainly getting back to it much like the rest of the country is, quite honestly, in terms of we have to move on. So is there access to capital, and a very short answer to your question, yes, there is. There definitely is. It may not be as highly leveraged. But the interest rates are still low. They’ve still remained the low, and it’s still a great time to start to be looking at the future in senior housing.

Andrew Dick: Yeah. That was a good summary. I’ll tell you what some of the experts I’ve spoken to remain bullish long term on senior housing, given some of the demographics that we’ve all seen in the news with the aging population. In fact, some of the… I talked to some folks who said they’re looking forward to picking up more of the senior housing assets as things settle down. They just think that the demographics support long-term growth in the industry. Andy, would you agree with that and maybe also weigh in about, some of the critics have said there’s too much supply?

Andrew Van Zee: Sure.

Andrew Dick: Specifically in the independent assisted living areas, but-

Andrew Van Zee: I definitely am very bullish on senior housing in terms of a solid investment, a good long-term investment. I think there’s a lot of runway still here. I believe a lot of groups are believing that as well. We’re starting to see it. Like I said, the Knapp Group within Marcus & Millichap, we’ve successfully put three properties on the market now within the last two months, and I’m actually getting ready to have a call for offers on a skilled nursing facility here in the Midwest next week, and I’ve had some very strong activity of groups, honestly of more groups that have not played in this region before that are looking to grow and expand their footprint. Long term, I think that there definitely is a great time still to even look at senior housing. Early on, within Marcus & Millichap, especially with the retail sector, the retail sector getting a lot of a lot of pressure and even into the multifamily sector. We’re starting to look at some of the lockouts on evictions and the fear of people not making payments in the near future.

Andrew Van Zee: As we were talking to investor groups during the slow time for us as brokers, not the slow time for the industry as they deal with the pandemic, but the slower time for us, we were getting a lot of questions from groups who had never really looked at the space before wanting to see deals, wanting to know what’s going on, wanting to understand it. To that end, it will continue to be a strong space for future growth. Just as you mentioned, there’s a lot of baby boomers still that are aging. The aspect of what it looks like is changing overall. So when you say independent living, assisted living, what’s that look like? Development has slowed, and there was a lot of development in that space, and you could argue that the industry was perhaps becoming over bedded in certain areas. But I don’t really see that that was the case.

Andrew Van Zee: I think it was really certain markets. When you look at the country as a whole, there was obviously been a lot of development in certain metropolitan pockets, some of the hotspots just in real estate in general, Texas, Florida. Those two markets especially have had a lot of focus over the last several years, but some of the more tertiary markets, the secondary markets of the Midwest, the more rural Southeast, some of the West, the mountain region, been a lot of still growth out in those areas. Predominantly, that’s where a lot of the population that is aging is aging in place. I think that what’s going to take place out of this pandemic, what we can look to see is slower development in those categories. But we still have to have development in those areas just to continue to meet the oncoming future demand.

Andrew Van Zee: As far as evaluation is concerned, we have kept our valuations and our cap rates that we’re applying to a lot of these properties that we’re underwriting and listing steady throughout this entire pandemic. Most other brokers are doing the same. Appraisers are doing the same. I think that speaks volumes to this industry as far as where it’s going as well as where the value even is today, even despite some downward pressure from occupancy due to the pandemic. Cap rates have not changed. In some ways, depending on the product type, I think you could argue that those investors, and I can’t back this up a hundred percent yet, there’s just not enough data of transactions yet, but in some ways, some of those investor groups who are transitioning over, maybe from multifamily housing over into assisted living or independent living, I think there’s a possibility that some of those cap rates could even be driven down a little bit as we see capital migrate from different parts of the country or different sectors of the economy into senior housing.

Andrew Dick: All right, Andy. Tell us about the capital markets. Are lenders still willing to make loans to owner-operators to investors? How have the lenders and the equity sources reacted to the current state of the market?

Andrew Van Zee: Good question, Andrew. There’s definitely money available. There’s definitely capital flowing through the industry. By and large, it’s starting to pick up it’s. If we go back to the end of this pandemic back in March, we had record low interest rates across the board and a lot of refinancing, a lot of groups looking to acquire new properties as a result of that, and even some talk about, what are these low rates going to do to cap rates accordingly? Are they going to continue to be driven down with the interest rates? Unfortunately, the brakes were put on pretty hard during that point in time, starting with the banks putting floors on those interest rates, and then with that, also starting to scale back the loan-to-value ratio. So instead of possibly being able to get 7% leverage on a new product, a new property, you might be looking at 70, or in some cases, down to 60 and even 55%.

Andrew Van Zee: That seems to be where a lot of the pullback was coming from the capital markets was the amount of money that they were really wanting to go at risk for on a property. Most of that had to do with just the fact that this overall fear of what happens if we get COVID in the building, what happens if we have an outbreak, and we lose all of our occupancy, all of our residents, all of our income? For the most part, that has not happened. There obviously has been some hotspots, and those hotspots have made the headlines that have tainted a little bit of what we just previously talked about, where I think the industry has been and where it’s going.

Andrew Van Zee: But for the most part, I think the further away that we get from the beginning of this pandemic, the more the whole country even starts to just get into what is the new normal. We’re seeing on the lending side that some of that banking as usual is starting to come back into play. We were projecting that after labor day, we were going to see more of a normalcy in the capital markets area. I don’t know that we can really say that we’re 100% there yet across the board of what pre-COVID was. But we definitely are seeing lenders who are willing to extend capital and who are wanting to get into the game. When it comes to who are looking at deals right now, we as a group, the Knapp Group within Marcus & Millichap, we’ve now launched three new properties onto the market over the last two months and has some really strong interest in all the properties that we’ve put out there.

Andrew Van Zee: There’s definitely some pent-up demand in the space. To that end, what we’re seeing though, from those who are actually bidding on it, it seems as though it’s the private equity, it’s the private owner operators, it’s those who are wanting to take advantage of this timeframe where they don’t have to be bidding as heavily. I shouldn’t say that, where they’re more bullish overall on the marketplace. That’s where we’re seeing more the aggressive bids come in and aggressive to the point where we just had a property, a CCRC with a lot of skilled nursing beds up in the State of Maine. We had a call for offers on a couple of weeks ago, and we had over eight offers on the property, four of them at or above list. Those groups who were bidding on it were the private equity groups who were really pushing that envelope.

Andrew Van Zee: Some of the other properties that we are marketing right now, I’ve got one in the Midwest, a skilled facility in the Midwest, and I’ve got everybody looking at it again, the REITs, the private equity, local groups out of the region, and it seems to be following that trend a little bit more, that the groups that are more interested and a little bit more aggressive in their conversations up until this point are those in the private equity space. So there is definitely money to be had in those groups. I do take advantage of leverage through the capital markets. But from an institutional standpoint, it seems as though that those lenders, whether they were REITs originally or the banks, they were definitely conservative overall but are picking up again. There is money flowing back in the industry, to answer your question.

Andrew Dick: It’s good to hear. I think as real estate professionals, we always worry that the capital markets will slow down, and the lenders and the equity sources will hit pause. But I think what you described is what I’ve experienced as well. I think we’re starting to… Well, we’ve continued to see activity, but we’re seeing even more activity over the past few weeks as everyone starts to realize that this is the new normal. Andy, let’s switch gears. When I’ve talked to you in the past, we’ve talked about trends in the industry, unique concepts that some of the operators have launched, whether it’s a lifestyle type center or a high-end independent or assisted living facility. What type of trends are you seeing like that in the industry, and do those type of products tend to… Are they attractive to investors, or how do the investors react to those kind of niche product types?

Andrew Van Zee: Good question, Andrew. I would say probably that there’s no… So everybody’s looking for the silver bullet, that one product you can continue to punch out over and over and over again. It’s going to be the home run every single time. I always chuckle a little bit when I kind of hear some of those types of conversations thrown around a little bit because there’s not one type of housing products on the regular housing across the country. We are dealing with housing. It’s senior housing. But it’s ultimately still housing. From a niche aspect though, I think that what has been growing and something that is honestly in a little bit of an interest to me, so maybe a little biased when I say this is I really think that some of the smaller facilities that the small house design, the greenhouse design, those types of concepts are going to continue to grow across the country, especially as we look to the more affordable concepts that Welltower has been pushing quite a bit, trying to find solutions for.

Andrew Van Zee: Some of the bigger investment groups are wanting to look, shift a little bit of their focus to, what’s sustainable? What’s a sustainable model, and what’s sustainable in the country long term is getting to that middle class or even, in some degrees, the lower class that are aging at the same rate as the upper class? So some of these smaller types of concepts I think are very attractive for somebody who wants to move into those parts of the country, that middle America, if you will, that traditionally would be overlooked because you can’t plop down a 180, 200-unit facility right there. Now, that said, our cities are also growing. There’s still a lot of growth that needs to continue to happen on a large scale and some of the cities. I think that when you start to look at more of the metropolitan areas and you start to see some of the, let’s just call it an evolution of the villages down at Florida, ultimately, right, that was a very innovative concept of creating a community around a single age group. Senior house is always trying to create community.

Andrew Van Zee: How do you do it? How do you do it in a unique way? I think the wellness center and the intergenerational approach that is starting to pop up, not everywhere, but here and there I think is also becoming more attractive as you start to get into areas where maybe you have a lot of other box assisted living or independent living structures in your market area, and you want to create that niche. What’s one way to do it? I know obviously, a lot of groups have been talking about the wellness model of, how do you incorporate a true wellness lifestyle into it so that you can age in place?

Andrew Van Zee: I really see it as more of an evolution of what the CCRC model started out as, as a means for somebody to age in place, but taking it a little bit further and focusing more on wellness. So there’s a couple of unique developments that I’ve seen over the past several years. There’s one of them in the Midwest where they really focused a lot on the intergenerational aspect of a community with it still being anchored as senior housing, incorporating a wellness center that would allow moms and daughters and grandkids to come in and do yoga classes together or the culinary aspect of having a restaurant, a really good culinary staff that’s quite honestly more open to the public to get a restaurant style dining that’s true restaurant style, open to the community, flowing through there.

Andrew Van Zee: So I think there’s still going to be niches and growth in those types of categories. From an investment standpoint, bigger is always better. Economy of scale is always better. So early on, as those groups are looking for those niche markets, I think, I think that the long-term investment is still probably better for a larger project versus some of the greenhouse model, unless some of the greenhouse style products can be coupled with a portfolio or on a campus, where you have multiple buildings on the same campus, and maybe one of them is memory care. Maybe one of them is assisted living, and maybe one of them is a skilled nursing component and so that you can still create that economy of scale from the operational standpoint. So as we get back to the very beginning of our conversation, I think that the number one thing that’s holding that model back from going large scale very quickly as a lot of people are very interested in it.

Andrew Van Zee: A lot of people are very interested in, I think, and are looking at it is just operationally, how do you make it efficient when you are doing one building at a time in places? So when we start to get some scale and a tipping point of those facilities out there and the operational expertise of knowing how to run those, I think that’s a very unique model that hasn’t had its spotlight to the extent that it probably should yet, especially in terms of investment.

Andrew Dick: Yeah. The greenhouse model is something I’m very interested in. In fact, I talked to Susan Ryan a couple of days ago from the greenhouse project, and hopefully, we’re going to have her on the podcast soon, a very interesting concept, and it seems like it’s performed very well during COVID in terms of… In some cases, the greenhouse model has almost a zero infection rate.

Andrew Van Zee: Absolutely. I think-

Andrew Dick: But again, you’re right. Smaller scale. Some investors say it’s too small, right, to really pique their interest. But yeah. Andy, let’s switch gears. You’ve been in the business for quite some time at this point in the senior housing business. What advice would you give to someone who’s new to the industry looking to meet folks and learn about the industry? What advice would you give someone in that position?

Andrew Van Zee: Yeah. I think the number one thing, if you want to move into senior housing, you have no experience. Maybe you’ve heard about it, maybe just happened onto a podcasts like this one, Andrew, and you hear that it might be a strong area to invest in. I would say there’s an acuity spectrum that we talk about in the industry and starting at the hospital and then working its way down to independent living. Of course, in our focus of senior housing, we start that acuity spectrum of skilled nursing and work your way down. For somebody who’s coming in, I think if you have no experience at all in the service, it’s actually provided inside some of these buildings is to learn about that and learn about those different acuity levels and really start to understand what the differences are in licensure, what the differences are in staffing, what the differences are on reimbursement.

Andrew Van Zee: A lot of these things, especially at the upper end, at the skilled nursing end because there’s so much government reimbursement that comes out of it. A lot of this, you can actually find out if you’re diligent enough. You can do some of your research on those types of reimbursement things and licensing on your own. It comes down to the economics of the lower acuity, the assisted living, maybe the memory care, the independent living that you need to network. You need to find somebody who’s doing it. There’s plenty of good groups out there that you could get in touch with to learn more about it. Contact a local broker. I mean, that’s probably one of the easiest ways. We’re real estate brokers. But I’d call ourselves the Knapp Group Senior Housing Advisors of Marcus & Millichap. We’re advisors predominantly for those who are already in the industry.

Andrew Van Zee: So find a local broker that is maybe willing to spend some time. But be serious. Don’t waste anybody’s time as well. There’s a lot going on in the industry. To be able to find somebody who can be able to really share some of the details with I think is important as long as you’re sincere about it and as long as you’re serious. That said, senior housing has been around for quite some time, and there’s starting be, I think, an evolutionary shift internally just from the age of management, the age of operators who are out there. There are a lot of smaller groups that are retiring or moving on and/or handed the Baton on to the next generation internally, and that leaves us with a lot of mentors, a lot of sages that have been through it before and a lot of opportunities to just be able to grab a cup of coffee with somebody.

Andrew Van Zee: I’ve done that many times both starting out as an attorney in this industry, but then also as a broker, just wanting to continue to learn and grow my craft as well as don’t be afraid to reach out and ask somebody a question. I think that everybody in senior housing that I’ve encountered for the most part loves people. They love working with people, caring for people, serving. There’s so many servants hearts in this industry that if you are sincere about wanting to know, and you want to know for the right reasons, you don’t just want to know to come in to make a buck, but you want to make a difference, there are plenty of people to be able to get to know. But learn the industry first. It’s not the same as any other just real estate investment class.

Andrew Dick: Agreed. Agreed. Well, that’s good advice. Andy, where can our listeners learn more about you and the Knapp Group?

Andrew Van Zee: Yeah. No, thank you. In two ways. The easiest way obviously is going to be going directly to either our website within Marcus & Millichap,, K as in kite,, and/or just going directly to the Marcus & Millichap website, and you can eventually find this that way. It’s just marcusmillichap,

Andrew Dick: Well, Andy, thanks for joining us today. I want to thank our listeners as well. On your Apple or Android device, please like or rate our podcast. We also publish a newsletter called The Health Care Real Estate Advisor. If you would like to be added to that list, please email me at

An Interview with James Winchester, Lead Financial Analyst, CMAC Partners

An Interview with James Winchester, Lead Financial Analyst, CMAC Partners

An interview with James Winchester. In this interview, Andrew Dick interviews James Winchester, the Lead Financial Analyst with CMAC Partners. Andrew sits down with James to talk about physician-owned real estate strategies.

Podcast Participants

Andrew Dick

Attorney, Hall Render

James Winchester

Lead Financial Analyst, CMAC Partners

Andrew Dick: Hello, and welcome to the Healthcare Real Estate Advisor podcast. I’m Andrew Dick, an attorney with Hall Render, the largest healthcare-focused law firm in the country. Today, we’ll be speaking with James Winchester, the Lead Financial Analyst for CMAC Partners, a firm that works with physicians to maximize the value of their real estate investments.

Andrew Dick: James has been with CMAC Partners for a number of years. Prior to joining CMAC Partners, he worked for a number of companies, including Siemens. We are going to talk about his role at CMAC, some of the issues faced by physicians that own real estate associated with their medical practice and a couple of other items. James, thanks for joining me.

James Winchester: Thanks for having me Andrew.

Andrew Dick: James, before we talk about your role at CMAC, let’s talk about your background, tell us where you’re from, where you went to college and what you aspired to be?

James Winchester: Great. Well, I’m actually from the UK. I often get confused for being Australian, which I think is probably because I’m starting to pick up some of the Orlando Twine, and I’m becoming this strange little hybrid. But I am actually from London, originally. I did my undergrad education in the UK.

James Winchester: I was actually trained to be a mechanical engineer and decided that that was not for me. Or perhaps it was the other way round, engineering decided that I wasn’t for it. And then I decided that I would make a transition. And I came over to the U.S for grad school, and went to a school down in Florida called Rollins College. And I decided I couldn’t leave the palm trees, and I’m still here today.

Andrew Dick: Terrific. So how did you ultimately end up at CMAC Partners? And then tell us about CMAC in general and what its mission is?

James Winchester: I was actually introduced to CMAC by one of my school connections and I was kind of intrigued by them. They work in a very unique space. And I’d spent some time working at some larger organizations previously and decided I really wanted to work for a smaller organization where I could really be impactful to the bottom line. I was also interested in the fact that they serve clients the whole way through the U.S even though they’re based in Winter Park, Florida.

James Winchester: CMAC is an organization that was started around 16 or 17 years ago now. And really had the mission of assisting physician groups with their real estate financing. And it started off with helping them with bond financing. And there was kind of a unique instrument that groups were able to capitalize on. And when the financial crisis hit in 2008, those bonds became a liquid, and CMAC really had to pivot a little bit. And they were able to really create the same value for their clients, but more using conventional financing with banks and credit unions.

James Winchester: I think that the business has become even more interesting for me. And one of the reasons why I was attracted to it in recent years, is because it’s changed and it’s evolved ever so slightly where we realized that that physician groups, a lot of them are struggling with the same issues across the country. And we’ve created a bunch of solutions that use the financing. And that financing can facilitate some structural changes within the way they operate the real estate. And it’s really become a value-add when we’re going through our process. So we’re not only saving them money, but helping them structure it in a little bit more of a thoughtful way.

Andrew Dick: I like it. Very narrow-niche. Which tells me that you and your colleagues can probably serve the physician clients very well because you’re seeing some of the same issues over and over.

James Winchester: For sure. And we are really specialists in our space. We really only work with one type of group, and that is Independent Physician Practices that have, or are thinking about real estate ownership.

Andrew Dick: Okay, got it. As a financial analyst, tell us what you’re doing on a day to day basis for some of these physician groups?

James Winchester: My role has really evolved into being quite client-facing. I have the opportunity to travel around the country when it’s safe to do so. It’s been a little bit prohibited recently. I really see myself as somebody that really tries to find out the objectives of the practice in the real estate, what are they trying to achieve and what issues may they be encountering at the moment.

James Winchester: And kind of as a by-product, we assist those groups with the real estate financing and save them money in doing so. But really, the primary driver, a lot of the conversations that I have with groups are the issues that are inherent with the way that they’ve been set up historically.

Andrew Dick: So for example, the docs may have set up a partnership or a limited liability company and most practices evolve over time, physicians are buying in and out, and sometimes the way it may have been set up initially may not have been optimized for really what they’re trying to accomplish today. Is that, in a nutshell, what you’re working through with the docs?

James Winchester: Absolutely. We’ve owner-occupied medical real estate. It’s a little bit different from a traditional real estate investment. And there are some ways in which groups can really capitalize on their returns and reduce their risks simply by the way that they structure their real estate. Because the real risk is determined by the credit quality of the operating entity that is occupying the building.

James Winchester: And because that really is in control of the owners of the building of the physicians that own it, they can really, if they have good alignment between the real estate and the practice, they can really maximize their risk adjusted return. And really, a lot of the conversations that we have is helping groups that have gone and entered into good real estate investments at the time. But those real estate investments have really strayed from the objectives of the practice, and suddenly, they become a little bit more risky and the returns are not necessarily as good as what they could be if they looked at it from a holistic lens.

Andrew Dick: Let’s just back up before we do a deep dive into how some of these partnerships and LLCs are set up. Talk about the value of a physician group actually owning their real estate. It sounds like you come in and oftentimes they own their medical office building, for example. But do you also work with groups when they’re thinking about either building a new building or maybe investing in a new medical office building for their practice?

James Winchester: We do. And a lot of the conversations that we have are really helping groups understand what the risks are of them going into a new investment, how to mitigate those risks and what kind of return they’re going to be expecting to receive. And we’re really big advocates of groups investing in the real estate from which they operate for a number of reasons. I think they’re both economic, simply it’s a really good risk-adjusted return. Most of the groups that we work with, if the deal is structured correctly, they’re able to earn cash-on-cash returns of the low to mid teens.

James Winchester: And really, we see it as very advantageous for the groups to be paying rent for themselves and building up their value over time rather than paying it to a third-party. I think even more important than that though, is the non-economic factors, as we like to call them. And one of those is recruitment, for example. One thing that independent physician groups can really offer that a lot of their competitors can’t is some of the ancillary services such as the real estate that are very attractive to the new partners if they can enter affordably.

James Winchester: I think that, for a lot of groups, it can create glue within the partners that are involved in the real estate and something that really binds them together as a group. Probably the last thing is the ability to control the group’s destiny. And a lot of the times, having ownership within the building that the group practice allows them to make expansions, if they decide that that’s strategically important for the practice, or have the ability to control the lease that they’re operating out of to, maybe, reduce their expenses or…. There are a number of different things that I think groups can take advantage of with real estate ownership that they don’t have the opportunity to without it.

Andrew Dick: I think you hit on the two points that I’ve seen over my career. Which has really… You mentioned the glue that can keep a group together, which I think is right. And also the recruitment benefits of bringing in younger or newer physicians, I should say, into the practice. It’s a nice bonus for those docs to be able to buy into the real estate as well.

Andrew Dick: That’s something that many of the health systems can’t offer when you’re competing for newer physicians because the health systems typically don’t allow physicians to invest in real estate opportunities that the health system is undertaking. So I think you’re exactly right. It can be also a powerful wealth-building tool for the physicians.

Andrew Dick: So when we talk about setting up a real estate company or a partnership, what are the things you and your colleagues think about, James, when putting the deal together, if you could start from scratch?

James Winchester: We think that… Firstly, probably, as I mentioned before, the alignment of the ownership of the practice and the real estate entity can be really important. We work with a lot of groups that when they first go into exploring whether they’re going to invest in their real estate, they may have 50% of the physicians interested in participating. We think that that is not necessarily desirable. And if we can increase that number and you may be in a situation where you can’t get everybody involved, that if you can get a solid amount of the practice involved in the real estate, it can reduce some of the problems that are inherent along the way.

James Winchester: There are often conflicts of interest as you see the diversion of those two ownership groups. Because it is an economic asset. And oftentimes, it can be contentious if rents are set at certain levels or leases are negotiated in certain ways that are going to impact individuals within the group disproportionately because of that disparate ownership.

James Winchester: So I’ll say first and foremost, we’re really looking to try and create that alignment. I think a lot of that becomes really an education process. And if the transaction is put through and structured in the correct way, a lot of the times, it can be very desirable. And that’s not necessarily understood from the onset. So if we can really explain that, make it transparent, I think most of the groups that we work with feel pretty comfortable that they can get the vast majority of physicians on board.

James Winchester: I think alongside that, especially for new groups that are new to real estate, they may not be aware of some of the issues that come along the way of having a dynamic ownership group. Which is very different from what we see from a traditional real estate investment where you have new partners coming in and you need to be able to buy existing partners out. So we really look for structures and help groups through structures that make sense and are sustainable for as long as possible.

Andrew Dick: You hit on some really important points, the conflicts of interest that can exist as a big one. You’re exactly right that if only a handful of the physicians in the practice invest in the real estate company, there can be a number of conflicts when you go to negotiate the lease terms and negotiate renewals or talk about the future of the practice. I think you’re exactly right. That alignment is huge. And to the extent that you could get all of the physician partners in the practice to also invest in the real estate, I think that would make the transaction much easier and eliminate a number of conflicts.

Andrew Dick: One of the issues you and I have talked about before is the buy-in and buy-out process for a number of these practice groups. Especially if it’s a real estate partnership or company that’s been around for a number of years and buying in can be very expensive for a newer physician that maybe doesn’t have the capital to buy in or access to capital.

Andrew Dick: Talk about that process, the buy-in and buy-out and some of the things you think about to make sure it can work. Because if you’re going to offer a new physician, for example, an opportunity to buy in, it’s got to be set up in a way that it’s truly an opportunity where that physician can afford to buy in. Maybe talk about that just a little bit, James.

James Winchester: You’re absolutely right. It generally occurs as the real estate investment matures. Most groups will look at kind of an 80% loan-to-value structure or thereabouts, maybe a little bit higher in some cases. And it therefore means that, at the inception of a project, the partners are collectively having to come up with around 20% of the equity, maybe 15% of the equity, based off of the financing that they’re able to achieve.

James Winchester: And what we see is, as the real estate matures and that debt is paid down, and most of the time we’re looking at buildings that are appreciating depending on the market that they’re in, there becomes a widening movement and a delta between the assets and liabilities that’s increasing to the point where, as you mentioned, it can become not achievable for new partners to be able to buy-in based off of the traditional way with which these buildings are valued.

James Winchester: And we’ve seen groups where those buy-ins can be above a million dollars. And you’re looking at the physicians that are typically going to be the most highly leveraged because they’re at that stage of their career where they may have student debt, they may be looking to make their first home purchases. It’s just a difficult conversation for a lot of groups as that number goes up.

James Winchester: And we certainly see, for different groups, that that number can be different. And some are happy to, and don’t see any problems if the buying is quite substantial relative to what other groups see. And they can really struggle much earlier on in the process. We certainly recognize that as an issue. What a lot of groups, I think, don’t recognize it. I think that they recognize the buy-in side much more quickly than they recognize the other side, which can be equally problematic.

James Winchester: And that’s buying out partners. Especially as we’re seeing an aging population and many of the physicians that have been working to build up their equity in these real estate investments are looking to leave the practice and therefore liquidate their shares in the real estate ownership, that there can often be a real struggle to be able to facilitate that process. Especially if that buy-out of those physicians is paid over a short period of time.

James Winchester: And if there are a number of buy-outs that are occurring at the same time without adequate buy-ins occurring at the same time, it can be a real drain on returns. And we’ve seen many groups that have gone from a nicely-yielding investment, where they’re getting reasonable returns to actually having to put money into the real estate in order to be able to buy some of their partners out. Which is not necessarily desirable.

Andrew Dick: All good points. Talk about the algorithm that you and your team has developed called True Course. I was intrigued by that when we talked before. It sounds like it’s a program that helps predict timing of buy-in and buy-out of partners in the real estate company or in the partnership. Maybe just give us an overview of how that works and what it is.

James Winchester: For sure. Really, the genesis of the True Course came from really witnessing what most groups do when they start a new real estate entity or even groups with an existing real estate entity will manufacture an operating agreement, and they will put a certain buy-in and buy-out parameter in there, and they will decide to value their building. And they have these sequence of events that occur for them to get to each of these.

James Winchester: The reality of the situation is typically, for the first three or four years, they can get through and be relatively unscathed. And these buy-ins and buy-outs in the structure that they have in place works. And at some point in time, they reach a roadblock. And one of two things happens, new partners are really turned off by the fact that they’re having to come up with this large sum of capital in order to be buying into the real estate entity or the group’s really struggling to get partners to be able to buy out.

James Winchester: And really, they go through the same process again. Where they will go and look at the operating agreement and adjust it in the best way that they can. And sometimes, groups do a great job in doing that. But we really wanted to look at a process that actually looks at the probability of issues occurring and for groups dependent on the structure that they have in place when these issues are likely to occur based off of the probability of buy-ins and buy-outs occurring and what will be the severity of the issue of these problems occurring.

James Winchester: And typically, we see groups that have a large real estate value, relative to each physician, are going to be the ones that are really prone to this. Because they’re going to see a bigger build up of equity more quickly. And there are some ways, there are some methods that we found by using this program, that can really help groups mitigate these issues and make them occur less frequently.

James Winchester: And I really don’t think it’s an issue that you’re going to completely avoid, but as long as groups understand the different risks that they have, and when those risks are likely to occur, they can really apply some sound financial planning to be able to deal with them and be ready to deal with them when they do occur.

Andrew Dick: So, James, what are a couple of the factors that you look at when you’re inputting the data into that program? Age of some of the owners, value of the building or…? Give me a sense of some of the factors you’re looking at?

James Winchester: Age of the owners is very important. We try and put as much information in as possible. I think there’s something along the lines of 37 different variables that we try and model for. The pace with which the debt is repaid can often be an important one because that can create a trigger event a little bit earlier. We also try and identify what market the group is in. And what that really tells us is, what are the chances of new physician partners joining that market.

James Winchester: If you’re in a growing geographic area, then I think is a little bit easier from the recruiting side. And that generally tends to mitigate some of the issues that you’re going to see on the real estate buy-in and buy-out side because you’ve got more partners coming in than you perhaps do on the way out.

James Winchester: For stagnant or more stagnant markets, it can be more of an issue. Because you may be on the other end of the scale where the size of your practice may be reducing emphasis slightly, and suddenly you’re trying to fund buy-outs when there’s no capital coming into the entity.

Andrew Dick: Interesting. It sounds like it’s a very novel approach to an issue that comes up quite a bit in real estate holding companies involving physicians. One item we’ve alluded to already is, it can be challenging for newer physicians to buy in. You talked about how much, I think roughly, capital a physician may need to bring to the table, whether that’s 20% of the value of the buy-in.

Andrew Dick: Talk about maybe some strategies that younger physicians should think about when they’re trying to buy into a real estate partnership or company. Sometimes it’s easy for them to get loans from a bank to buy in, sometimes it’s not. What are your tips you would give to a younger physician looking at an opportunity like to buy into their real estate entity?

James Winchester: Sometimes, I think younger physicians will become turned off by the value of the buy-in without understanding the true investment of that buy-in. If I enter in with a $500,000, for example, that is really there to provide me a return on investment, which I think needs to be explained first and foremost. Even that being said, I think it’s important for those younger physicians to continue having conversations with the leadership, to see whether there is a structure that really suits that particular group.

James Winchester: And we see a few different models that groups use. And I certainly don’t think it’s a one-size-fits-all. And I certainly don’t think that there’s a perfect answer when it comes to buy-ins and buy-outs. But, there are certainly different methodologies that groups used that can be desirable in certain circumstances. For example, there is a model that’s quite widely used that really bifurcates the ownership with two levels. One would be a voting share, and the other would be an investment share in a class A and class B model, for example. That can be something that is of interest for certain groups.

James Winchester: I think that the downside to that is that it doesn’t necessarily fix anything on the buy-out side. Which can be equally as problematic. Especially if you’ve got some physicians that are investing more heavily, they’re usually going to be the ones that are closer to retirement and therefore going to have a larger amount of buy-out that’s going to be required at the time that they do retire. But it certainly can help with attracting new partners to be able to get in.

James Winchester: We also see certain models that look at vesting the real estate ownership over time and they may have a very minimal requirement for the buy-in to start off with. But the investment really increases as the physician partner contributes more time with the practice paying rents and therefore their ability to be in the real estate. One thing that we certainly see a lot of groups doing is going through cyclical recoup of their investment.

James Winchester: One thing that I think a lot of the time is missed when we’re looking at these real estate investments is, although the real estate investment may have been 80% loan-to-value at the time that it started, when a new physician is buying in, their return on investment is going to likely be reduced as that time goes on, because they’re having to put more capital in for a very similar distribution that they would be receiving.

James Winchester: So a lot of the times we like to say to groups, well, if you have new partners that are coming in and they were investing in this building today and you weren’t occupying this building at the moment, would they come up with 50% of the value of the building to put into it? And the answer usually is no. They’ll probably use more of the bank’s money in order to improve their returns and essentially risk less of their own money.

James Winchester: So sometimes, just framing in that narrative makes groups realize that they need to do something in order to assist these new partners so that they can make it achievable, and they can make the investment desirable.

Andrew Dick: All good points. Let’s let’s switch gears. When you and I have spoken before, we talked about the fact that the healthcare real estate market is really hot right now. A number of investment groups and developers are out there pitching physicians to build new buildings. And the developers, in some cases, will want to own a hundred percent of the ownership interest in the real estate. In some cases, these developers and investors will offer the physicians the right to buy in.

Andrew Dick: I’ve seen a lot of different opportunities being pitched right now. Sometimes, the physicians feel like they need to give the developers and ownership stake in the project. Maybe you could give us an overview of some of the pros and cons of whether or not physicians that partner with the developer. What should they consider, in other words?

James Winchester: Andrew, I think this is a great question. We see it a lot with independent physician groups. I think one of the important things to address, to start off with, is that there is often a difference between development and investment within a medical office building. And they’re often conflated when groups go out and they decide that they want to be involved in new construction. And I think that there are certainly times where it can be beneficial to provide developers a piece of the pie.

James Winchester: But it should be looked upon as really a separate issue from going out and the developer developing the building and more as an equity partner that’s going to provide something throughout the life of the lease when you’re in the building. we see that sometimes groups find it advantageous if the developer is able to share in some of the guarantee risk at the start of the project. And if they are struggling with equity capital shortfalls and they need a contributor, then they may lean upon the developer in order to provide that shortfall and assist in their capital stack.

James Winchester: I would say that more often than not, a long the real estate investment, there becomes conflicts of interest between developers and independent physician groups. Because, simply their objectives are not aligned. And I think that there are some great developers that become good partners with groups. But that’s not always the case.

James Winchester: First and foremost, I think it’s important for groups to identify who’s got control of the asset. And if you’re getting involved with a developer and losing control of that asset, and losing control of the lease that’s in place, that may seem fine at the time that you’re starting the development. But can be something that is not desirable at all, and can leave a group hamstrung once the building is up. And really the developers value diminishes. Because, the value derived from these buildings is really concentrated in that lease that’s in place, because it’s an income-generating asset.

James Winchester: I think that that really leads to a misalignment of the value and compensation as time goes on. We work with many groups that have perhaps got involved with a developer for one of these reasons where they’ve also become an equity partner. But they found that three or four years into the project, they’re looking for ways to be able to exit that developer share or buy that developer out. And they almost always are having to do so at a premium, and they are still able to get some good returns on the building by capitalizing on a hundred percent of that control.

James Winchester: But more often than not, their comment to us was, well, I wish we didn’t give so much of it away at the start. And we’re a little bit more thoughtful as to what this would look like after the construction was completed.

Andrew Dick: Okay, James, let’s let’s talk about the capital markets. That’s really one of the areas that CMAC has a lot of experience in when physicians are going to seek, whether it’s debt or equity financing for a real estate transaction. Talk about what you’re seeing in the markets right now. Is it a good time to seek out capital? Talk about what’s going on in the market.

James Winchester: For sure. My overarching comment was, it’s been a little bit choppy. But it’s starting to settle as everybody understands the implications of COVID a little bit more and banks are able to predict what the next six, 12 months is going to look like. We saw… It was kind of interesting at the onset of COVID. We were seeing, just before it, some very aggressive pricing and spreads. And most of the transactions that we complete, the bank is providing a spread over liable.

James Winchester: And what we saw as COVID here was that banks started to widen their spreads a little bit over liable between the 50 to 70 basis points mark. We were in continuous conversations with the lenders, trying to find out exactly what was going on and why. And they were really explaining to us that some of the indexes from which they were previously pricing on were no longer reflective of their cost of funds. So they were seeing that it was costing them more to be able to borrow the money to provide it for these loans than was reflected in liable, which was usually a pretty good index to be able to measure their costs for providing that capital.

James Winchester: What we’ve seen since is, those spreads have started to come down. I would say that they’re still not at the same levels that they were pre-COVID. And certainly banks have become more selective with the opportunities that they’re going after. We still have a couple of large national banks that are having real difficulty being able to bid on new transactions and some banks that are finding it difficult to bid on new construction projects.

James Winchester: In general, we’re say that we’re seeing most coming back to some level of normality. And because there’s been so much intervention with the fed and rates are so low right now, even though the spreads are a little bit wider than what we saw before COVID, there are still some great opportunities to really capitalize on low fixed interest rates because the underlying market and the index is from which these loans are priced upon are really low and therefore there’s really aggressive rates available.

Andrew Dick: Yeah, it sounds like maybe things are starting to smooth out a little bit, but we have ways to go in terms of the capital markets leveling out. Where do you think the healthcare real estate industry is going in the future? Do you think we’re going to continue to see growth and opportunities? It truly seems like it. But I would welcome your thoughts.

James Winchester: I think that it has, again, proved its resilience. Certainly, if you look at it and compare it against other real estate assets like retail and hospitality, it certainly stood well above those in terms of its performance over the last few months. I think that it’s really going to be based on the underlying performance of the healthcare industry in general, which most people I think expect to remain pretty strong.

James Winchester: And certainly, in terms of values of these assets, we’re seeing actually capital move towards the space. Which almost is counterintuitive considering that real estate in general has been as competitive over the last few months, but because certain investors and real estate investment trusts are moving away from what are deemed to be more risky investments and moving that capital towards the healthcare space, which is deemed as more of a safe haven, we’ve seen on the buyer and broker side some really aggressive proposals come out in recent weeks.

Andrew Dick: Good to hear. Where do you see the most opportunities for physicians interested in investing in real estate? I know that at CMAC you’re focused on physicians often investing in the real estate associated with their practice. Are there any other opportunities out there that you’re working with groups on? What advice would you have when a physicians interested in investing in real estate?

James Winchester: We see a lot of, specially groups that can create real estate investments that really compliment the underlying practice. And I think those are the ones that we like to recommend for four groups. If it’s something where they may be able to… If they’re an orthopedic group and they’re able to invest in physical therapy on-site, for example, that can be something that’s really advantageous.

James Winchester: When physicians at an investment strays into the into other areas where there is a different risk profile for the investment, I think it really comes down to understanding the balance between risk and returns. You can often get into desirable real estate investments that are going to yield a high return, maybe as high as the medical risks that you’re investing in with the practice. But it’s not likely to carry the same level of risk. And that’s an important thing for a physician investing to be aware of.

Andrew Dick: I think that’s a good point because when your practice is the tenant and a so long as you’re practicing within the space, the risk pro profile should be quite a bit lower for the real estate that your practice is using. So, good advice.

Andrew Dick: James, what would you tell someone who’s trying to get into the healthcare real estate business? What advice would you have for someone who’s new to the industry? How can they learn more and grow in the industry?

James Winchester: I would say, especially for independent physician groups, there’s a great resource called the Congress of Physician-Owned Medical Properties that was started a few years ago, and really was put into place because there are so many groups that really don’t the opportunity to discuss with each other what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to their real estate.

James Winchester: Many of these groups are sitting with assets of 40, 50 million-plus. And it can become extremely important for them to be structured in a way that increases their success in the long run. So I would say that that is certainly one resource that I would tap into if I’m a new physician partner and an executive that’s new in the space for sure.

Andrew Dick: James, as we wrap up here, where can our audience learn more about you and CMAC Partners?

James Winchester: I think, probably, the best places to visit our website, which is We are pretty much always available to speak and answer questions that groups have, and we’re happy to do so. I really like to think of us as a group that wants to help the industry become stronger. And we understand that our role or our success is not going to be anywhere near as good if the industry doesn’t succeed with us.

James Winchester: So if there is any opportunity for us to put groups in touch with industry experts, like Hall Render and yourselves that really specialize in this space and can really offer some value, then I think that we love doing that. So we would be happy for anybody to reach out

Andrew Dick: Great. James, thanks for joining us today. I enjoyed the conversation. Thanks to our audience for listening to the podcast on your Apple or Android device. Please subscribe to the podcast and leave feedback for us. We also publish a newsletter called the Healthcare Real Estate Advisor. To be added to the list, please email me at


An interview with Alfonzo Leon, Chief Investment Officer for Global Medical REIT

An interview with Alfonzo Leon, Chief Investment Officer for Global Medical REIT

In this interview, Andrew Dick interviews Alfonzo Leo, Chief Investment Officer for Global Medical REIT. Andrew sits down with Alfonzo to discuss health care REITs.

Podcast Participants

Andrew Dick

Attorney with Hall Render

Alfonzo Leon

Chief Investment Officer, Global Medical REIT

Andrew Dick: Hello, and welcome to the Health Care Real Estate Advisor Podcast. I’m Andrew Dick, an attorney with Hall Render, the largest healthcare focused law firm in the country. Today, we will be speaking with Alfonzo Leon, the chief investment officer of Global Medical REIT, a publicly traded equity REIT that trades on the New York stock exchange under the ticker symbol GMRE. Alfonzo has been a real estate and investment banking professional for a number of years. Prior to joining Global Medical REIT, he worked for an investment banking firm, helping hospitals and healthcare providers on strategic real estate transactions. Alfonzo along with his colleagues have grown Global Medical REIT to a respectable healthcare REIT. And today we are going to talk about his career and his current role at Global Medical REIT. We’re also going to talk about the Global Medical REIT portfolio and healthcare real estate industry in general. Alfonzo. Thanks for joining me.

Alfonzo Leon: Thanks for having me.

Andrew Dick: Alfonzo, before we talk about your role at Global Medical REIT, let’s talk about your background. Give us a little bit of information about where you’re from, where you went to college and what you aspired to be.

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. Great. So I was born in South America. I came to the US for college, went to the University of Virginia, studied to be an architect initially. Right after I graduated from UVA, I lived in Martha’s Vineyard for a year. While I was on the Island, I enrolled in the center for real estate program at MIT and went to that program for a year. Coming out of that program, I started a job with LaSalle Investment Management, out of their Baltimore office. That was a great opportunity for someone that’s in essence, starting their career. I had a chance to work with a lot of acquisition officers across all asset types, office industrial retail, medical office and hotels. I actually sat next to the acquisition portfolio manager for LaSalle, that was starting a medical office fund.

Alfonzo Leon: So I did a good amount of work with the director of that MOB fund over the years. So I did that for about five years. In 2005, I decided to look for other opportunities. I joined a boutique healthcare investment banking firm called Cain Brothers, out of San Francisco. And it was a pretty, a unique opportunity. At the time, this is 2005, medical office was still considered a very niche investment class and there weren’t really that many people that were in the space. I joined a group within Cain Brothers that was dedicated to MOB monetizations on behalf of health systems. That was the core business model. So over the years, Cain had built many relationships with small health systems across the country, health systems with two, three, four hospitals within their network, which were too small for the big wall street banks.

Alfonzo Leon: The founders of Cain, two brothers actually formed the company in the mid ’80s with a goal of servicing these smaller health systems. So when I joined in 2005, Cain Brothers had completed about a handful of monetizations in the past couple of years. And it was that they were in many ways pioneers in the space. The first monetizations happened in 2001, 2002, when Ascension started, engaged Ernst & Young to evaluate their real estate holdings and they were looking for ways to raise cash, to help their credit ratings. So that in essence started the industry that I’ve been in since in essence 2000 when I joined LaSalle, and Cain Brothers was one of the pioneers. So when I joined them, it was a group of about six bankers, never really grew beyond that number.

Alfonzo Leon: But over nine years from 2005, in 2014, I worked on over $2 billion worth of transactions in the healthcare space. So I spent a lot of time over those years working with health systems, working with physician groups and also interacting with a lot of the buyers in the space. So all the public REITs, the private REITs and the private equity companies that have joined over the years. So it gave me a very unique perspective, in a sense, I had a chance to observe and learn from other investors in the space over nine years. I also had a chance to interact with health systems at the board level, where they were actually making decisions on healthcare. Also I had a chance to work directly with physicians and then most importantly, Cain Brothers, since they had a focus on healthcare for nine years, I had the opportunity to hear from other colleagues who were in the home health business, senior housing business, who were in the managed care business.

Alfonzo Leon: And the medical device companies, IT, I mean a pretty wide spectrum. And Cain Brothers also had a pretty active tax exempt bond business. The guy who ran the real estate group within Cain Brothers, he also ran Cain Brothers, their M&A practice for hospitals. So I also had some exposure to that process when a hospital is acquired by another hospital. I had a chance to observe kind of their thinking and what goes into that process. So very unique perspective that I had prior to joining Global Medical REIT.

Andrew Dick: So Alfonzo, it sounds like when we spoke before you were happy working at Cain Brothers, you had a very good experience. You liked the variety of work and generally weren’t looking for new opportunities. So how did you end up making the move, or what prompted you to make the move to Global Medical REIT?

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. And you’re correct. I mean, I had no plans on either looking for opportunities outside Cain Brothers or leaving San Francisco, which it’s not a bad place to live. So really it was a coincidental, I got put in touch with somebody that was, a person who was the former CEO of Global Medical REIT. He was starting the company, looking for the first acquisition. And I struck up a conversation with him and realized that there was an opportunity to join what in essence was a startup REIT. And while it came over nine years, I saw a lot of funds start with zero assets, and within a two, three year span, grow their portfolios significantly. At one point I sat and counted all the funds that I had seen grow to billions over the years and I counted over like 13 funds.

Alfonzo Leon: I’m not sure how often you have that phenomenon in other sectors but it did catch my eye. I saw a lot of groups grow big funds. So when I met Dave, the former CEO, it was intriguing. And it involved moving to Bethesda, Maryland which I also thought was coincidental because I had lived in Bethesda, Maryland during high school for a couple of years and I knew the area very well. Things moved pretty quickly after that first meeting. I found myself moving to Bethesda, Maryland to join Global Medical REIT in August of 2014.

Andrew Dick: And Alfonzo, did you join as the CIO or what was your initial role within the company?

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So the startup of the company was very unusual. So Global Medical REIT was actually one company of many that were run out of the Bethesda office. So the company that I joined was actually called Inter-American Management, which in short and in essence was the Bethesda, Maryland office for a family office run out of Singapore. One of the things that this family office out of Singapore wanted to do was become a REIT incubator and Global Medical REIT was actually the second REIT that they had started. The first one was a single family home REIT. So I was joining their second REIT. So when I joined it, there was about a dozen people working out of the office, but really the only two people that were working on Global Medical REIT was Dave and myself, which was interesting.

Alfonzo Leon: So that was from August of 14 to I’d say the end of December 15, it was just the two of us. I ended up right around, at some point in 2015, I hired in essence our first support person that dedicated to Global Medical REIT. This person helped me tremendously and he’s still with us, helped me tremendously at that beginning phase. So with Dave, we bought our first two assets and that was in June of 14, just prior to my joining, in September of 14, that was the first one I acquired. We spent a lot of time trying to raise capital within the US, we did a capital raise in Singapore as well. And by July of 15 we got capital from through the Singapore family office, this group gave us 30 million to put together a portfolio that we could take, that put together a $100 million portfolio that we could use to have an IPO to start the company.

Alfonzo Leon: So with the money we got in July of 2015, we quickly put it to work. And by March of 16, we built a $100 million portfolio and that between March of 16 and June of 16, we ran pretty hard towards an IPO. We put together a team. We got the legal team as well. We did our road show in June and we completed it in the month of June. So things moved pretty quickly, after we got that first a $30 million SLUG and we’re able to put together a portfolio quickly as well.

Andrew Dick: So Alfonzo, do you remember what the first few assets you acquired were, what type of healthcare assets they were?

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So the first one we acquired was a LTACH in Omaha, Nebraska, 21.7 million. The second asset we bought was a surgery center in Asheville, North Carolina, that was 2.4 million. The third asset we bought was ophthalmology clinic with a surgery center in Pittsburgh. That was about 11 million. The fourth asset we bought was actually a portfolio of six MOBs in Germantown, Tennessee. And it was a sale lease back with a gastro group, that the largest one in the area, that was 20 million. In February of 2016, we completed the acquisition of a surgical hospital in Dallas. That was 18 million. And then in March and concurrent with getting financing, CMBS financing on the entire portfolio, which was in that sense kind of a triple back flip because we were rolling in the portfolio we bought in December from the gastro group and the surgical hospital in Dallas, plus closing on a surgery center in Detroit 4.5 million and closing on a medical office building in Melbourne, Florida for 14.5 million. So that was a very tricky thing to do and one that I swore I’d never tried to do again.

Andrew Dick: I bet it was exciting though. I mean, starting as you described it, a REIT startup that had to be a lot of fun.

Alfonzo Leon: It was fun in the sense that it felt like you were going down a roller coaster with no breaks.

Andrew Dick: Well, tell us about the portfolio today, when you and I spoke before you’ve got a wide range of healthcare assets. In my mind, Global Medical REIT is a diversified healthcare REIT. You’re not a pure play. You’re not focused just on MOBs or hospitals. Do I have that right and talk about kind of the breakdown of the portfolio.

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So from the very beginning our goal was to build a portfolio of purpose built healthcare facilities. We used a strong healthcare systems and physician groups with leading market share in secondary and tertiary markets with the goal of producing reliable, rental revenue with rent bumps and a diversified footprint and with the goal of having this portfolio be triple net or absolute triple net. So just recently we announced we reached a billion dollars in assets, with about 80 million of annual base rent or triple net rent or NOI if you want to call it that.

Alfonzo Leon: So over 115 buildings with over 100 tenants with an average rental increase of 2% over three square feet of space and with an occupancy of 99.7% and current NOI divided by purchase price, a cap rate of 8%. And with a weighted average lease term across the portfolio of about 8.4 years. So that’s our portfolio currently. In terms of the asset types we buy, I mean, primarily it’s medical office buildings, the bulk of it is medical office buildings but we also buy inpatient buildings. So we’ve got the balance of the portfolio is a mix of inpatient with other asset types.

Andrew Dick: Got it. So talk about your role. You’re now the chief investment officer. What does that entail? What are you doing on a day to day basis? And then take us into what is the ideal opportunity you look for when analyzing assets that come across your desk?

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So one of the things that I enjoy the most about my current role is that no day is the same. I mean, every day has been very, very different. And even when I think about what I’ve worked on a quarter by quarter basis, it’s evolved quite a bit. Largely due to the fact that the company has been growing as much as it has and at different sizes, there were different challenges and different things that I had to focus my energies to address or to manage. I mean, we went from two people working for Global Medical REIT to today we’ve got 20 people. So it’s been quite a ride and quite a process and that every quarter there was a different set of challenges that we had to overcome. In the early years, it was capital raising and I spent a mind numbing amount of hours working on PowerPoints and making pitches to a wide range of investors.

Alfonzo Leon: And then there was the phase that I remember where we were trying to close on that $100 million portfolio. And then finishing that we moved into conducting the IPO. Then once we got that done and we raised $150 million, we switched into ramping up our acquisition strategy. So that was the second half of 2016. Then in 2017, it was a lot of things happened one of which was, we started, our credit facility with 75 million capacity, with an accordion feature as well. Continued executing our acquisition strategy, 2017 was also a year where we had a turnover of our CEO. That’s when Jeff, our current CEO stepped into the role. We also changed our CFO and we also changed our general counsel. So it was quite a bit for a new REIT, new company. And 2017 was a bit of a blur, I mean, there was a lot happening that year, but we ended up on a high note.

Alfonzo Leon: We raised money in June of 17, about 35 million. And in December, we raised additional funds, 75 million of preferred equity. Just in time for 2018, which was when rates started increasing, the FED started jacking up rates, which really changed the REIT landscape for the year. Fortunately we came into the year with a lot of capital and in 2018, we supplemented that capital, with acquiring buildings, with operating partnership units. So we did about $36 million of deals in that fashion. And 2018 was really sort of, for us, it was a year of us showing to our investors that our business model is working and that we can continue growing this company. 2019 was a great year all around. We hit a lot of milestones. The biggest of which was in, right around Thanksgiving, we got to add it to the Morgan Stanley index, which really increased our volume and our share prices started going from an average of nine, 10 up to 11, 12 and 13.

Alfonzo Leon: So that was a very, very big milestone. In 2019, we did a lot of acquisitions, very, very busy year. And in many ways we were kind of hitting our stride and came into 2020 with a lot of wind in our sails, with a very big pipeline. And when we did our earnings call in February… Sorry, our year end quarterly call with investors at the beginning of March, sorry. After our call, our stock actually went up to almost 16. So it was in large part due to the fact that 2019 we really hit our stride, hit a lot of milestones, had very good pipeline, very good deals. A lot of things came together for us in 2019. So when I think quarter by quarter, I mean, what I’ve had to focus on has changed dramatically. So to reiterate like no week is the same, every day is pretty different. In terms of my responsibility, what I think my primary role within the company is to make sure that I generate as many opportunities to invest capital as I can. In many ways I want to have more opportunities to invest than capital at all times.

Alfonzo Leon: So my team of three acquisition people, we spend a lot of time trying to get ahead of our capital raising efforts so that we can, not just be more selective, but we can… whenever there’s an opportunity to raise capital, we’re never short on pipeline, given the fact that capital raises, to have a successful capital raise, you have to have a pipeline. So what I view my principal role within this company is to make sure that we’re generating the maximum amount of opportunities for the company to grow.

Andrew Dick: And Alfonzo. So when you’re looking at opportunities, what is your sweet spot? What is the return you’re looking for, asset types? Give us just a quick overview of your approach.

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So our strategy really hasn’t changed since IPO. We focus on buying high quality real estate and desirable secondary tertiary markets, least profitable healthcare providers that are leaders in their respective fields. We focus primarily on acquiring medical office and outpatient treatment facilities in the five to 15 million range and opportunistically acquire inpatient facilities, typically in a 20 to 40 million range. To go back to our composition of our portfolio, I have a breakdown here for you. So 57% of our portfolio is MOB of which 20% of that has surgery centers. 24% of our portfolio is inpatient rehab hospitals. 8.5% of our portfolio is surgical hospitals.

Alfonzo Leon: We have 3% of our portfolio is LTACH. 3% of our portfolio is acute care hospital. 3% of our portfolio is administrative space. And 1.2% of our portfolio is freestanding ERs. Geographically across the country, we have 20% of our portfolio in Texas, 10% of our portfolio in Ohio, 8% in Pennsylvania, 8% in Arizona, 7% in Oklahoma, 7% in Florida, and then the numbers spread out across many other States after that.

Andrew Dick: Very interesting and it sounds like a pretty diverse portfolio. Let’s switch gears. When we spoke before you talked about the fact that Global Medical REIT was at one point managed externally. And recently you and your executive team made the decision to internalize the management function. Give us just a brief overview of how that process worked and what the strategy that’s involved there.

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So when I joined the company it was… I joined Inter-American Management. So most of the REITs in the universe are internally managed REITs. There are a few and I don’t know if it’s less than five or right around 5% or more, of the REITs in the universe that are externally managed. And really what that means is the employees who run the company are not employed by the REIT but by the manager. So the agreement we had with the manager was the manager provided all the human resources in exchange for a 1.5% fee. Historically, there’s institutional investors do not like externally managed REITs very much. At the heart of that is concerns around governance. There’s also been some bad actors in the REIT space that have not always had the best interest of shareholders in mind when they were running their business.

Alfonzo Leon: So we at the very beginning we set it up to be externally managed really because in outside of the US and in Singapore and Japan, for example, the REITs over there are externally managed. So it was set up from the very beginning to be externally managed for that reason, given the source of funds, the initial source of funds. When we were doing our IPO process, it became pretty clear to us that having the external manager model was going to make it harder for us to access institutional investors. So what we did at the beginning was set a milestone when the board of independence would start the internalization process. So we looked at a lot of case studies that our bankers and our lawyers provided, and we settled on a $500 million market cap threshold upon which when we get to that point, we would ask the independent board would start the process of internalizing the manager.

Alfonzo Leon: So in December of 2019, we raised about 80, $85 million of equity at $13 a share. That got us over the $500 million market cap threshold. So by the end of the year, the board started engaging their consultants, the manager engaged their consultants and attorneys, and the process kicked off in earnest [inaudible 00:26:44] in Q1 of this year. So pretty much for the first half of the year the board, a committee of the board that of GMRE negotiated with the manager Inter-American Management. I mean, really what they were negotiating is the breakup fee. Ours at the very beginning was set very formulaically. It was just three times the 12 month average fee. That number was competed to be about 18.2 million. We had a press release on that at the beginning of July when the process was concluded. And these, the best way to think of it is, this is in essence an M&A transaction.

Alfonzo Leon: If you read through the filings, Global Medical REIT in essence acquired Inter-American Management and Inter-American Management became a subsidiary of Global Medical REIT and all the employees, including myself moved, are now employees of Global Medical REIT. So at high level, it seems like a straightforward process, but nonetheless it is an M&A transaction, and there is a lot of back and forth that happens in normal course of business. In our circumstance, the fact that we had COVID and a lot of market volatility also extended the process longer than it probably should have run by maybe a month or two. But ultimately we got it done and announced that at the beginning of this month.

Andrew Dick: Very exciting. I know that that’s a big milestone. Talk about the leadership’s team, the vision that you and your colleagues have over the next three to five years for the organization. Are there any financial milestones or what are you looking to accomplish over that period of time?

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So simplistically, I mean, we plan to continue growing and building a diversified portfolio. Every company needs to play to their strength. We’ve built a real estate investment platform to find execute deals in our niche. So our plan is to continue leveraging our experience and knowledge of healthcare real estate to identify deals with good risk adjusted returns at cap rates that allow us to invest our capital creatively. Every stage of growth comes with unique challenges. I consider our internalization that we announced at the beginning of this month as a book and to our startup phase. So the way I see it, we are now a $600 million market cap company in a growth phase, in a market sector with very good fundamentals. So in short, I mean, our strategy is to continue executing our business plan that we’ve had since IPO and continue growing this and continue matching capital raised with opportunities within healthcare real estate.

Andrew Dick: So Alfonzo as you’re executing on this strategy, how has COVID impacted your operations, your facilities, and some of the tenants you’re working with routinely? Give us a snapshot of how the last four or five months of have went for Global Medical REIT in terms of rent collections. And what are you seeing and hearing as you’re working with tenants?

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So the last several months has been one that we’ve all lived through and it’s been very intense. When I think of the last several months and I compare it with the financial crisis of 2008, in a sense that you had housing. like in 2008, if you think about it, you had a housing bubble, combined with a credit crisis, and both are subject matters that are very relevant to what I do. This time around you had a healthcare crisis and a capital market crisis and the impact on real estate has also across many sectors has also been very dramatic. So in many ways the last several months I’ve been reading obsessively and trying to learn as much as I can about the impact COVID is having across many aspects of what I do for my job and what I do for my career.

Alfonzo Leon: And it’s definitely, I have to believe kind of a once in a lifetime kind of event. It’s been very dramatic. Having said that, we’ve reported our numbers in terms of collections and in terms of occupancy. And in the next week, we’re also going to report our Q2 earnings. And if you compare what we reported thus far with our peers, I mean, our portfolio has performed in line with other medical office portfolios. The month of April was very intense. There was a lot of uncertainty about how this was going to evolve. I mean, if you didn’t read the news for half a day, you were behind the curve in terms of staying current with the news. There was just a lot of new things that we all had to get accustomed to quickly. In discussions with our tenants, we spent a lot of time talking to them.

Alfonzo Leon: I spent a lot of time talking with other companies in our space, a lot of people that I know in the space. I walked away with a few kind of I guess a picture things. I mean for starters, the one thing that I think is clear to everybody is that healthcare is essential. It is an industry that needs to be defended. It’s an industry that is critically important to the country and not just the country, but to the economy. I mean, without a robust functioning healthcare system, you compromise many other aspects of the economy in the country. The other thing that I took away from the last several months, healthcare operators are very resourceful. You’re looking at a group of people that are very smart, very hardworking, that are very mission driven, that are not afraid of to work around the clock, have access to a lot of specialists and consultants that can help them.

Alfonzo Leon: Also as a group, they are very good at managing bureaucracy and paperwork when you think of healthcare reimbursements and if you think about in your own personal life having to deal with insurance companies, it’s tedious, but the healthcare operators are incredibly good at running and managing all that bureaucracy. So I would say in terms of characterizing kind of what I’ve seen, I mean, it’s just a resilient group of professionals in a healthcare space that have adapted quickly. They got a lot of support and help from the federal level and from CMS and from various other sources. So where we are today in terms of where we were even a month ago, I mean, it seems like healthcare providers have found ways to make it work. I mean, by no means, are we out of the woods on this one?

Alfonzo Leon: I mean, I think everyone’s acknowledged and are braced for the fact that this is going to be a long, long process measured. I think folks are thinking, we’re going to be living with this well until the end of the year and very likely through most of 2021. But it’s been remarkable to see just how hard the healthcare professionals have been working, not just in taking care of people, but also in running their business. So my hat goes off to them. I mean, it’s been remarkable to watch.

Andrew Dick: Agreed. I think the industry has fared pretty well given all of the challenges and in most parts of the country, electric [inaudible 00:35:49] procedures are continuing. And some of the providers that had to shut down are open back up, which is good to hear. In terms of opportunities, where do you see opportunities for healthcare REITs or for Global Medical REIT in particular, as we work through the crisis?

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So within healthcare real estate specifically, among the many things that I’ve been thinking of lately. I mean, it’s pretty well known that there’s been a shift from inpatient to outpatient. I mean, that hasn’t changed if anything, it [inaudible 00:36:28] probably, you’re looking at a scenario where things have accelerated up a little bit. Telemedicine also something that I’ve heard people talk about for a very, very long time. We had an amazing opportunity to see that implemented in an aggressive way. And on the other side of that, I mean, it’s not totally clear how much of an impact that’s going to have on the space. I mean, I had folks in the telemedicine space say it this way, it’s not a replacement to healthcare real estate, but a compliment.

Alfonzo Leon: And as I pulled together, everything I’ve heard on that front, I mean, it definitely seems that rings true. I think actually it’s made some things more efficient. In terms of how healthcare gets delivered or how it evolves over the coming years. I mean, I think there is a lot to be said for convenience. And when you think of large medical office buildings with multiple stories, five, 10 story buildings with elevators versus a single story facility that is a lot more convenient than more single use focus, there’s pros and cons to both, most of what we have is that the latter. It’s a single story or two story facilities that are more… the focus of care within those facilities is more single purpose than multipurpose like you would find on an on campus building.

Alfonzo Leon: I think, there’s going to be, continue to be opportunities and a space as it has in the past. My experience in healthcare for the past 20 years is things don’t change radically year to year. I mean, it’s more of a gradual evolution. I can’t remember any time in the past where I think I’ve seen things evolve rapidly. I mean, it’s more of a gradual change. When I think of healthcare systems and how they think about delivery of care and how they think about their real estate, they also… it’s more of a gradual move and it’s more incremental instead of sort of a change. But all that, to say that I don’t see the healthcare real estate landscape changing dramatically over the next few years. I think a lot of the trends that have been in place for the past couple of decades are just going to continue, maybe accelerate slightly. But what it means for investors, I mean, I think there’s still plenty of opportunities in the space.

Alfonzo Leon: One thing that’s really worked in favor of investors in healthcare is the amount of supply that’s coming to market. And I compare that with where it was 10 years ago, or 20 years ago. 20 years ago, the volumes were fractions of what they are today. And when I thought about the question of why the supply has gone up so much, no perfect answer. I think it has to do with the fact that investors have come in and provided liquidity and you’ve seen cap rates go down and it made it more attractive to sell, and it’s been sort of a circular dynamic that’s evolved over the years. And every year I do get the sense that there’s more inventory, higher quality inventory and more investors.

Alfonzo Leon: So it kind of feeds itself, but when I think of the volume today versus even five years ago, I mean, it’s very robust. One of the things that’s been surprising over the past four months is April, May was slower than average, but by June and July the market pretty much snapped back the pre COVID levels. I mean, it’s been very active. There’s a lot of deal flow. The quality of the deals coming to market are pretty good. As I think of the next a few years and into the future, I mean, I don’t see that dynamic changing dramatically.

Andrew Dick: That’s good to hear, especially for those of us that work in the industry. Alfonzo talk about advice that you would give to someone who’s getting into the healthcare real estate industry. I asked most of our guests, what would you tell someone who’s just getting into the business, what should they read or who should they talk to, or what advice would you give them?

Alfonzo Leon: Sure. So one of the things that attracted me to the industry is the fact that you’ve got real estate, which I liked. And then you’ve got this overlay of healthcare industry on top of that, that makes it a lot more complicated than other asset classes. Prior to me joining into space and dedicating myself to healthcare in 2005, I had done a lot of apartment investments with LaSalle. And when I compare just those two on its own, like apartments versus healthcare, it doesn’t take that long to get your head wrapped around multifamily investments. Whereas with healthcare, I felt like even after two years of dedicating myself to the space and trying as hard as I could, reading everything I could about the space, I still felt like I was a beginner.

Alfonzo Leon: It takes a long time to really get a sense for the industry and the dynamics and the investors and the systems. I mean, there’s just a very, very large knowledge base, which is attractive to me. So I would start by saying that this is an industry with a very high knowledge barrier to entry, which is taxing at the beginning. And a lot of folks that I see started in the space, they are… it works against them, as they’re trying to figure out the industry and trying to figure out who’s who and why things are good, or why things are bad. But once you get on the other side of it, once you’ve got enough knowledge that you sound credible and sound like you know what you’re talking about, it helps because there is a barrier to entry. I would also say that the sector is not very large when you look at the BOMA, MOB conference and you’ve got a 1000 attendees.

Alfonzo Leon: I mean, you’ve got the lion’s share of people that are in the space and have committed their careers to the space. And within that group, I mean on the investment side, I mean the way I think of it, there’s about 100 people on the investment side. So it’s not a very large industry. And when I compare the MOB, healthcare real estate investment crowd with like the apartment investment crowd, or like the senior housing investment crowd that I’ve also had a chance to experience. I mean the one thing, the way I would characterize it is, it’s on average, you’ve got a very institutional mindset. You’ve got a lot of the people in the space are very smart. They’re very good people, very friendly. So I would say, this is an industry that’s, I would characterize as one with a lot of very smart people, hardworking people, very ethical people and good people to work with.

Alfonzo Leon: So one that I enjoy very much, and I guess last thing I would say for anyone that wants to join the space is I would focus especially at the very early start of your career into space is trying to find a good mentor. In my career, I feel very fortunate that I’ve had very good mentors, and so I can’t stress that enough. I think it makes a world of a difference. And I would say, I would pick a better mentor in spite of, the type of job you might have because I think longterm you get more dividends.

Andrew Dick: Good advice. Alfonzo, I’ve enjoyed our conversation and I’m getting to know you. Where can our audience learn more about you and Global Medical REIT?

Alfonzo Leon: I would encourage folks to check out our website. We’ve got a pretty good investor decks that are also posted on that website. I think, I would just highlight the fact that we’re a new REIT. We did our IPO in June of 16. We’ve grown pretty fast but we love what we do. Our group in Bethesda is very united. We’ve got a very strong esprit de corps and very much a lot of the folks that are with us have been with us since the beginning. So it’s been an exciting journey, one that has been very rewarding for me career wise and one that I hope to continue watching grow over the years.

Andrew Dick: Terrific. Thanks to our audience for listening to the podcast on your Apple or Android device. Please subscribe to the podcast and leave feedback for us. We also publish a newsletter called, The Healthcare Real Estate Advisor. To be added to the list please either email me at A-D-I-C-K, 

An interview with Rich Anderson, Managing Director/Senior REIT Analyst, SMBC Nikko Securities America

An interview with Rich Anderson, Managing Director / Senior REIT Analyst, SMBC Nikko Securities America

An interview with Rich Anderson. In this interview, Andrew Dick interviews Rich Anderson, a Senior REIT Analyst with SMBC Nikko Securities America. Andrew sits down with Rich to discuss health care REITs.

To view relevant and current price charts and the history of changes in SMBC Nikko Securities America investment rating(s) and/ or target price(s), click here

Podcast Participants

Andrew Dick

Attorney, Hall Render.

Rich Anderson

Senior REIT Analyst, SMBC Nikko Securities America

Andrew Dick: Hello and welcome to the Healthcare Real Estate Advisor podcast. I’m Andrew Dick, an attorney with Hall Render, the largest healthcare focus law firm in the country. Today we will be speaking with Rich Anderson, a managing director and senior REIT analyst with SMBC Nikko securities. Rich has been covering equity REITs for many years and is a well known name in the business. Over the years, he’s focused on a number of different REIT sectors including healthcare REITs. A number of our listeners are REIT investors who work in the healthcare REIT industry and I thought it’d be interesting to get Rich’s perspective on equity REITs in general, along with healthcare REITs. Rich, thanks for joining me today.

Rich Anderson: Thanks for having me Andrew.

Andrew Dick: Rich before we talk about your role at SMBC, let’s talk about your background. Tell us where you’re from, where you went to school and what you aspire to be.

Rich Anderson: Okay, I’m from the great state of New Jersey so Jersey boy through and through. Bruce Springsteen fan perhaps. Went to school at the University of Maryland. Not perhaps by the way. Definitely Bruce Springsteen fan. Went to school at the University of Maryland and studied aerospace engineering. Not quite a real estate background, at least from an education perspective, but happy to report to you that standing before you is a rocket scientist. As I always say, you’re welcome.

Rich Anderson: Then for about six years or so, I worked as an aerospace engineer for a government contractor, also in New Jersey, by the way. In South Jersey supporting the FAA Technical Center. Did that for, as I said, six years. In the meantime, was getting my MBA at night at a small school in Jersey called Monmouth University in finance and made the trip to Wall Street. It all makes sense at that point. This is the mid 90s and I worked for an aerospace defense analyst. I figured I had the business degree and the practical experience in aerospace engineering that this would be my career.

Rich Anderson: But at some point early on, I took note of the REIT industry which the REIT model has been around since the early 60s, but as a trading industry really didn’t get started in what we call the modern day era of the REITS until the late 80s, early 90s. The real estate team was physically sitting next to us. I inquired about a job opening and lo and behold, I moved over there in 1996 and started my career covering the REITS and have been doing it ever since. 25 years in now, straight on through as a REIT analyst and here I am with you today as a result of all that.

Andrew Dick: Great. Well Rich, talk about the sectors you’ve covered and what you’re actually covering today?

Rich Anderson: Sure. Over my career, I’ve pretty much covered every asset class that make up the US REIT industry, maybe about 150 different REITS. There are all sorts of walks of life in real estate as you know and all of them behave differently from one another. The fact that I’m a REIT analyst is one thing, but I truly believe we cover many different industries because malls bear very little resemblance to data centers, of course, and so on. My history is quite a wide net in terms of the properties that I’ve covered.

Rich Anderson: Today I cover as you mentioned, the healthcare REIT space, but I also cover the industrial REITS which are known for the Amazon exposure and the logistics of E-commerce and all that that’s going on. The office industry, which is interesting today because of all the work from home and whether or not that’s going to have an impact on things. The multifamily industry, which should benefit from work from home, I guess, if you think of it that way. But I’ve been covering the multifamily sector for quite a long time.

Rich Anderson: Most recently picked up coverage of a relatively new REIT asset class and that’s the gaming sector. There’s three REITS that make up that space that obviously own casinos around the country. Then finally, there’s the one and only Ground lease REIT Safehold. I am one of a few analysts that cover that one. I find it very interesting. It’s, as I said, no other company really does ground lease investing, specifically as Safehold does. It’s been a very interesting story out of the gate coming public in 2017 and really having a breakout year last year as they market their product to the real estate community.

Andrew Dick: Yep, and as we talked about before, SAFE is a very interesting REIT. We monitor it primarily because a number of our hospital clients frequently use ground lease structures when they lease part of their campuses to medical office building owners and investors so yep, very interesting model. Rich, for our listeners that aren’t familiar with what a REIT analysts does and the type of information that they publish, talk about the ratings process, how that works and the different designations. So buy, sell, hold. You said that your company has its own terminology.

Rich Anderson: Right, our terminology, the equivalent of buy, sell, hold would be outperform, underperform and neutral. It’s just a different word same logic. As an analyst, my job is to be as smart as I possibly can about the commercial real estate industry in all its walks of life. What I love about being a REITs analyst is there’s no script. Whatever it takes for you to be smart about the industry you are willing, within reason or you’re allowed to do.

Rich Anderson: That means property tours, that means staying in touch with what’s going on around the country. Whether it’s specific to real estate or the forces that create value in real estate. I always feel like I’m a generalist when I think of the Midwest and manufacturing and technology in the Bay Area and financial services in New York and Boston. These are all the forces of nature that create value in the bottom line bricks and mortar execution of the REIT industry.

Rich Anderson: Staying smart on the space and then drilling down into individual property sectors and then to individual companies. When I’m producing my ratings that I try to keep as balanced as possible, and always testing myself whether a rating change is warranted or what have you, I’m comparing against the S&P 500 because we do have general investors that invest in REITs so that would be perhaps their benchmark. Then I’m comparing an individual REIT against the REIT industry.

Rich Anderson: So just that specific element of the comparison because of the REIT dedicated investor community, really it has to be in that space. There’s a more finer line in terms of thinking about ratings. Then within individual property sectors, what do I think of the management teams relative to their most comparable peers? What do I think about balance sheets? What I think about geographies and for whatever reason, what’s going on around the country how is that affecting this real estate portfolio, whether it’s in the urban core, whether it’s in the suburbs or rural areas? How is, as I mentioned, work from home as an example, how is that going to affect office? How is E-commerce going to affect Industrial? How is COVID-19 going to affect the healthcare industry long term?

Rich Anderson: There’s many, many ways to peel back the onion here. It quite frankly makes my job very interesting because there’s nothing very mechanical about it. You can be very creative in the process and I think you get rewarded for that creativity by applying whatever it is that you think is necessary to be smart and to think about your constituents and who’s reading your research and what matters to them. I try to lump that all together and appeal to the masses as much as I can. Understanding that everybody has a different role from one another that is talking to me or reading my research reports.

Andrew Dick: Rich, two follow up questions. How do you decide which companies and sectors to cover and then who is using your information that you publish?

Rich Anderson: Right. The sectors and the companies that I cover is my decision and where I think I can create value to my end users of my research. Exactly how I come up with those decisions perhaps requires another podcast, but suffice to say I am thinking about where can I make the biggest difference? Where do I have maybe the brightest ideas that I could share that I think are differentiated from my competition that does the same thing that I do? For example, I don’t cover the malls right now. The mall business has been tough. I don’t know exactly how I would create incremental value there where I think I can create value. I know we’re going to talk about health care in that space or multifamily where I’ve been covering it for a very, very long time.

Rich Anderson: That’s the thought process. Kind of a vague answer but the answer nonetheless. My end user is the portfolio managers and anybody for that matter that invests in REITs. That could be the Fidelity’s and Wellington’s of the world. That could be pension funds. That could be insurance companies. That could be endowments. Anybody who is investing money, might ask to read my research and hopefully compensate us for that. That’s how it works. Of course, the companies that I cover are interested in what I’m having to say about them. But that’s the other side of the house.

Rich Anderson: That’s the investment banking side of the house and I have to have as… For legal reasons have to have my blinders on about conflicts of interest and all those things. I really have to be thinking about my end user. If I have a sell rating on a stock and my firm has a relationship with them on the other side of the house I can absolutely not pay any attention to that and of course I don’t. It’s a very important line in the sand that I must never cross. The so called Chinese wall.

Andrew Dick: Very interesting. So Rich, let’s move into the healthcare REIT space. Talk about the different… What I call sub sectors. Healthcare REITs have been around for a long time. There are a number of different REITs that fall under the health care REIT category. How do you break down this sector?

Rich Anderson: The interesting thing about the healthcare REIT space is it is a collection of different asset classes. Whereas most property sectors, at least the way the US REITs are structured are focused in our asset class. You don’t have a whole lot of diversity in the multifamily sector, the office sector or the industrial sector. That’s their corner of the sandbox and they play it well. In the healthcare REIT space, you don’t have that advantage because there’s different types of healthcare real estate.

Rich Anderson: There’s life science, there’s medical office, there’s senior housing, which itself can be broken down between assisted living and senior and independent living. There’s skilled nursing and of course, there’s hospitals, rehab facilities and so on. There’s many, many derivatives of healthcare real estate. What I described earlier about how I go about thinking about asset classes, I do that in a microcosm sort of way when I cover the healthcare REIT space.

Rich Anderson: If I were to pecking order the different asset types within healthcare real estate, I would start with life science. Life science is obviously a solution to the COVID-19 problem. All the tendency of those assets are working around the clock to try to find therapies and work on testing and of course, God willing, a vaccine. There is some great public relations potential there. We all want to see an end to this but there’s also a lot of activity going on within the four walls of a life science facility.

Rich Anderson: That asset class one, one of the larger names in that business, of course is Alexandra real estate which is primarily a pure play life science REIT has outperformed in 2020 substantially. Because of so much activity going on, unlike for example, the malls where people were told to leave and can’t… By the way, can’t go to a mall or can’t go to whatever facility where there’s a lot of crowd gathering. The 180 degree opposite conversation is happening in life science facilities.

Rich Anderson: I would put them as a solution. Then you have medical office which is not quite so much of the solution to the story but is working alongside hospitals and opening up beds to care for people so there’s a lot of activity still in medical office. You are seeing elective surgeries being stopped in this environment. A little bit of a hiccup in terms of the operating business of a medical office facility but nonetheless, still a part of the solution in that sector which has quite a bit of cash flow visibility relative to other property types. Has also outperformed so far in 2020. Both of these have been our calls, by the way, going in speaking about how we think broadly about covering the real estate space.

Rich Anderson: Then the next level is skilled nursing. Skilled nursing obviously a lot of terrible things happening in some assets. Very vulnerable, older folks catching the virus and unfortunately passing away in some cases. You would think as an asset class, would you want to invest in that in this environment? The answer for me is maybe yes. The reason I say that is because skilled nursing like hospitals has access to the various government stimulus programs. They are able to fund themselves and support their themselves financially which in turn is a good thing if you’re the landlord, A.K.A the REIT collecting rent from these operators.

Rich Anderson: In a perverse way, I guess, as a capitalist, this asset class skilled nursing, actually works okay in this environment. Certainly not great for all the reasons we could talk about for quite a long time, but at least you’ll able to meet the rent obligations. Then finally senior housing which will be a great asset class over the long term for maybe reasons we’ll discuss later in this conversation. But for the time being, they too take care of old folks but they don’t have access access to the stimulus programs. It’s mostly a private pay option.

Rich Anderson: So occupancies have been ticking down quite substantially. With that, their ability to pay rent or keep their operations above water in this environment. They do not have the benefit of the stimulus programs that skilled nursing does. In the present tense, I’m somewhat worried about senior housing. Longer term, with demand coming as the aging of the population manifests itself in that business over the next 15 or 20 years. Could be a fantastic opportunity, but for the year now it’s a little bit tougher. A lot tougher.

Andrew Dick: Rich, that was a great overview. I have two follow ups. In terms of other categories, you talked a little bit about hospitals, when we think of REITs that play in that space, there are a number but there’s one that’s really… What I consider more of a pure play hospital REIT. That’s medical properties trust. How are they doing?

Rich Anderson: First of all I want to say they… I don’t cover medical MPW so I want to be a little bit careful about talking too much about MPW. Maybe I could speak generally. I think that perhaps the same rules apply in hospitals as they do in skilled nursing. With the one exception being we are probably over hospitaled, if that’s a word. Over hospitaled in the United States. Perhaps something that might come out of this is a retrenchment of the hospital industry longer term.

Rich Anderson: I am a little worried about that in the sense that you could have some consolidation. You could have some low market share, rural hospitals closing and redirecting patients to another hospital in the area that has better market share, better systems and so on. I guess I’m just a little worried longer term about the hospital more so than I am of the skilled nursing space. The hospital industry is dealing with COVID-19 which is not really a profit center.

Rich Anderson: You might come out of this a little bit weaker in the hospital space than what I might suggest with the skilled nursing space. But nonetheless, for the time being, it is being supported as I suggested with skilled nursing. One other thing I would say, importantly, we have long thought of government regulation for hospitals and skilled nursing is to be a “liability” for those two asset classes, because you have a tough time predicting what Medicare is going to do every year, what the 50 states in terms of Medicaid are going to sign.

Rich Anderson: We’ve had some surprises to the downside in the past that has derailed that business because it so much relies on government reimbursement to run. But now, you would think that the government, state and federal government are unlikely to do anything that is perceived to be taking money away from that industry. The counter to my comment about hospitals long term is the government is probably an asset now, because it is unlikely to take money away from these heroes that have been on the front line doing all this for all of the people that are suffering from this disease. A lot of things to think about. Hospitals and in the healthcare real estate space in general. It’s going to be interesting on the other side of this for sure.

Andrew Dick: Let me bounce around a little bit in some of the different sectors. One, I don’t know that it’s really a sector but at least the way I think of a couple of the big healthcare REITs Ventas, Welltower, Healthpeak. I think of those as the three.

Rich Anderson: Sure.

Andrew Dick: I think of them as diversified healthcare REITs. What are your thoughts about those big players in the industry? We’ve seen some dividend cuts. Some of them have exposure to senior housing, what are your thoughts on how they’re performing today?

Rich Anderson: All three are fantastic organizations. The very fact that they’ve been consolidators and grown to the size that they have become is evidence of the quality of these organizations. Now they have certainly had their difficulties and some headwinds as of late because as you mentioned, they have exposure to senior housing, but taking that matter even a step further, they have exposure to operating senior housing. Very often we talk about triple net leases. In the triple net structure, the operator simply paying a rent to the REIT and it’s very much a passive investment from the REITs perspective.

Rich Anderson: In 2007, laws were passed to allow for the ownership and operations of healthcare real estate, namely senior housing facilities. That was a sea change in terms of how the REITs acted and played in the senior housing space. Now, fast forward to today, Welltower about 45% of its total portfolio is operating senior housing facilities. Not triple net, but literally the operations on their balance sheet. Ventas, about 35% of their portfolio is senior housing operating facility.

Rich Anderson: They’ve taken that law and run with it. They’ve done it because there has been growth over the years. It’s come back to bite them in this environment because they now are feeling the hit directly from occupancy laws in that space. Healthpeak is the third of the big three as you describe them which is what we all describe them as. They have performed relatively better than Ventas and Welltower. I think that’s because their exposure to senior housing operating is significantly lower.

Rich Anderson: They play in senior housing, but they have a fair amount of triple net. They do have senior housing operating less than 20% of the portfolio but they play big in life science. They’re another life science player. They’re benefiting from that and they’re big in medical office. So too is Ventas and Welltower. The lion’s share of the peak story is life science and medical office and that’s why they’ve been a better performer. To that end, my my ratings on those three are outperform for peak and neutral for Welltower and Ventas.

Andrew Dick: Yeah, it’s interesting. I think of those three the same way and I assume the law-

Rich Anderson: That’s right.

Andrew Dick: What we call in the industry the idea type structure where the REITs can be involved in management operation.

Rich Anderson: To be clear not the management. The physical management of the assets has to be run by a third party. What happens is REIT owns all the business but part of their cost structure is to pay a management fee to somebody who’s physically bathing and feeding people because that wouldn’t be considered a real estate activity. They still separate a little bit, there actually structured a lot like hotels where they pay a fee to a flag like a Marriott or Hilton or so on. That’s how the healthcare remodel a set up when they do do a REIT data structure.

Andrew Dick: So they’re getting a piece of the operating income through that structure. The other point you made, which I thought was a good one was about peak. The fact that it has more life sciences assets compared to the other two. It seems to be really working on a number of new development projects in the life sciences space as well which I find exciting. For a while I think it went through a rebranding and now it seems to be really coming into its own and doing well. I tend to agree with you. I like [crosstalk 00:24:28].

Rich Anderson: That’s an interesting company. The management team there has come together over the past five years led by Tom Herzog who I know very well and for a long time. He actually cut his teeth in the REIT space in the multifamily sector but he’s a very smart guy and he’s built a team of very smart people around him. In doing that, restructuring a legacy company into what it is today they’ve really done a fantastic job there.

Andrew Dick: Going back to MOB’s and some of the pure play MOB REITs, I think you cover HTA-

Rich Anderson: That’s right, yeah.

Andrew Dick:  Healthcare Trust of America and then healthcare REIT trust. Is that right, rich? I really like… Both those companies seem to be doing well. Is there any concern that there’s been so much demand for assets that it’s becoming harder to find good product at a good price to make a good return for those players?

Rich Anderson: Yeah it’s always a problem. Particularly in normal times, in low interest rate environment you do have a lot of interest in asset classes and particularly medical office that appeals to a wide spectrum of investors because as I mentioned earlier, it’s such a visible cash flow stream. It’s almost like an annuity and appeals very well to private equity and a lot of different types of potential investors outside of the REIT space. So yes, competition for that asset class has been fierce over the years.

Rich Anderson: We haven’t seen any disruption in terms of cap REITs on medical office facilities, even in this period of time. Now, we’re not seeing a lot of transaction activity but where we have seen it, there hasn’t been a whole lot of disruption in terms of property value. That’s always a good thing if you’re long on the sector which both of those companies are, but if you want to grow it, it becomes challenging. That’s always the difficulty. Now, healthcare REIT and also HTA both have a fair amount of development.

Rich Anderson: The way you get a better return is by taking on the incremental risk of development and you get 150 or 200 basis points return spread over what you’d be able to do as an acquisition. That’s one way to approach growing the portfolio, by going the development route. Of course development comes with its own risks. That’s always a trade off. That’s one way that the two of those companies are managing that issue specifically.

Andrew Dick: Great. One question about life sciences, Alexandria in particular I know recently had a share offering. Raised something like a billion dollars, I believe, which was huge. Then I think Blackstone may have raised a couple billion dollars from one of its life sciences funds. How does a publicly traded REIT like Alexandria… I mean, there’s so much interest in life sciences now and I know they have deep roots in the industry. How do they compete with some of the private equity players in that space?

Rich Anderson: That might be better question for them because I’m sure it’s a doggy dog world out there when it comes to a question like that. Alexandria cost of capital is quite attractive and fantastic balance sheet. I think there’s more than enough to go around. Of course, the best cost to capital perhaps in the planet is Blackstone. It’s a double edged sword when they come into the space. They took BioMed private a few years back and have been managing that portfolio ever since.

Rich Anderson: You’d like to have the stamp of approval of a Blackstone in your space but then you have a pretty sizable competitor as well. I think what Alexandria comes to the table with is reputation. Their portfolio is spectacular in many respects. It comes from mostly their development business and so if you see an Alexandria asset, you almost recognize it before you see the name on the door because they just do such a good job. That reputation precedes them.

Rich Anderson: They have relationships up and down the board throughout the bio pharma industry, they themselves can be characterized as a life science company in many respects. They are not real estate people only. If you meet the management team, you will find scientists and PhDs that are very knowledgeable and interface specifically with their tenants. That’s the differential for Alexandria. They are not just a money machine, they are actually very intellectual when it comes to the underlying business. they host forums with all their tenants.

Rich Anderson: They even have a VC arm where they’re investing into early stage development companies. They run the gamut in the life science business and I think that’s a separating characteristic for Alexandria when it comes to competition.

Andrew Dick: Great. Switching quickly to senior housing, you mentioned earlier, you think the sector will recover over time and may be an attractive investment. A couple of the long term care REITs playing in that space, which ones do you like [crosstalk 00:30:19].

Rich Anderson: Well so I have an outperform rating on SABRA, S-A-B-R-A. That’s about 60% skilled nursing 40% senior housing right now. I’m getting my fix I guess I will say, through SABRA. I get senior housing exposure with Peak even though it’s smaller than the others. I’m still getting it that way. The day may come. Obviously I can’t say when or how that I’ll flip more of aggressive approach into senior housing. Part of the reason for that is fairly simple.

Rich Anderson: If you look at a birth chart in the United States, in 1935 births troughed Right in the midst of the Great Depression. That’s 85 years ago. That’s about the time people go into senior housing facility differently. We are actually at a dearth of demand for senior housing at this very moment in time because of what happened 85 years ago. But then if you also look at that birth chart, from that point forward to call it 1950, or 1955, birth rates hockey sticked up. I guess people got happy. The Great Depression was over with.

Rich Anderson: This doesn’t take a whole lot of analysis to know that over the next 15 to 20 years, you were going to have people entering those years where they start to consider senior housing facilities. Which has a voluntary element to it, particularly in the independent living side where you want to have a little bit more ease of life but you don’t necessarily need a whole lot of care in terms of being fed or all that kind of stuff. Assisted living has more care element to it of course and then memory care unfortunately can play a role in assisted living facility as well.

Rich Anderson: But nonetheless, that demand profile is coming. That question is is it going to be like watching paint dry or is there going to be a real resurgence of activity? That is why I said senior housing probably comes much more interesting in the aftermath of all this because we can plainly see the demand coming.

Andrew Dick: Rich, do you have any concern that some of the independent living facilities, some of those in many states don’t have to be licensed. They’re private pay as you mentioned earlier, which is attractive to many investors but it may be a little easier for competitors to enter the market for those reasons. Any concerns about when you compare that to a hospital or a skilled nursing facility, often those have to have a license, maybe a certificate of need in certain states which are barriers to entry. Is it a double edged sword because you have the private pay which is a good [crosstalk 00:33:13].

Rich Anderson: Well, it has been a problem [inaudible 00:33:16]. Perhaps a silver lining if there could ever be one in this environment is supply getting shut down in the senior housing space, but you’re right. There aren’t barriers to entry. We were worried about… Just to back up for a couple seconds, we were worried about supply in the multifamily industry when it was running at about 2% of existing stock in senior housing and specifically assisted living. It was running five or 6% of the existing stock. That’s real competition from supply.

Rich Anderson: I mentioned earlier a dearth of demand in the present tense was happening at peak levels of supply. Senior housing was really getting it from a couple of different angles. I think, again, the demand comes back but perhaps supply shuts down at least for a period of time. The REITs that traffic in that space will have a little bit of a breather from a competition standpoint. But all bets are off longer term because developers see what we just talked about in terms of demand.

Rich Anderson: You have to be able to balance that and know how supply will work itself into the conversation longer term. Your point is spot on. You don’t have the regulatory environment that skilled nursing has from a supply perspective and hence you’re exposed to supply should that start to turn on again.

Andrew Dick: Rich let’s switch gears. Let’s talk about the healthcare real estate industry in general. It seems like I’ve noticed Nareit put out some reports over the past few weeks on rent collections, generally for the healthcare REIT sector. Rent collections have been pretty strong compared to other property sectors. It seems like the healthcare REITs are performing reasonably well given what’s going on in the world. What are your thoughts [crosstalk 00:35:20]?

Rich Anderson: It depends on the asset class, of course I mentioned the stimulus that’s helping in the skilled nursing space. I think the operators want to stay current in the face of declining occupancy. There is a vested interest to maintain one’s credit and all of that. But there’s also the realistic side of this. If they simply don’t have the money, particularly in the case of a triple net execution, the fortunes of the operator accrue to the REIT. The REIT has to be careful about bullying too much because you can be aggressive and demand rent payments at their current level.

Rich Anderson: If that disrupts the credit of the operator, the REITs, at least in a triple net structure are going to be judged by that. They become a proxy of the health of that operator. You might see rent deferrals depending on how long this situation last. You might see actual rent cuts perhaps in exchange for a lease extension. From a REIT perspective, you don’t want to just blindly cut rents if you can avoid it, you might want something in return for offering that assistance.

Rich Anderson: We’re seeing things like extension of leases or other, what I would call assets as a compromise in that negotiation. But you’re right. To this point, the numbers have born out to be okay. Even though we’ve seen occupancy drifting down so much. There have been two significant… Actually three significant dividend cuts in the healthcare REIT space namely Welltower, Ventas and Sabra have all cut their dividend in this environment perhaps in anticipation of seeing rent come down to some degree.

Andrew Dick: Any predictions from management on whether they’ll increase the dividends once things start to get better?

Rich Anderson: Well I think that will always be the attempt. The REITs have been generally great when it comes to dividend policy and managing their capital and doing it wisely. Generally seeing dividends step up across the REIT industry generally and I think we’ll see more of that. In this time, this is something none of us have lived through perhaps ever. I don’t know how many of your listeners were around in 1918, but maybe.

Rich Anderson: Nonetheless, this is uncharted territories and I think you have to do the right thing and sometimes the right thing is to reset dividends and put yourself in a position to succeed in the future. An interesting quote, and again, not to make light of this, but Rahm Emanuel once said, “Never waste a good crisis.” That is not to be funny at all. What it does mean is maybe this is a time to look at yourself in the mirror as a REIT and fix things that were perhaps a little broken in front of this so that you do emerge from this healthier, and you do have the opportunity as you suggested to grow the dividend and get back to some level of normalcy. This could be a time to reset, rents and reset balance sheets and do things necessary to be a healthier entity longer term.

Andrew Dick: Rich, switching gears what advice would you give for someone looking to get into the real estate or the REIT business? You’ve been doing this for many years? What should folks be reading, who should they be talking to or trade organizations? What advice would you give to someone?

Rich Anderson: If that doesn’t do it for him which should be unbelievably surprising. Just kidding of course. The NARI, The National Association of Real Estate Investment Trust. They have a fantastic website,, and you could get a lot of information about the REIT industry there. REIT 101 type of information about all the language. It can send you in a tailspin a little bit. We don’t talk about EPS in the read industry, we talk about funds from operation or FFL.

Rich Anderson: You have different tax consequences. You don’t pay corporate tax if you pay enough in the way of dividends. There’s a lot to understand about what a REIT is relative to other industries and other C corpse. I think that’s a good starting point. You can really get a lot of knowledge out of NARI REIT. They’re there in part to teach the world about the real estate industry.

Andrew Dick: Rich, where can our listeners learn more about you and your research?

Rich Anderson: I work for SMBC, a very large bank based in Tokyo. Its stands for Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. Our broker dealer is the Nikko Brand. So SMBC Nikko is my company. I’ve worked for various shops along the way, starting way back PaineWebber, then Citigroup and Bank of Montreal, VISA [inaudible 00:41:06] before this, another Japanese bank and now at SMBC. I imagine I’m an easy find out there on the internet. I’m probably not going to give out my cell phone right now but certainly anyone’s more than willing… I should say I’m happy to field questions and talk to people about the space to the extent there’s time. I’m happy to be an advocate for an industry that’s been my career for the past 25 years.

Andrew Dick: Well Rich, thanks for being on the podcast. I enjoyed the discussion very much. Thanks to our audience as well for listening on your Apple or Android devices. Please subscribe to the podcast and leave feedback for us. We publish a newsletter called The Healthcare Real Estate Advisor. To be added to the list please email me at

An Interview with Greg Gheen, President and Co-Founder of Realty Trust Group

An Interview with Greg Gheen, President and Co-Founder of Realty Trust Group

An interview with Greg Gheen. In this interview, Andrew Dick interviews Greg Gheen, the President and Co-Founder of Realty Trust Group. Realty Trust Group is a national healthcare real estate firm that provides advisory, development, operations, transaction and compliance services.

Podcast Participants

Andrew Dick

Attorney, Hall Render

Greg Gheen

President and Co-Founder, Realty Trust Group

Andrew Dick: Hello and welcome to the Healthcare Real Estate Advisor podcast. My name is Andrew Dick. I’m an attorney with Hall Render, the largest healthcare-focused law firm in the country. Today, we’ll be speaking with Greg Ghee, the president and co-founding member of Realty Trust Group. Greg is a seasoned healthcare real estate professional who started his career working for a hospital system, then decided to start Realty Trust Group, a healthcare real estate consulting firm which is an affiliate company of PYA, a national healthcare consulting and accounting firm.

Andrew Dick: Greg has a great story to tell. I’ve known Greg for a number of years and really admire the company he’s built and he’s a man of integrity, always enjoy catching up with him. We’re going to talk with Greg about the state of healthcare real estate, where he sees opportunities in the future, and a little bit about how he started his business and how he’s grown it to what it is today.

Andrew Dick: Greg, thanks for joining me.

Greg Ghee: Hello, Andrew. Thank you. Good hearing your voice and thank you for the introduction and the very kind words. I would also like to say about you, I appreciate our friendship over the years. I want to thank you for not only the opportunity to join you today and talk a little bit about our company but I also appreciate what you and your firm have done for the healthcare industry over the years and the thought leadership. As you know, Andrew, and what I’d like our audience to know is you’re one of the go-to people that not only myself but other professionals at Realty Trust Group rely on when there’s a question that is really complicated and complex before we call our client back with our opinion, we like to use you as a sounding board. So thank you for your friendship, professional and personal, over the years.

Greg Ghee: Now, as to your first question, I’m a product of where our corporate headquarters is located. I’m in Knoxville, Tennessee. I was actually born at the hospital where I work and I was born here and other than leaving for college, have spent my entire life here in East Tennessee. When I graduated from high school, I worked construction for a couple of years and I was a general laborer and also a brick mason apprentice. After a couple of hard, cold winters in East Tennessee, I decided that the classroom looked pretty inviting and so I went back to school at a community college called Roane State Community College. There, I studied and received my associates in business administration, and then following that, I went to Maryville College and Liberal Arts School, probably 30 minutes away from Knoxville, and got a BA, Bachelor of Arts degree in economics in 1983.

Greg Ghee: My first job out of college, I was a land-use planner working for the State of Tennessee and it was a great experience working in the regulatory side of land development and after spending two years there at the state in that job, I went back to UT-Knoxville and got an MBA in finance and new venture analysis and then my first job out of graduate school was with the local health system here and now, 32 years later, I’m blessed to still be working in healthcare.

Andrew Dick: Greg, it’s a great story. I’ve known you for years but didn’t have all this background information. I found it really interesting that you were a land use planner and then you started to work in the healthcare industry and talk a little bit about that because I think you started in the healthcare real estate business as it was taking off. Today, what we see in the healthcare real estate world is a very mature market. Healthcare real estate, in terms of asset classes, is a mature class, not as mature as some of the others but it’s been around and it’s well recognized but talk about how you stepped into your role working for a health system and helping that health system build out their real estate platform.

Greg Ghee: Okay, and as I think about my real estate career, I’ll rewind a little bit and talk about that, the land use planning job that I mentioned earlier. I had actually written my senior thesis in college at Maryville College on the 1982 World’s Fair and my thesis was what was the impact of the World’s Fair and the government spending in infrastructure to prepare Knoxville to host the world coming here for the World’s Fair, what was the impact of that on the local taxpayer? And that really got me interested in real estate infrastructure of how do communities prepare to welcome people and in that case, the real estate was for the World’s Fair, which the World’s Fair site is still very integral to Knoxville, Tennessee and I was very lucky to have a person in career planning and placement that helped me take that experience from my senior thesis and say you maybe really interested in working as a land-use planner. And so that’s kind of how I got into the land use planning part of it.

Greg Ghee: And when I think about how my land-use planning prepared me to step into the shoes or into the job I had in healthcare when I look back on it, I think about the old adage that that may look good on paper as it relates to a development plan or a regulation but here’s why it doesn’t work in the real world and so, Andrew, that was so impactful on me in my career as it relates to what are the governmental entities and the policy decisions that are being made, how are they being implemented and how does that prepare you for healthcare.

Greg Ghee: When I came out of graduate school, so after land-use planning, two years in graduate school, and then I went to work in healthcare for Fort Sanders. In graduate school, when I came out, I was actually going to be a commercial mortgage originator for a large life company and that was in 1988 and there was quite a bit of real estate in receivership and vaguely do I remember having a candid conversation with my wife about another job offer I had that I ultimately took and that’s how I wound up in healthcare. So, I would like to say that I can take credit for really planning out a very direct linear approach for getting into healthcare but the truth is and the fact of the matter is it was divine intervention. I was blessed that I just liked the people that I interviewed with at Fort Sanders and took that job.

Greg Ghee: And one of the things I’ve thought about as I’ve prepared my notes for today that I want to speak to if there are young professionals thinking about getting into real estate or in our profession, some of the things is one of the first things I want to mention is be flexible in your thinking and always be prepared for an opportunity that you didn’t even really plan for to present itself to you and then follow your heart.

Andrew Dick: That’s good advice, Greg. That’s something I think we’ll talk about a little bit more at the end of our conversation as well because I get a lot of questions from younger folks who are thinking about different career paths and seem to be intrigued by healthcare real estate and I often provide similar advice. So Greg, you get this opportunity to work for Fort Sanders Health, which I think you said is now Covenant Health, talk about that opportunity because you really got in at a time when the health system was growing and you were able to help the health system plan out it’s longterm real estate strategy and execute on that strategy. Talk a little bit about that.

Greg Ghee: I would love to. Went there my first day of work at Fort Sanders, was June 28, 1988. So you can see, Andrew, I remember it. It was a great 10 years there and how I got there was through an opportunity in graduate school, along with two of my friends, Roger McFalls and Mark Fioravanti, and Roger’s the one that actually picked up the engagement and then got Mark and I to help him. Roger and Mark and I put together a business plan on how to execute on real estate operations for a new ambulatory care campus in West Knoxville that was being built by Fort Sanders Health System. The ambulatory care campus was probably two to three miles away from a large hospital that, at the time, was owned by HCA. We ultimately bought that hospital in 1990 or ’91 from them but we were going to compete in our market with ambulatory care services.

Greg Ghee: And so in 1988, Andrew, that was a very risky endeavor and we, Fort Sanders and Covenant Health to this day is still a not for profit with local board leadership and governance and they said this is a good model and let’s pursue it and it really changed our community. But getting back to what we did in graduate school, we prepared a business plan, made a presentation and after the presentation, one of the executives there named Larry DeWine asked me to leave a copy of my resume and long story short, got to interview with Larry and others there. Larry offered me a job as a project manager for the outpatient campus. I accepted it and spent 10 wonderful years working with Larry and a lot of other people there at Fort Sanders and ultimately, it became Covenant Health.

Greg Ghee: That was probably one of the most impactful and productive periods of my career working with Larry and others and that’s also where I met Ed Pershing, who’s co-founder of RTG with other people back in 1998. So let me continue, Andrew, talking a little bit about that because there’s some other things I wanted to mentioned as it relates to that ambulatory care campus. So, I was 15 years there and we not only grew the ambulatory care campus, it was 62 acres and it’s still 62 acres but it’s pretty much well-developed today and we worked not only on an ambulatory care strategy which was complementary to the acute care strategy, but they had a very robust … Fort Sanders had a very robust physician alignment strategy in place as well.

Greg Ghee: So, if you think about my career at the time, I was directly involved with acute care. I worked with the … Excuse me, I was directly involved with the ambulatory care. I had reporting relationships with the acute care, the hospital presidents, worked with strategic planning teams, the finance folks, the attorneys and many others to help grow that network that, today, is one of the more compelling networks in the East Tennessee Region compared to others, but it includes not only the Covenant Hospital locations but the ambulatory and the physicians.

Greg Ghee: One of the things that we did, and I just don’t recall the exact year but one of the things we did is we helped the local orthopedic practice develop a facility for them to relocate and at that time, and this still happens today in certain communities, a lot of medical office buildings are beside the hospital or across the hospital. In Knoxville, in 1990, 90, and those periods were about the same. We helped relocate an orthopedic group that had been on the campus of one of our competitors onto the Fort Sanders West campus and that really changed not only the trajectory of what Fort Sanders and Covenant was able to do but it actually changed our marketplace because other physician practices saw that they were able to work at multiple hospital campuses and multiple hospital sites without being right across the street, if you will, from the hospital, and so that was very impactful and a great learning experience for me.

Andrew Dick: Greg, talk about that transition. So you worked for the health system for a number of years and then ultimately made a transition to starting RTG. How did that happen? How did that transition occur?

Greg Ghee: I had been invited to be a panelist on a national survey that one of the … I guess it was big eight, maybe big six back in the day was putting together and I had colleagues from across the country that were on this panel and I say panel, we provided a very detailed survey as to how we manage real estate and what was interesting is we were one of the few companies that domiciled our real estate operations in the for profit arm of the not for profit health system and I think that was one of the attractions that got the national accounting firm to want to include Fort Sanders in that survey. And so Larry DeWine and I participated in that and me directly and Larry indirectly and met a lot of people across the country and really became enthusiastic if you will about taking some of the things I’ve learned and experienced in doing at other places.

Greg Ghee: And I was being recruited away from someone and decided that I just wanted to stay at home and had an opportunity to stay in Knoxville and help start a company with my colleagues and partners at PYE and so we did that March 1, 1998 is when we stood up Realty Trust Group. What I think about when I think about those early days coming back to your question is really, I guess, what I brought from my experience to the company in addition to the great resources that PYE already had in place and Ed Pershings’ experience but what I brought was really my experience working with physicians and understanding alignment of physicians and how important physicians as stakeholders are in all of your real estate decisions.

Greg Ghee: Secondly, I tried to always have a holistic mindset even today, 22 years after starting Realty Trust Group and 32 years after my first day of being in the business. I try to keep a holistic mindset about the continuum of care. I’ve already mentioned it a couple of times from the community and the ambulatory and physician and now, Andrew, we’ve got urgent care, we’ve got telemedicine. We’ve got a lot of other care models out there and so my holistic mindset has even broadened more. And then the other thing is thinking about the capital that’s available and is necessary as far as growing healthcare real estate.

Greg Ghee: I’ll tell you, I was a little spoiled coming from a large, well-positioned, well-funded, very successful health system and the balance sheet they had and I was a corporate vice president doing things only for Covenant Health and then when I transitioned into the company, Realty Trust Group, and going out and helping physicians do certain things, the first project we ever did was integrated three discrete physician practices into one LLC operating model and then helped them build a surgery center, a single specialty surgery center called Tennessee Valley Eye Center, we probably started that project in late 98 or early 99 but my point there is, what I’ve really learned now with RTG is how important capital is and the different sources of capital that are available for healthcare real estate.

Andrew Dick: Yeah, you’re exactly right and there are companies that are out there just specializing and providing capital to healthcare real estate projects and it’s become a very important part of the development process. Greg, before we talk about what RTG is like today, talk a little bit about the early days when it was really you and co-locating your office with some of the PYE folks. What was that like? I mean it had to be exciting. Talk about the early days a little bit.

Greg Ghee: Yeah, I appreciate it and I’d love to. I’m employee 001 for the company. Today, we have 91 employees across six different offices and so the first day I walked in, I don’t want to leave the impression I was by myself, although I was the first employee at RTG because, as you mentioned, I was co-located in PYE and essentially part of their team and was able to leverage the infrastructure here and to this day, we’re still co-located and do a lot of things together that really helps us leverage some fixed costs and other things. We’re also co-located with PYE in Tampa and Nashville and so that model, from day one, continues to work today 22 years later and 90 employees later, and it’s also really rewarding to be part of a larger enterprise.

Greg Ghee: Andrew, you’re blessed to work with a big law firm, that’s also very great and vibrant if you will to be able to talk to other people that are in different segments of your law firm as well and that’s … I able to draw upon the other folks at PYE. We set up RTG from day one as a real estate company and under standards of practice of real estate and we are a separate company and not … And we are a separate affiliate company and not a subsidiary and I say that because PYE practices under AICPA standards. They do a great job across the board in strategy and attest and taxation and have a huge consulting evaluation practice but RTG is a separate, distinct real estate company.

Greg Ghee: We’ve been able to not only help PYE when they’re assisting their clients where facilities or real estate or location services maybe necessary for PYE to bolt that on if you will to the delivery to their clients but the inverse of that has worked very well. When we’re helping physician clients stand up new medical facilities and many times, we’re a joint venture partner with them, we’re able to bring tax services and we’re able to bring strategic planning services that PYE offers to those clients that are coming to us for real estate.

Greg Ghee: And so, to your question, what was it like in the early days? In the early days, it was … And this is a true statement, it was on the back of a napkin that I had written out a few bullet points as to what the plan of attack and the business plan ought to look like. I have that napkin still in my jewelry box and with the PYE people and now the other people that have joined us and RTG over the last few years, we’re able to still continue to execute on some of the fundamentals that we thought about in 1988.

Andrew Dick: So, Greg, what type of services were you offering in the early days? Was it consulting type services? Was it development services or all of the above?

Greg Ghee: No, we were offering advisory services and that’s a great question and it’s one of the things that when we talk to new clients, when we’re talking about our company, we’ve grown our services following our clients’ request of us or evaluating what the future maybe in our industry and then running to add those services and compliance is one of those that I’ll talk about a little bit deeper here as I explain what I mean by that.

Greg Ghee: We were engaged very early on to help the health system in an advisory engagement go through due diligence for the acquisition of seven hospitals from HCA that was part of the 1988 divestiture and they sold I forget how many hundreds of hospitals across the country and PYE’s client was picking up several … PYE had several clients but the one that I worked on specifically was in Tennessee and so we helped them with the due diligence which meant going through all of the leases, flagging anything that we saw that might not meet either an FMD or a commercial reasonable standard, flag those, bring them up to the internal legal council, which ultimately went to external legal and then once we helped them with due diligence and the acquisition was closed, to help them stand up a property management company.

Greg Ghee: So, Andrew, day one, we were pretty much advisory. Within a year, we were still an advisory and had gotten into the operations, what we call operations, it’s property management. Within that year as well, we were asked to help those three physician groups come together and so we stood up our project management arm, which probably we only did owners rep/project management for the first four years and probably in the fifth or sixth year of us being around, we were asked to do our first [inaudible 00:23:15] where we were at risk and we built a cancer center for a hospital up in Virginia and owned that and then after a certain period of time, when they were ready to go to the bond market, we allowed them to buy that facility back from us and they aggregated it and took it to the bond market and so first was advisory, then project management.

Greg Ghee: And I want to tell you that part of the advisory did start us into the compliance and over the years, we had worked episodically on client engagements, helping with fair market value, rent studies, maybe giving opinion letters on acquisitions, working for either the board or the executive team before they were ready to either buy or sell either one asset or three or four, primarily, medical office buildings but before they were going to sell a portfolio of assets, is this a fair deal to the organization and so we did that quite a bit and then we did … This was one of the service lines where we really anticipated the emerging trend and the importance of having people that fundamentally understand real estate and Andrew, you know because you know us but 95-98% of our total revenue is healthcare real estate.

Greg Ghee: We have a few clients who we serve through relationships that are non-healthcare but we are a healthcare real estate advisory and services firm and so when we’re doing any of the work in compliance, those people know that we’re not out that morning doing a Walmart or a Target or some other food type of the advisory work. We are healthcare. Everybody in our company is working healthcare throughout the day but we saw PYE rapidly growing their compliance arm as well as it relates to valuation services and some of the other compliance/regulatory and so we decided to invest in our resources, people, processes and technology to significantly stand up a compliance, a real estate compliance arm and today, we’ve worked on some pretty nice projects. Most of those, we keep confidential but we’ve worked on some national level projects in our compliance service line.

Andrew Dick: So, fast forward to today, Greg, talk about how the business has grown, where you’re located and new services that you’re offering.

Greg Ghee: As I sit here today, we’re in Atlanta, Greensboro, Johnson City, Knoxville, Nashville and Tampa. And I say that because we have plans for a couple of other locations and we have some people working with us on a contractual basis that may take us before the end of this year into a couple of other markets. When people look at our footprint, you can tell we’re generally a Southeast company but we are growing our footprint. I think we’ve worked in 32 or maybe 33, it may be 35 states over the years and as I mentioned a moment ago, we have 90 employees and our services lines, our three primary service lines are as they were back in 89, advisory development, which is our capital projects and then operations, which is our property management and then the other two service lines that we have are transactions and the compliance and the reason I mention three primary versus the other two is the transactions is a function of what we’re doing in our operations and compliance is essentially a function of what we’re doing in our advisory work.

Greg Ghee: When you ask about our company today and maybe what makes us a little different than others, I have my own opinion and others, our clients have their opinions about us but what I hear when I’m asking our clients at the end of an engagement or a project why they selected us, one of the things that comes to mind to them quickly and it is repeated is the RTG difference. The first characteristic is we are healthcare. We are healthcare real estate day in and day out. A lot of people really appreciate the relationship, the affiliate relationship that we have with PYE because they know that we have additional resources to call upon if we need those and we also understand how to operate as a professional services firm, which PYE is as well.

Greg Ghee: And we also tend to do most of our work as objective advisors. We go over budgets and we go over fees and we go over scope of work with our clients on the front end and if there are any contingency or condition related aspects or tasks to that, we separate our work, our deliverable and our opinions from that additional work, and so many of our hospital clients appreciate the way that we do that but that also honors any relationships that they may have locally. So they want a healthcare advisor with a national footprint and national experience to bring them an objective, independent business plan or plan of action and if they need us to help them execute, we can do that or if they want to use something local to help them execute, we can certainly do that and that’s always been part of our value proposition to our clients and also part of our delivery platform.

Greg Ghee: Then the second thing, Andrew, is our clients tell us just the breadth of our services platform, they don’t have to go get someone else if they want to manage a project. If we’ve helped them with a site location and they want to put an urgent care center or something else there, their internal resources are stretched, they need some help, through a separate engagement, we can help them with the construction and the project management on that and they don’t have to go get another firm and get them up the learning curve and everything is still under a very discrete engagement with them with the confidentiality and everything in place. So, I’ll tell you the second is just the breadth of our services platform.

Andrew Dick: So, Greg, tell me about typical clients. You’ve talked about physician groups, hospital systems, what’s the breakdown in terms of amount of work or revenue in terms of those different categories?

Greg Ghee: That obviously changes from quarter to quarter, although it stays within a bandwidth, a pretty close bandwidth. So, as I mentioned, around 95% of our work is healthcare and I would say 60% of that today and it could be 60-65% of our work today is through health systems and then 30-35% is physician groups and then there’ll be 5%, could be 3-7%, there’ll be a percentage there where we may be working with a banking client and that may either be an RTG relationship or it could be a client of PYE that has said we need some help from a real estate professional group on a new branch location, and so we do a lot of work with banks but it’s interesting how closely aligned, when you’re thinking about locating a bank branch or locating an urgent care center or primary care group, how important the real estate part of that is but that’s generally it. About two thirds hospitals/health systems, one third physician groups.

Andrew Dick: So, Greg, let’s switch gears a little bit and talk about the industry of healthcare real estate, because you’ve been working in the industry for a number of years, have grown RTG doing work all over the country, where do you see the industry going in the future, what type of trends are you seeing?

Greg Ghee: We are as busy today as we have ever been and in a moment, you and I may be able to talk a little bit about COVID, because that’s certainly an area right now in history that’s different for me and you and everybody else in this business but if we had had this conversation in January of this year or February, I would tell you generally about the same thing that I’m telling you right now, that we’re very busy and I don’t mean necessarily the volume of work as much as I mean the pace it’s playing.

Greg Ghee: What I mean by that is we are doing a lot of work today and we’ve done a lot of work over our last 22 years and Andrew, this may be the same for you, so I’d kind of like to ask you this question when I finish but it seems that our clients, the pace of play and how competitive it is, not only in the hospital sector and whether you’re working for profit or not for profit but even with physicians and venture capital coming in, the pace of play, how quickly they want to not only understand the plan and execute on the plan and know what the plan is and get the physicians aligned, that really is about as busy as it’s ever been in my career.

Greg Ghee: As it relates to the healthcare real estate, I think we’re a direct function of the healthcare industry per se. Is that everyone is just incredibly busy, even before COVID-19 came to us and I think, again, that’s a function of intense competition, real competition, the first to market, to get their flag into a market subset, to make sure they’re aligned with the doctors, that the physicians want to grow. They need to have a place to perform their procedures, to get their diagnostic tests taken care of. So they’re also trying to take care of the doctors because they’re trying to grow as well and then I also think it’s a function of macroeconomic, I guess, demographics, if you will, of just the aging population and the necessary volumes that are happening and I’ll tell you, this is anecdotally although I could probably present some empirical evidence to you, as you know, we’re really transitioning from the acute care hospital environment to the ambulatory environment.

Greg Ghee: Most of our clients have already cross over the 50/50 threshold where they are mostly … I shouldn’t say most. They’re probably either 50/50 or 49 inpatient and 51 outpatient as far as their revenues and so that has also really quickened the pace as it relates to that and their facilities or building new facilities but the pace of play, is that how you see it, Andrew, with your clients?

Andrew Dick: Absolutely. I think it’s interesting the way you described it as pace of play. The transactions just seem to be moving faster and faster, more compressed timeframes. We worked on a [inaudible 00:35:46] back transaction on the West Coast last month, helped a client close on four outpatient facilities and the timeline was I think three and a half weeks and there was a lot to do and I’ll tell you, Greg, it can be really exciting but also very stressful as well. So, pace of play is a good way to describe it as things just keep moving faster and the industry’s evolving and you really have to be on your game when you jump into some of these opportunities. So I think you’re right.

Andrew Dick: Greg, you mentioned COVID. Because we’re recording this really in the midst of COVID, a number of states have opened. Some still have stay-at-home orders. Some have opened and are now slowly rolling back their reopening plans. How has COVID impacted your work and what you’re seeing in the industry?

Greg Ghee: Yeah, it’s a very different time, Andrew, as a person and as a professional. A few things come to mind right off the bat. Fundamentally, I think it’s brought a lot of well-deserved attention to the profession of property management and I’ll say this not only about our people and it’s more than just the people in our property management service line because our construction management people and a lot of people in our advisory service line are supporting others, so it’s really about our company but I want to speak specifically to the people that are on the front line in our property management and I’ll also broaden that comment because we work with a lot of different companies out there and we also have clients that are real estate investment trusts and they have property managers internal in their organization and other property management firms, so I want to extend my compliment and my respect to everyone in the property management arena, not just RTG.

Greg Ghee: But it’s been very inspiring to see how integrated and essential our property management team, our people have been and continue to be to our hospital clients and other building owners during this time. I mean they are literally on the front line and so you think about an MOB that’s on a hospital campus, could be connected to the hospital campus or it’s off-campus but those doctors and those patients, it’s critical and we’ve been considered, as you know, an essential service and so every day that they’re open, we’re open. We’re there to make sure they’re open. We’re there to help with the traffic. We’re there to help police the security. We’re there to help make sure that the housekeeping and the additional sanitary conditions and cleaning and all of that is in place. We’re there to answer the phone in the middle of the night when things are not going well.

Greg Ghee: So, again, it’s not only the RTG team but everyone in this business. COVID, I think, is also really focused on the importance of technology. We’re doing this podcast today, you and I talked earlier about how many team meetings we have and Zoom meetings. Technology, communication protocols and really broad-based communication, how do we communicate directly with a risk manager or an infection control expert at the hospital or at our REIT client, how do we communicate with them directly and then how do we communicate out to the public and how do we communicate out to the other tenants in our building and you all may, as a law firm, also see it and I keep up with your great advice coming out on COVID-19 and the impact on real estate. We follow you guys and appreciate you sending out that thought leadership as well.

Greg Ghee: And so I think it’s not only drawing attention to what we do in the real estate/property management business, but I think it’s also drawing attention to skills and I said technology a moment ago but the people skills and Andrew, you touched on it a minute ago when you mentioned the timeframe. There’s no way to measure, although I think when we get past COVID-19 and we all look back, what percentage increase of our daily stress quotient that we’ve all put up with and some days, I am certain, I’m a believer that it has been beyond the 100%, many days maybe but it’s really been something to watch and we try to be supportive of everyone in our company and I know you guys are doing the same thing there with your company but the other thing there is I think that will also enhance our people skill training and we use a term, our emotional intelligence, how you’re taking care of yourself before you can help take care of other people and making sure that you’re thinking about that as you think about what you do from the time you wake up to the time you finish at the end.

Greg Ghee: And then the last thing that I’ll mention, Andrew, I know it’s evolving but I think it will impact the design of buildings in the future, whether that’s in materials and there’s people smarter than me that’ll be doing this but we work with a lot of great healthcare architectural firms across the country and I’m sure they’re looking at that but they’re also looking at how you enter and leave buildings. We talk about smart buildings all the time. We’ve talked about telemedicine. So I’m certain that it’s going to have a big impact on really facilitated design moving forward.

Andrew Dick: Yeah, those are all really good points and I was writing some notes down as you were talking. I think COVID’s going to have a significant impact on the push for healthcare systems to expand their outpatient network or their ambulatory network. I think you mentioned that earlier, Greg. That was really already happening but I think it’s going to accelerate the pace of more outpatient development, off-campus development. Just a couple days ago, one of the major healthcare REITs published an independent survey of consumers where they asked consumers where would you prefer to have healthcare and outpatient facilities was where most of the consumers indicated they’d prefer to be treated, primarily because there’s some fear associated with going to hospitals today as we live through COVID, but I think you’re right, it’s going to change facility design. I think it’s going to change or accelerate, I should say, how some health systems implement their ambulatory strategy. So all really good points.

Andrew Dick: Greg, as we wrap up here, I’ve got a couple more questions for you. Where do you see the opportunities for the industry, for healthcare real estate professionals, give us a couple of thoughts there.

Greg Ghee: Well, I’m extremely bullish on the healthcare real estate industry. You could probably have guessed that but I love it as much today as I loved it 32 years ago and through divine intervention, I was able to go to work for Fort Sanders and as a young person or whatever age person, if they’re transitioning into the healthcare real estate, I think there are opportunities across the continuum. I mentioned our service lines and our service lines tend to follow where the work is if you will but the one thing I would mention as they think about managing their professional career is to really develop an understanding of the patient experience.

Greg Ghee: While you and I are talking about ambulatory or acute care and then telemedicine, some virtual medicine, whatever term we want to use, that’s still a patient experience and so if you want to understand the destination or what you’re trying to accomplish, really seek to understand what the user is doing and we’re all, at a certain time in our life, users of healthcare. It’s important to pay attention when you go to your doctor’s appointment and how you go through that process but I would say to really figure out a way to understand the patient experience and look at the different facilities, if you will, my oldest daughter who lives in Washington D.C., she’s been in Knoxville for the last two and half months because of this pandemic but she’s based in D.C. working with one of the big public accounting firms, she accesses her provider through a smartphone and then does FaceTime and I just get a kick out of that. I think that’s just a mindblower.

Greg Ghee: We don’t do much of that here in East Tennessee but I can see it coming quicker and again, pace of play, I think change will be even more rapid than it has been but no need to call and schedule that. She just does it online and it picks up the phone and there you have it. So the reason I segued from the patient experience, the individual has to …

Greg Ghee: You need to think about what it is for them, what it’s like in the parking facility, where do they drop off their family member or themselves, how do they come in, how do they access the building but then also, what’s the impact of technology going to be on that end user and then as most things in life, you triangulate, so it’s end user, technology, destination to the facility and so I would just say as far as the opportunities in the industry, jump in anywhere you see it as far as construction all the way into management. I’m a big believer in first being an advisor, first be a consultant so you really have a broad based opportunity to do a lot of different things. So, I’m a big believer in the advisory side of the business but always keep in mind who you’re serving, the patient.

Andrew Dick: That’s good advice. Greg, we talked a little bit earlier on about what advice you’d give to someone who wants to get into the healthcare real estate industry. You talked about being flexible. What other advice would you have for someone who’s interested in starting a career in the healthcare real estate industry?

Greg Ghee: It’d be great if you had a mentor or someone that … professional real that you can ask about what it’s like to be in the healthcare real estate arena in our business. If not, there are different professional organizations where you can develop a network. I’m a member of CCIM. I’m also part of [inaudible 00:47:46] and lastly, Counselors of Real Estate and we have networks with people who can talk about different areas in real estate. You could also volunteer at local … I do a lot with our local United Way but you could also volunteer at one of the hospitals or something just to get a little bit of experience so to speak or a little bit of time with them but last thing I do, I read quite a bit, Andrew, and I’ll mention just a few of these off the top of my head.

Greg Ghee: One of the thought leaders in our business is the Advisory Board, that’s a subscription but you may be able to find some of their stuff online but the Advisory Board. Modern Healthcare is something out there that people could get and look at. Healthcare Design, but I would say kind of if a person is thinking about getting into, try to come into it through their real estate professional network one way or the other, through a professional relationship.

Andrew Dick: That’s good advice. Greg, really appreciate you taking the time to chat with me today. I’ve enjoyed it. I too have enjoyed our friendship and getting to know you over the years. Where can our audience learn more about you and RTG?

Greg Ghee: Yeah, thank you, Andrew. Thanks again for the opportunity and good seeing you and be safe and pass that along to your other colleagues that I know and talk with up there. I’ve talked with you most of the time but in answer to your question, over the last couple of years, we’ve really made significant investments in our website and there’s a lot of information on our website. Our marketing manager’s name is Angie Surface and she does a great job of keeping up with our resources there. My email address is on the website, If you don’t see any information on our website, you can either hit Angie on a link or hit me on a link and we’ll get back to you.

Greg Ghee: And really do appreciate the opportunity to talk to you, Andrew, today.

Andrew Dick: Great. Likewise, Greg. Thanks to our audience for listening to the podcast on your Apple or Android device. Please subscribe to the podcast and leave feedback for us if you have ideas for future podcasts. We’d love to hear from you and like to hear those ideas. We also publish a newsletter called The Healthcare Real Estate Advisor. To be added to the list, please email me at

EKRA Enforcement Developments and Moving Forward

EKRA Enforcement Developments and Moving Forward

Recovery Homes, Clinical Treatment Facilities, and Laboratories must continue to be mindful of the Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018 (“EKRA”), an all-payor statute enacted in 2018 prohibiting kickbacks related to remuneration for referrals to these entities. EKRA’s passage generated uncertainty surrounding its applicability and enforcement, particularly regarding the statute’s breadth and its interplay with permissible arrangements under existing federal health care laws. However, the Department of Justice announced its first conviction under EKRA at the beginning of 2020, signaling the government’s commitment towards enforcing the statute and emphasizing the importance of structuring compliant arrangements.

Podcast Participants

Alyssa James

Attorney, Hall Render

Gregg Wallander

Attorney, Hall Render

Alyssa James: Hello. Welcome to Hall Render’s Practical Solutions podcast, featuring thoughtful analysis and insightful commentary on the legal issues facing the healthcare industry. My name is Alyssa James and I am an attorney with Hall Render, the largest health care focused law firm in the country. Today my colleague, Gregg Wallander, and I will be discussing the EKRA Law, which stands for Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018. This law was passed in October of 2018 as part of a larger act known as the Support Act, which focused on substance use, disorder prevention, as well as opioid recovery and treatment. This law was passed with the intention of being a comprehensive law that would combat the opioid epidemic at various levels within the healthcare industry.

Alyssa James: Now, I am going to kick it over to Gregg to give us a little more background and an introductory discussion into EKRA and its implications.

Gregg Wallander: Thanks Alyssa. EKRA was ultimately buried in an opioid law when it was enacted, and really caught a lot of people by surprise. It was not part of the initial drafts of the Support Act, as Alyssa mentioned, but it ended up being buried in there like a peanut butter and jelly in between two slices of bread, and it’s right in the middle there.

Gregg Wallander: We are faced to deal with this law, which is very comprehensive. EKRA is an all-payer statute and it addresses services that are covered by any health care benefit program, so it applies to both federal payers as well as commercial insurers. The reason is because it’s a federal law and applies to programs affecting interstate or foreign commerce. But what it really does is establish criminal sanctions up to $200,000 fines and 10 years imprisonment for kickbacks with respect to services covered by any type of healthcare benefit program, as I mentioned. It prohibits kickbacks regarding the solicitation or receipt of remuneration for referrals to recovery homes, clinical treatment facilities, or laboratories.

Gregg Wallander: Laboratories have received the most scrutiny under this law at this point in time, and EKRA further criminalizes the payment or offer of remuneration to induce a referral. So soliciting or inducing the referral can cause liability under EKRA. This is a very broad statute that impacts the ability to pay, solicit or receive money in exchange for referrals or patronage for recovery homes, clinical treatment facilities, or laboratories.

Gregg Wallander: Now, where we see some of these issues in practice really come into play, what about employees? What about payments for marketing services, payments to independent contractors, those kinds of things?

Gregg Wallander: We have discounts with respect to pharmaceuticals. We have discounts with respect to laboratory services. We have discounts that go across the board in the healthcare continuum. We have employment arrangements and we have services arrangements. There’s a lot to deal with here with EKRA.

Gregg Wallander: Alyssa, let’s talk a little bit about the exceptions with EKRA. Let’s go through them and we can chat about them. As I mentioned, there are discounts across the continuum, but there is an exception under EKRA for discounts as long as they’re properly disclosed and reflected in the entity’s cost or charges. In the supply chain context, there are exceptions for this. There also is exception coverage language for Medicare coverage gap drug discounts. From a discount perspective, EKRA does have those two exceptions to keep in mind.

Gregg Wallander: Alyssa, let’s talk about payments to employees and independent contractors.

Alyssa James: Sure. Thanks Gregg. As you mentioned, there are several exceptions to EKRA. I think one thing that just kind of more broadly is important to note is that some of the exceptions under EKRA are less forgiving, or permit fewer activities than would be permitted under the federal Anti-Kickback Statute. I think it’s important to kind of keep in mind when you’re thinking through these types of arrangements that something may be permissible under the Anti-Kickback Statute but not permissible under EKRA, and so that’s an important distinction. To your point, Gregg, regarding payments to employees and independent contractors, there is an exception for that under EKRA, but that exception requires that the compensation that’s paid to those employees or independent contractors not be determined by, or vary based on: the number of individuals that are referred to a particular entity that’s a part of the arrangement, or outside of the arrangement; the number of tests or procedures that are performed; or the amount that is billed or collected from health care benefit programs.

Alyssa James: And so when you read the plain language of that exception, and then review the exceptions to the exception, if you will, EKRA on its face prohibits the commission-based payments that are very common, especially in the laboratory space for sales reps and similar positions. The types of arrangements that maybe would be permissible under the Anti-Kickback Statute, for example, don’t meet the corollary exception to EKRA because of those caveats of what those payments to employees and independent contractors cannot be based upon. EKRA really is trying to focus more on fixed-fee compensation for employees and independent contractors, which generally speaking is a pretty big shift for the industry as far as what would be permitted for those types of relationships.

Gregg Wallander: That’s spot on. We’ve spent a lot of time, as you know, dealing with questions from clients across the country. Every conversation seems to be, “Is this really true? Can we not pay a commission anymore? Can we not pay incentive for achievement in this regard? Every sales person is compensated in this manner.” We agree and understand this sentiment. It does seem very unrealistic that the intent was to be this broad when you’re dealing with the private commercial insurance world. But, as Alyssa mentioned payments to employees and independent contractors that are not determined by, or vary with individuals referred, number of tests performed, or amount billed, really cut off a lot of mainstream and accepted sales arrangements.

Gregg Wallander: There are already laws on the books as well as industry guidelines, like the Pharmacode and AdvaMed Guidelines, which govern institutional relationships and sales relationships between entities to remove issues of inducement. So there are already safeguards on the books, but yes, we’ve had to advise that this law is broad and it potentially implicates a number of commission-based and other sales relationships.

Gregg Wallander: I think there are entities saying, “Wait, it’s just really hard to believe that this can be intended in this manner.” We certainly empathize with that. I think a lot of folks have been saying, “Hey, let’s see how this develops and see if Congress changes its mind or realizes that this was really an overreach.” We’ve talked with our DC office folks about this, and it’s not clear that really there is an intent to revisit this.

Gregg Wallander: It can be politically expedient on either side of the aisle to say, “Hey, we’re against opioid abuse, and so we’re not going to touch any of these laws for fear of looking weak,” or some other term. Again, our interest is in making sure we get this right, but it’s not clear that this law is going away anytime soon.

Alyssa James: I think that’s exactly right, Gregg. In the law itself, there are references to regulations that may be promulgated in the future, and we’ve seen nothing to that effect. We have this law that on its face seems overly broad and much more restrictive than existing laws, and not just in the sense that it also applies to commercial patients in addition to federal health care program patients, but also just in the conduct that on its face, it permits.

Alyssa James: In the year-and-a-half since it has been issued, we’ve seen no proposed regulations or any discussion about forthcoming proposed regulations that would maybe help clarify or fine-tune a little bit the intent and maybe give some additional framework for healthcare organizations, especially labs and entities that contract with labs, to maybe give a little more flexibility, or at least move the needle a little bit back to where it was before. When we’re talking about this, even though we’re talking about this in the context of an opioid law, it’s important to remember that it applies to all laboratory services, not just those related to opioid testing and treatment.

Alyssa James: So it’s very broad, and I think there are a lot of stakeholders in the industry who maybe aren’t aware of how broad it is. Or, like you said, Gregg, just waiting to see what happens before they take action to restructure all of their compensation arrangements that they may have with employees or independent contractors, specifically, at least with regard to that exception. So far, we haven’t seen any sort of guidance or inkling from Congress or regulators that would help to narrow down that scope a little bit or provide any more clarity.

Gregg Wallander: In moving forward, let’s round out a few of the final exceptions, and then we’ll move on to enforcement. There is an exception for: waivers or discounts of certain co-payments or co-insurance as long as it’s in good faith and not routine; certain transfers to federally-qualified health centers under the Anti-Kickback Statute safe harbor; and remuneration made pursuant to approved alternative payment models, meaning different kinds of payment programs for the government.

Gregg Wallander: If you’re outside of the employment context and you’re looking at discounts or other kinds of payments, there are some other exceptions to examine and find out if you fall within those. The main question we’ve gotten after looking at the exceptions relates to enforcement, and with respect to all federal laws, usually when they get put on the books, there’s a time lag for enforcement as the Department of Justice gets its arms around it and as everyone in the industry kind of gets their arms around it. It looks like we’ve had to wait about a year and a couple of months for enforcement. EKRA was enacted in 2018, but just this year at the start of 2020, we finally have an enforcement action. Alyssa, you want to chat a little bit about that and go from there?

Alyssa James: Sure. As you mentioned, we’ve seen one enforcement action back in February. That enforcement action involved an office manager of a substance abuse clinic in Kentucky. That office manager was allegedly soliciting kickbacks from the CEO of a toxicology lab in exchange for urine screening drug testing referrals.

Alyssa James: The period of time in which the alleged conduct occurred was from around December of 2018 to August of 2019. In the period of time after EKRA was enacted, of course, but not an overly long-standing arrangement before it was under investigation. The office manager who allegedly received a check of $4,000 from the CEO of the toxicology lab as a part of a larger package of promised inducements (that were not actually received) ended up being sentenced to five months in prison followed by an additional five months of home detention, and was assessed a fine $55,000.

Alyssa James: Although the alleged inducement or kickback was really only valued at $4,000, her fine there was $55,000 plus time in prison, which is obviously significant. It doesn’t go up to the maximum allowable under EKRA which is up to $200,000 in fines and up to 10 years in prison. But certainly, it would appear that the government is trying to let folks know that the enforcement under EKRA, if you find yourself in that position, will not be taken lightly given the prison time and the fine assessed in the one enforcement action that we do have.

Gregg Wallander: Yes. This is significant, as again, when we wait for a law to be enforced, and people have wondered, “Can the government really mean this?” Well yes, they do. It is going to be a law that is going to be prosecuted in some manner. My sense is that we’ll see some sporadic enforcement. I think it’s going to take some sort of a marketing relationship, or some sort of sales commission relationship that has been very commonplace and deemed very legal forever, that rises to a level to see if in fact there would be congressional action.

Gregg Wallander: I think everybody needs to understand and to respect EKRA. There is an enforcement now on the books, it’s there. There was a $4,000 inducement situation which resulted in a $55,000 fine and five months in jail. Pretty significant given what the issue was.

Gregg Wallander: We’re going to have to continue to monitor this. Our advice is to continue to monitor EKRA. I think folks need to be aware of the scope of EKRA and that you can’t just assume that because it’s not government, that you don’t need to review all your relationships. You do need to review them. Again, don’t assume that if it’s just commercial, that you can move forward. Again, the government’s recent enforcement action underscores the need to remain keenly aware of the statute and maintain compliant arrangements.

Alyssa James: I think that’s exactly right. I know we’ve seen an increase recently in the necessity of EKRA-related analyses in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, and proposed arrangements with labs related to COVID testing. Again, EKRA is not limited to opioid-related services and testing and there was a flurry of new arrangements and continue to be, to some extent, as a result of the pandemic that we’re currently facing. It’s important to keep EKRA in mind there as well and the implications that it may have on those arrangements.

Alyssa James: Of course, I think when folks are faced with very time-sensitive analysis and arrangements because of the nature of COVID and wanting to get that testing up and running, it’s easy to quickly put those arrangements in place without vetting out some of the regulatory implications, especially those like EKRA that folks may not be as familiar with. While there have been waivers issued for certain fraud and abuse regulations related to COVID treatment and responses, which we’ve discussed on previous podcasts, there have been no published waivers that are corollary to that for EKRA. So, it’s something to keep in mind. Just because something is in response to the pandemic doesn’t mean that these regulatory implications may not still be there.

Gregg Wallander: Exactly. In wrapping up, if you’re dealing with recovery homes, clinical treatment facilities, and laboratories, be aware of all of your relationships. Take a good inventory of them. Talk with counsel and see if any modifications are necessary. Appreciate everyone listening today and hope you are all safe during this time.

Alyssa James: Thanks everyone.

Gregg Wallander: Thank you.

Health Care Real Estate Trends Observed During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Webinar)

Health Care Real Estate Trends Observed During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Join a panel discussion hosted by Hall Render attorney Libby Park with health care real estate professionals John VanSanten, Managing Director, Valuation Advisory, Stout Risius Ross, LLC; Lorie Damon, Managing Director, Healthcare Advisory Practice, Cushman & Wakefield; Perry Bacalis, Broker, Denver Medical, Carr; and Shawn Janus, National Director, Healthcare, Colliers International.

The conversation will focus on health care real estate trends observed through the COVID-19 pandemic to date and what health care entities may expect in the months to come. Some of the issues to be discussed include rent relief, fair market value, considerations for re-opening medical practices and other issues related to a return to “normalcy” post-COVID-19. Time permitting, the webinar will open for questions from participants.

Podcast Participants

Libby Park

Hall Render

Shawn Janus

National Director, Healthcare
Colliers International

Lorie Damon

Managing Director, Healthcare Advisory Practice
Cushman & Wakefield

John W. VanStanten

Managing Director, Valuation Advisory
Stout Risius Ross, LLC

Perry Bacalis

Broker, Denver Medical

Libby Park: Hello and welcome to the Healthcare Real Estate Advisor Podcast. I’m Libby Park, a healthcare real estate attorney with Hall Render. For today’s episode of the podcast we are going to listen in on a webinar that discusses health care real estate trans observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope you enjoy the podcast and feel free to contact me at with any follow up questions you may have.

I like to thank everyone for turning into our webinar today to discuss healthcare real estate trans-observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. My name is Libby Park and I am an attorned with Hall Render. The largest healthcare focused law firm in the country and then based out of our Denver Colorado office. I work primarily with the firms reals estate service line and it’s my pleasure to be here with each of you over the course of the next hour for our discussion. I like to start of today by thanking all of our healthcare workers on the front line that are working to keep our community safe.

We appreciate the work you do each day. On the webinar today we are joined by distinguish panel of experts in the healthcare real estate field. John VanSanten, Lorie Damon, Perry Bacalis and Shawn Janus. Each of whom will introduce themselves to you in a moment. Our goal in hosting this webinar is to bring a group of professionals together to talk about best practices in industry trends affecting healthcare real estate during the current public health emergency. We will discuss topics including rent relief, fair market value, reopening considerations and what a post COVID-19 return to normalcy may look like. Our goal is to learn from one another and our panel and take the information back to our respective organization. And with that lets hear from our panelist. John could you please start out introductions and tell us about yourselves.

John VanSanten: Sure. Libby I’m happy to be a part of the panel. My name is John VanSanten. I’m a managing director [inaudible 00:02:11] as a financial consulting firm that has a number of service lines including investment banking, dispute consulting, management consulting and valuation, which I’m a part of. And valuation includes business valuation, machinery and equipments as well as real estate valuation. I’m based in our Chicago office although this firm actually has offices in 16 cities around the country as well as some international offices too. So I called the real estate valuation practice for stout and I focus my practice on healthcare real estate where I’ve been practicing for about 30 years and we do valuations in the healthcare space for a variety of purposes including stark. And as I kicked back compliance and other matters as well. Very happy to be part of a panel.

Libby Park: Thanks John. Lorie, can you please introduce yourself?

Lorie Damon: Sure. Thanks Libby. I’m Lorie Damon. I lead Cushman and Wakefield’s healthcare advisory practice. I have a team of roughly 300 healthcare real estate professionals who collectively manage 34 million square feet of medical office and ambulatory assets. We also provide advisory and transaction expertise for healthcare systems, physician practices and investor owners and developers.

Libby Park: Thanks for that Lorie. And Perry, can you please introduce yourself?

Perry Bacalis: Thanks Libby. My name is Perry Bacalis. Thanks again everybody for being on the panel of your time this morning. I’m honored to be on a panel with everyone. I am a healthcare real estate advisor, a broker here in Denver. Company I work with is called Carl Health Care Realty. I’ve been with Carl for about six years. When I joined Carl, there was four of us in Colorado. And now there are over a hundred men and women across the country representing real estate professionals. We’re a tenant buyer only firm. So it’s exciting to watch our company grow and to be helping people that help people.

Libby Park: Thank you Perry. And Shawn, please tell us about yourself.

Shawn Janus: Thanks Libby. I’d also like to make a note to thank all the health care workers. Any of you may be on the phone as well. So we do appreciate all your efforts. My name is Shawn Janus. I’m the national director of Healthcare for Colliers International. So I run our US healthcare practice seven of business for over 20 years on both the principal and advisory side. Colliers is a global organization in the real estate side full service. So we do brokerage, capital markets advisory, project management, et cetera. We actually have we pride ourselves on kind of taking national best practices, kind of the healthcare level and having local brokers and advisors deliver that at a local level. So we have a healthcare [inaudible 00:05:14] program, which are folks dedicated to the healthcare space in our specialists. And I’m looking forward to today’s discussion.

Libby Park: Thank you Shaw, and thanks everyone for those introductions and for telling us more about what you do each day. Now let’s jump into our first topic of rent relief. Landlords and tenants across the US are experiencing the financial ripple effect of the COVID-19 crisis, particularly as it relates to payment and collection of rent. Shawn, what types of rent relief structures are landlords and tenants asking for in order to deal with the pandemic?

Shawn Janus: It would be interesting. I think one of the unique things, and obviously I give him a nose out of the real estate asset classes the industrial space has fared better than most. I think healthcare is probably potentially best positioned after that currently. Just to give some perspective, it’s been a read the wall street journal today. You look at retail tenants and SL-green, one of the largest owners of space in New York city, their April rents were less than 40. They received less than 45% of their April rents. By contrast in surveys that we’ve been doing across healthcare owners across the country on the landlord side. On April rents 14 to 18% on average is either tenants who have sought rent relief or have come to some conclusions with their landlord relative to how that would be held in going forward.

Shawn Janus: I think most importantly, it’s important to communicate and openly early and honestly between landlords and tenants so that folks are aware of what’s going on. I will tell you, landlords typically want to see when tenants are coaching them for potential rent relief. They’ll want to make sure that the tenants have pursued the PPP applications with the federal government or the payroll protection plan. They’ll also typically want to see financials of those tenants as well. So they can make prudent decisions and try to keep them moving forward as well. In terms of specific structures, it’s interesting. I think hospital and health system owners typically have a standard policy is what we’ve seen relative to how they deal with tenants. A part of that is I’m sure folks on this call know we have the blanket waiver of the cert provisions, et cetera.

Shawn Janus: And even given that the uncertainty of what things will look like afterward had caused the hospitals and health systems to try to get to a situation where those treat each of those tenants in a similar manner. So again, a standard policy. A contrast that to the investor developers who are approaching it more on a case by case basis. And again, we’ll work with each particular tenant given their circumstances and try to work out what that relief might be. To specifically address kind of your question, Libby, in terms of what we’re seeing in the marketplace currently, I think on average it’s fair to say we’ll probably the two to three months rent relief rent before rural situation for most folks, how that is then dealt with from the landlord tenant perspective changes a bit in terms of how it might be structured.

Shawn Janus: We’ve seen it where those two three months may be paid back at the end of the calendar year or paid back over the last two to three months of the calendar year. We’ve also seen it where the rent deferral has been amortized over the balance of the lease term. So you’re capturing over that time. And we’re also seeing it whether it be amortized it over just this calendar year. So if you get two months of deferral, you would then take you through say June, you would end up resenting amortize that over the July through December period. We’ve also seen in a couple of instances where they’ve added months to the end of the term to extend the term as well.

Shawn Janus: Some of those examples are two months extension for every month of deferral. So if you were to do for your rent for two months, you would add four years of term onto the back end as well. So again, those are the few examples of what we’re seeing. But again, I think most importantly, it’s the tenants approaching the landlords early, honestly communicating. And I think the landlords in most cases then will deal with the tenants may ask for certain financials, as I said, PPP applications. But that’s kind of what we’ve seen in the marketplace.

Libby Park: Thanks for that Shawn. And Perry, can you speak a little bit to what you’re seeing from the tenant perspective of what type of documentation landlords are requesting? Is it similar to the same things Shawn is making through here?

Perry Bacalis: Yeah, absolutely. I mean Shawn covered it pretty thoroughly, but I think what interesting question that I’ve gotten from several clients of mine is, should you approach my landlord on this one or do you want me to do that? And typically, if the lease is coming up in the next 18 months, year to 18 months, I think that’s an appropriate time to talk about a renewal potentially. And giving free rent right upfront as you’re renewing obviously the term extends and then you get the free rent now which is helpful.

Perry Bacalis: My response to my clients when they asked me that question, who should approach a landlord? It’s well, if you’re going to think about a renewal and that’s coming up within the next year, let’s have that discussion together and then we’ll negotiate with the landlord. I would negotiate for you. But then if there’s time left on the lease we’ve encouraged our clients to do exactly what Shawn was saying is, approached the landlord. It’s personal. We’re not just trying to leverage extra money here. We can’t pay this rent or we need relief here. This is what we’re doing. And so I’ve advised our clients to go and have those conversations. And then if they say that got a deal or some terms that they’re not sure about, we’re happy to advise them on.

Perry Bacalis: But that’s one thing that I’ve just said, “Hey, I think it’d be good for you to have that conversation with your landlord and I can get involved to say if I need to.” And so far I think it’s been pretty good. Right when this all just started happening, there was a lot of questions and fear, but things have really kind of flat-lined a little bit in terms of that hole that kind of fear based mentality if I can’t make rent. So yeah, it’s changed even in the last couple of weeks on that one.

Shawn Janus: This is Shawn. I would add one of the things which I found somewhat interesting is kind of piggybacking off that comment is some of the landlords have actually… we may have approached them, the clients, like the tenants would like us to do that. Some of them have actually reached out directly to the tenants themselves. It’s up you to not less renewals and more kind of rent to full discussions. And part of that we believe is just because they don’t want to be on the hook for potential lease commissions. In terms of restructuring these things, I would tell you that our approach has been as advisors to our clients that we’re not looking for commissions. We’re trying to find the best solutions for those we believe with a longterm that would come back. So I do point that out that some landlords are talking directly to the tenants who haven’t been going through some of the leasing brokers.

Perry Bacalis: I’d agree with that as well.

Libby Park: Can anyone speak to in terms of standard policies that you’re seeing from healthcare systems, what exactly are the specifics of the terms of these policies? Does this vary by healthcare system or are you saying consistencies nationwide with the policies that are being implemented?

Lorie Damon: Libby if you’d like, I can jump in here across our portfolio about 80% of the square footage that we manage is owned by health systems or master leased by them. And by and large, their approach has been a short term deferral either 60 days or 90 days. Very few have looked beyond that. All of it is structured as a deferral and it’s either repayable through the end of the calendar year or through the end of the year as defined by the term. A few of them have also amortized it or have tacked it on as additional rent at the end and almost every case it’s structured as additional rent and late fees and interest are waived.

Shawn Janus: I would agree with Lorie’s comments. I would say that specifically to your other part of that question, Libby, is that while within a particular health system we typically standardized, but across the country from health system, the health system it may be a little bit different. So we’ve seen each of those act independently, but typically with a standard procedure,

Lorie Damon: Yeah. Applicable generally to everybody. In the interest of out of an abundance of caution. Stark as the blanket waiver doesn’t specifically address rent deferments and they do still typically have to be sensitive to looking like they’re not incentivizing referrals. I think it also just makes it administratively easier frankly.

Libby Park: Yeah, I agree. Thanks for those perspectives everyone. Making sure that there’s a process in place and standardized documentation is very important as we move through the COVID crisis. And unless anyone has anything to add on to rent relief. Let’s move on to our next topic of discussion. Fair market value. John, can you speak to what you’re seeing in regard to the pandemics effect on valuation and how our healthcare systems assessing fair market value currently?

John VanSanten: Sure. Well, even under normal circumstances it’s always very facts and circumstances specific. But under current circumstances I would say it’s even more so. And as appraisers, one of the challenges that we have is that a lot of our analysis in our opinion is based on analysis of recent comparable transactions. And so if you’re talking about a leasing arrangements under normal circumstances, if we were able to find a comparable lease of the property next door from two months ago, we might say that’s probably a really good indication of a fair market rent for the space we’re looking at. But obviously a lot has changed in the last two months. And so, relying on that transaction even that recent may not necessarily be the right thing to do. But then the challenge there is that we’re really about the end of this because there haven’t really been recent transactions that we could point to that really show the impact of the crisis.

John VanSanten: Oftentimes not a lot in the way of recent comparables that we can point to that says that market rather is an indication of what rent is, posts or while we’re into the crisis. So in the absence of actual transactions though, we can turn to what we really have to do is spend a lot of time talking to participants in the market. And talking to the people on this panel trying to understand what is it that they’re seeing, what are they hearing? What kind of arrangements are they hearing about? Whether it’s rent concessions, rent relief or for purchase and sale transactions. Are they working at a different cap rate now or are they looking at underwriting with a greater level of credit and collection loss? All of the things are conversations that we’re constantly having as appraisers to try and understand in the absence of specific transactions that we can point to, what’s going on.

John VanSanten: And we might still rely to some degree on that two month old transaction, but now we at least have a basis for being able to make some adjustments to that to reflect the current state of what’s going on. But read a lot on what that, one of the questions you ask, we often are asked as appraisers is, well, why was that opinion good for you? Is it good for a month, two month, six months? If you’re saying the fair market rent today is $20 a square foot, is it going to be $20 a square foot a month from now? And I think with the uncertainty in today’s environments there’s no guarantees that it’s going to be the same amount from now. It could literally change in a week potentially.

John VanSanten: And again, it’s all going to be very facts and circumstances specific. But I think it’s probably good practice when you’re getting an FMB opinion. And there may be some delay between one the opinions rendered and one the transaction actually closes that you might want to circle back with the appraiser to find out if there’s been any material changes in that intervening period of time. But those are some of the things we’re definitely seeing and things we’re dealing with in today’s environment.

Libby Park: Thanks for that John. In light of as you mentioned, the lack of recent transactions to base these valuations off of. And it sounds like you’re keeping a pulse on the marketplace. How do you recommend that client’s document these types of facts and circumstances to support the valuation?

John VanSanten: Well, typically if we’re preparing an appraisal report, we would document those facts and circumstances within our report and all the different considerations we’ve taken our analysis. We obviously have points actual transactions, but we would also document the conversations we’ve had with brokers who are actively involved in leasing space or investors rationally buying a space and just document the kind of conversations that we’re having. So that definitely would be part and parcel of any kind of fair market value opinion that we provide. It would be included within our appraisal. But again, I think it’s important to understand that things could change very rapidly. And I think it would be a best practice to circle back, particularly if there’s some delay between one of the tenants issues and when the transaction closes.

Shawn Janus: This is Shawn. I might weigh in on, in terms of valuation trends just on some of the disparity and maybe this way to describe it relative to cap rates. And John brought that up in terms of where cap rates may or may not go kind of in the future. Some of the surveys that we’ve been involved in that I’ve seen, I think we’re predicting kind of the cap rates within the healthcare sector could go up 25 to 50 basis points. On the outlier side, they’re saying they could look 50 to 100 basis points. Over the last week, I’ve actually had other conversations which are actually saying that they believe that the cap rates or healthcare properties may not move much at all. And the reasons for those being that healthcare, everyone believes coming out of this will be a preferred asset class.

Shawn Janus: Some of the other ones, retail in particular obviously hospitality, some of those stand out in terms of how they will be affected by the crisis. But I think we’re getting more and more questions from investors who are looking to get into the space. So there may be additional supply of capital coming into the space, which then will obviously keep cap rates at a lower level. So to be interesting to see how it plays out, no one has the crystal ball, but I think there’s at least good news from a healthcare perspective. I know there’s healthcare folks who are on this call that cap rates should not be significantly impacted. They may creep up, obviously.

John VanSanten: Yeah Shawn. What we’re hearing as well, we work with a number of real estate investment trusts and other types of investors as well. And in general, what we’re hearing is they don’t anticipate cap rates changing much. And then their underwriting, they may be forecasting greater credit and collection loss in sort of a short term basis. But from an overall cap rate standpoint, they’re not necessarily, we’re seeing a big change there.

Lorie Damon: John, this is Lori. I would agree with all of that. I think one of the other really important considerations on pricing is the quality of the assets. So I think a cap rates, we’re not seeing much movement there on anything that’s core or core plus particularly if it has a strong health system credit. I think the more interesting and possibly more volatile sector is going to be what happens with the value add properties. With a lot of different physician tenant credits, especially smaller physician tenants, we don’t yet know what the longterm financial impacts of this are going to be. And even as elective cases start opening back up, I think it’s really difficult in some cases for smaller tenants maybe to forecast what their revenue stream is going to look like and how quickly they can recover their patient base, and work through what may be pent up demand.

Lorie Damon: So I think that’s a really important segment of the industry that we’re going to have to keep a close eye on. I also think that longer range as investors if more capital comes into this sector that may allow pricing to remain what it was. But it’ll be interesting to see how investors who are new to the sector underwrite the risk. I think a lot of them have been surprised that medical office actually saw rent really for costs. I’ve worked in the sector for more than 20 years and I’ve never seen that before. And much of that was by what was perceived as a government edict to shut down caseload. So I think as we get a flock of, or potentially get a flock of new investors to the space will be interesting to see how those new investors look at the factor, how they underwrite it, how they come to understand potential risks that they may not have foreseen in the past.

Libby Park: Thanks for that, Lorie. You raised an interesting point about how these considerations will be relevant as we transition into the next phase of reopening medical practices. And we’re all likely aware that on April 19th CMS issued its recommendations for reopening healthcare facilities for non-emergent non-COVID-19 care in certain communities. And Lorie, can you speak to how healthcare clients are readying their buildings for resumption of service and what are operational considerations as practices begin to resume activities?

Lorie Damon: Sure. So across our portfolio, 100% of our health system clients are now working through their internal planning to open up elective cases. Obviously that will be phased and they will work through the requirements issued by CMS to be able to safely open up hospitals and [inaudible 00:25:20] of course, will go first. And then because many medical office buildings have surgery centers and then we’re preparing the buildings now. There are of course many, many consideration. 100% of our medical office buildings have remained open throughout this, but patient volumes have been significantly curtailed. And a lot of physician staff maybe in there, but their patient flows are much lighter. So a couple of things that we’re thinking about and working through on our case, all of this is directed by the by health systems who are the owners are masters lessors of the buildings.

Lorie Damon: One of the considerations is just looking at the volume of people coming into the building. A number of health systems restricted visitors so that they have a patient drop-off. And patients can not be accompanied unless they have a need for a helper to get them physically into the building. So in some cases those restrictions will remain in place. We’re looking at restricting ingress and egress to specific entryways so that you can carefully control the flow of patients. Limiting the number of patients in elevators is another one. There’s still some discussion about screening and whether or not patients will be screened. In many cases patients are going to be screened in advance with a phone survey. But then many health systems are also looking at doing some form of temperature screening at the entry prior to the entry to the building.

Lorie Damon: So those spaces will have to be set up and secured against an inclement weather and staffed to lots of discussion around cleaning and making sure that they’re all common areas and high touch surfaces are cleaned adequately. Everyone is concerned about making sure that buildings reopened safely. I think one of the other challenges is making sure that not only that we can document the safety initiatives that we’re taking, but also that patients sense that they are safe. So the building is going to have to look and feel and smell clean in order for patients to feel good receiving things like preventative care visits and the like. So far some physician practices are looking at having patients check in and then wait in their cars until it’s time for their appointments so that we can reduce waiting room traffic.

Lorie Damon: And I think in markets where that’s accessible and parking is available that’ll probably end up being a popular choice. So those are the primary considerations. Lots of additional I would describe this as a work in progress. We’re working through that with individual tenants and trying to develop very specific documents to guide those protocols. And also reminding our team to be flexible because the best practices are likely to evolve over time and shift a bit as we understand better what patients need and what works most effectively in the various settings.

Shawn Janus: This is Shawn. The one thing I would add, I agree with everything. We’ll reset it and it goes over those are spot on in terms of the things that owners of medical office are looking at along the extended building hours. The other thing I was going to bring up, and this is less of a real estate issue than it is an operational issue or operational potential solution. So for example, for AFCs where they may have a staff on a percent of their people, they’re shifting those to where they’re actually at the other day using 50% of that staff on Monday. 50% on Tuesday, and then rotating that and it makes a whole bunch of sense. And the reasoning being if they do, God forbid have a positive COVID test, they would need to quarantine and self isolate for the 14 day period potentially. So at least then they would have the other 50% of the folks who could step in and begin working every day. So the theory being you’re obviously not going to lose a hundred percent of your revenue, but if you can be able to keep 50% of that revenue on a limited basis moving forward. So I think those are some of the creative solutions that health care providers are looking at, ways to kind of keep the business going in a thoughtful manner.

Lorie Damon: Yeah, I think that’s a great point Shawn. And we’re doing the same thing with the building management and engineering staff. Creating teams and rotating them to limit their risk of exposure already throughout the pandemic today. We’ve staggered hours for maintenance and try to schedule preventative maintenance or even repairs that don’t have to be done immediately. Try to do those when there’s nobody in this suite. And a lot of tenants have said that they’re going to do some of their own cleaning particularly wiping down exam rooms between patient visits just to mitigate their risk and mitigate the introduction of yet another person into this space. So I do think we’re going to see slower volumes of patients based out. That may mean that building operations hours get extended. But I do think we’ll see that phase over time and not be the immediate response.

Libby Park: It sounds like there’s already a lot of movement and implementation of practices and procedures to make sure that buildings are reopened in a compliant manner. And maybe this is evaluation question, but generally as we progress through COVID, who do we think is going to absorb these costs in relation to even cleaning or screenings? Will these be passed through to tenants? How will the owners or landlords of buildings absorb these costs?

Lorie Damon: I think that’s a good question Libby. I think it’s going to be interesting to see. I think it really depends and buildings that are owned by health systems, I think if they’re being prescriptive about what happening they may agree or feel obligated to shoulder some of the costs. I think the other issue here is the duration. Certainly additional cleaning in common areas and for instance staffing a security guard in an elevator so that one person pushes the buttons and not every patient pushing buttons to whatever for the floor they want to go to. I think there’s a case to be made that those are shared expenses that benefit the entire tenant base.

Lorie Damon: Again, I think this will require some negotiation. It requires being able to forecast what those costs are going to be so that all parties, the landlord and the tenant base understand what those additional costs will be. And then I think wherever possible and appropriate looking really hard at where other operations savings can be accomplished to offset some of these costs so that physician tenants and even health systems who have experienced pretty significant financial hardship are not also then upon resuming in cases facing significant additional capital outlay as they try to ramp their businesses up. John, I don’t know what your thoughts are on that one, but that’s my off the cuff hunch.

John VanSanten: Yeah. I mean I would agree with it. It’s really hard to say for sure. But I think you’re off the cuff conscious probably. I mean similar to what I would think as well, so we’ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.

Libby Park: And how are we seeing which this can be open to anyone, but how are we seeing the transition for reopening in regard to short term leases that have been put into place to deal with the COVID-19 crisis? For example, repurposing AFCs or potential leasing of hotel spaces. How are parties thinking of transitioning out of those short term arrangements?

Lorie Damon: So I haven’t seen any movement on them, I think one of the remaining questions is really understanding or trying to feel like you have a good grasp on what potential additional capacity is going to be needed. And so a lot of health systems really expanded their bed capacity and especially their ICU bed capacity. And some of them did took down short term leases and AFC is in order to have that on the shelf. I could envision that if they think they have enough capacity in the event of a second wave or an unpredictable reopening where they can’t accurately forecast the number of potential cases, that they may allow some of those AFCs to either be sublet back to their original users. So that they can resume caseload there.

Lorie Damon: Some of them may just leave those short term leases in place. I mean most of those leases least the ones that I saw were only three or four months in duration. And the health systems who took them over took complete control of them. So there would be no switching back between hospital use and non-hospital use or regular surgery center use. So some of those may just be easiest to leave them in place in the event of needed capacity. I haven’t seen directives on that one yet, but I’m sure that will get figured out in the coming weeks.

Shawn Janus: Yeah, I would agree with Lorie. I think Lorie, that was well put and this is kind of one of the areas of which so many of these are, which is we have to see how things play out a bit. Obviously there’s two components to that. There’s those that kind of health systems are controlling as you mentioned AFCs and then you kind of have the whole other world of what municipalities are doing, whether it be replace here in Chicago, which were converted to hospital beds or the Javits center in New York. And there’s examples around the country as well. So some of those will be driven by municipalities in terms of what kind of that excess overflow capacity might look like. Some thing thing with as it relates to the leasing of hotels, which are I would say hard hit city of Chicago has as least hotels on two fronts.

Shawn Janus: One, they actually house those who have tested positive for COVID-19 but not serious condition, but just need to be isolated and not being in intensive care. And then also other hotels which are effectively have been leased so that health care workers can utilize those facilities to isolate from their families as hard as that may be as a way to that effect those families as well. So you have the two components with our hospitals and health systems doing on that front and then what are the municipalities doing. But I do think it’s a big swag in terms of how things continue to progress over the next weeks and months.

Libby Park: And that’s a common theme that we’re all in this together and we’re all taking the pulse of how things will progress over the coming weeks and months. So I think having discussions like we are today so that we can share knowledge amongst each other and best practices for handling these things moving forward is important. Thanks for those perspectives. Let’s shift to our an extension of our consideration for reopening topics. Perry, could you speak a little bit on the tenant side of what the most pressing issues are relating to the return to normalcy post-COVID and in particular, what are physician practices thinking through?

Perry Bacalis: Yeah, that’s a great question. So two things come to mind there. One is the insurance reimbursement lag coming. I feel like there’s been a lot of practices that have said, yeah we’re good now. But what is maybe going to look like in June, and that some of those things start to drive because our traffic has been at a fraction of what it was last couple of months. So there’s that aspect. Hopefully most of those practices have the rent relief in place. But really that’s just going to give them an idea of okay, those practices that have kind of that tag or savings saved up so they can kind of weather the storm. I think that’s going to be one of the most interesting things to see. But I think going forward once we kind of get over that hump and obviously going back to speaking to that the telehealth that those insurance companies are reimbursing those visits at a 100%, so like a regular office visit.

Perry Bacalis: So does that continue, does that go back to where it was before all this sort of happening? Is there going to reimburse it at 50% going forward? How is that going to affect practices? And I think the biggest concern or question really that most of my clients are having is what is my space going to look like going forward? The physical space itself which goes right back into telehealth, has something like that. Something we’re going to be able to do, we’re going to be able to do follow up visits where they don’t even have to come back into the office. What is my waiting room going to look like? Are we going to have folks wait in their car and then come in right as their appointment comes in. Our waiting room is going to get bigger. Are they going to get smaller? Is the six feet distancing a new normal now? So is that going to impact our space? I’ve got multiple clients right now. We’re planning on okay, what’s your space gonna look like in the future on relocation, or renewal.

Perry Bacalis: They don’t know how to plan their space out. How’s it going to change. And I will be interested to see kind of the new future space knowing that hopefully this is the last time something is this large of a pandemic will be around. But in the future, what could be more we’re prepared for how can our spaces be laid out for the new normal. And I don’t really have an answer to that, but that’s something that I’ve got several clients going. I wish I knew how the space is going to lay out. So that’s the main thing I’m seeing and trying to advise my clients the best I can. I would be curious to know what other folks are seeing out there with how physical spaces are going to change.

John VanSanten: And Perry, you bring up some great points to Shawn in terms of I think that… the best news is that this is what people are thinking about here over the course of I’ll call it the last week, whereas before it was what am I doing the next minute, the next hour from a health perspective as a healthcare. I think it’s a positive perspective that we’re starting to think about getting back to normalcy and what are some of those implications. Let’s get out in front of this beforehand. Obviously testing which is all over the news will be a key component of that. And you’re right Perry and things of people are conjecture at this point. I mean, obviously some of the things that you touched on that Lorie touched on earlier, which I thought were great points in terms of single entrance and exits.

John VanSanten: One way thoroughfares through the space, checking in online, getting rid of the front desk in terms of check-ins, the waiting room was it can be boys in their cars. And then kind of get texted and say, okay, it’s your turn to come in. And there was just having a larger waiting things that may be congregating and all those types of things. The other interesting thing that you mentioned, which is kind of that telehealth component, I think that’s from my perspective will be one of the more interesting components that will flush itself out in our space. In the healthcare world States the healthcare space has been talked about for a long time. It’s really been a slow adoption of telehealth, telemedicine and I will tell you primarily two reasons. One is as you touched on reimbursements and that the fact that they weren’t being reimbursed.

John VanSanten: And then secondly, the fact they’ve relaxed the kind of interstate guidelines as it relates to that as well. So it will be interesting to see what happens after this and how that changes. Some of those discussions have been, we may need dedicated space within our offices that we’re going to use for telehealth, so that providers, whether it’s nurse practitioners or physicians, will be kind of doing the telehealth within a certain component of the office. So I think it’ll be interesting. I think originally people were thinking, boy, could this is going to shrink the space that’s needed. Will this grow the space that’s needed? And I think it’s a big swag at this point. But I think all of those things been positive news again, is that they’re on the table and people are starting to talk through it. And what are those solutions and what will that look like.

Lorie Damon: I also think it’ll be interesting to see, particularly with respect to telehealth with how well it really works. There’s been a lot of those, a lot of headlines lately about patients who have experienced really serious health issues, who’ve been afraid to go to the Ed. So the incidents of heart rates was down, but not really. People were having a heart attack at home. And that they have a stroke and appendicitis and all sorts of things, all of which is not easily diagnosed from telemedicine. So I think one of the interesting questions that we should ask out of this is what are we going to, what do we know about the quality of diagnostics available to us from telemedicine on the back end of this? Because I think between, the answer to that question and then how reimbursements are going to change or if reimbursements are going to change.

Lorie Damon: And then the regulations around patient privacy that allow telehealth that have been lifted to allow, for instance, a FaceTime visit with your doctor to count as a check-in. Are all going to really dictate what the demand for whether or not telehealth has any impact on demand for space or the kinds of space in a physician office or whether it gets aggregated together in some other telehealth hub. I think we’ve got to have some better data around how it works and how it is assessed using really rigorous scientific measures in order to help guide those decisions for patients. I do think we might see the pace of adoption accelerate, but I think we’re still a long way out before we see it have really dramatic impact on a footprint.

Shawn Janus: That was a great point Lorie. This is Shawn Janus. I agree with that completely. It also hearkens back, it struck a chord when you had talked about read the same things in terms of heart attacks or cancer screenings and folks not wanting to go into the healthcare environment. And what could the impacts of that do? So I just tie that back to your earlier comment in our discussion, which is really getting the confidence of the consumer of that patient to be comfortable coming back to the hospital and, or the medical office building. And, we as real estate advisors and providers need to make sure that that space is designed in the correct manner so that they do feel safe if you have the social distancing, we have the way finding and all those types of things. And even to your point, the back that even the air quality such that it smells clean, it looks clean are all gonna be very important cause that’s going to start getting us back the road.

Lorie Damon: And it may be that, it’s not an all or nothing solution. I was talking to a colleague yesterday who his partner is a diabetic and there’s a lot of concern around his underlying health condition. That’s also a condition that can be safely monitored remotely. And there are lots tools in place already to do that. But for other conditions that may not be so easy. The other, comment I would share on tele-health as I was thinking about this because I used to work in higher education and I remember when online learning was first launched that everyone, the naysayers came along and declared that professors were going to go away and university classroom footprints were going to shrink. And there were all of these very dire prognostications about that.

Lorie Damon: And now of course that many of us who have small children are at home suffering through online learning are grateful to have it or whatever your perspective is. I don’t know very many parents, teachers or even students for that matter who are not going to run back to a physical classroom the very minute that they are able to do the fel. I mean, even my son who has pretty good setup for online learning told me this morning, he was like, mom, I’m so sick of this. I actually cannot wait to go back to school. And so I have a feeling that for some dinner, racially speaking, I think patients may also feel the same way, that they might just appreciate some of the social aspects of being seen physically and in person by a doctor.

Perry Bacalis: I’m with you there, Lorie. This is Perry. I’d love to just interact with another human, that’s not my family.

Lorie Damon: Right. Like even if I have a hangnail, I might just go ahead and make an appointment because why not?

Perry Bacalis: And the excuse to see another human being having a conversation.

Lorie Damon: Great that’s an in person visit would be great.

Perry Bacalis: Yeah. No, I agree with that. I think, just like in any other major event that happens, we learned from it, take the best practices and we adapt and going forward. But things are going to be, 90% the way they were beforehand. We just, take the best practices and move forward. I think that’s what it’s going look a lot like going forward.

Libby Park: It sounds like it may be a little early to see health systems reconfigure, pared down a brick and mortar spaces in light of the fact that we all are craving social interaction. But can someone speak to bottom line considerations that executives should think about as we progress through into the new normal if brick and mortar spaces are a real necessity? Or to what extent brick and mortar spaces should remain?

Lorie Damon: I’m a believer in brick and mortar. And I don’t think that’s wishful thinking on my part. I just think there’s an awful lot of medicine that must be done in person and especially for specific patient populations who are chronic disease or complex comorbidities. Caring for them is really, really challenging and it requires a lot of a lot of diagnostics that cannot best be done remotely. It also requires, I think, medicine in recent years has moved much more to teaming to treat some of those chronic conditions and that requires interaction among care providers as well as with the patient. So I just can’t imagine really even in my wildest dream having technological tools really quickly that would supplant or replace as fully what is accomplishable in an in person visit.

Shawn Janus: This is Shawn. I would agree totally Lorie. I think from, bricks and mortar, we’ll always, we’ll always have a place and again, the makeup and what that looks like may change, may shrink, may grow, but I think it is important for some of the reasons you mentioned. And also healthcare is at its nature, high touch. I mean as you guys were, as you and period we’re talking about with your kids and schooling and the wanting to see other people, it’s the same thing. And even accelerated when we talked to our physicians, you have a physician you can, get personally interacted with.

Shawn Janus: Do you have an emotional connection with doing that over the phone or via telehealth or the other setting technological settings. It’s not the same as seeing your physician. So will change and most likely will change. And we all, none of us have the crystal ball, but we’re beginning to work through that. I think you know, the bricks and mortar component will continue for my lifetime for sure.

Lorie Damon: If I think back to higher ed and what happened after classrooms, after we equipped classrooms with computers and facilitated some version of online learning, almost everything became blended. It did. One did not complete supplant the other. They started to work in tandem and in fact, many universities put prints grew, they didn’t shrink. And so it be interesting to sort of keep those two situations in tandem and look to other industries to see how widespread technological adoption is going to work. I mean, one of the challenges that we’re seeing now with online learning across an awful lot of the United States is that a remarkable number of people do not have reliable internet access. And I think, widespread adoption of telehealth really requires that.

Lorie Damon: And that conversation really needs to proceed because some of the places now that are most susceptible to COVID and are experiencing really significant issues related to dealing with the pandemic are in rural markets where there’s limited hospitals, limited numbers of ICU beds, limited numbers of clinicians to care for these people. So, just at the very pragmatic brass tacks terms, we can’t adopt tele-health widely unless we’re sure everybody has access to the internet and to technology that can facilitate it.

Shawn Janus: Yeah, I would agree. And as Perry had mentioned earlier, we as a society here in the United States in particular, we learn from things that have happened and not just as it releases pandemic. And ways to go for [inaudible 00:52:29] going forward we’ll be able to address this in different ways. But to your point, Lorie, I think being able to take best practices from other industries who have dealt with things which are similar, different but similar in ways that we can leverage that and be more efficient as we roll this out. I would agree with that.

Libby Park: Those are great points. Thank you. We’ve been receiving questions throughout on the webinar Q&A platform as well. And we have one that I will post to the group from one of our participants that’s state, excuse me. We’re seeing conversations regarding future design and build senior housing in light of the potential paradigm shift in the delivery of care. Can anyone offer any early insight on the potential evolution of senior care?

John VanSanten: I’d be happy to kind of do my observations with John. So we do a lot evaluations to senior housing facilities. You have the full spectrum from independent living, the assisted living, the memory care to nursing homes and we’ve all certainly heard the tragic stories of what’s been happening in some of the nursing homes as well as some of the assisted living. And there definitely are some concerns that we’re hearing that may cause a big paradigm shift. And how those types of facilities are designed. Do people really want to go to a facility that has 90 people all congregate in a close quarters like that where something like Corona can be so easily transmitted from person to person. And typically that the move to a facility like that is more driven by a healthcare need rather than a lifestyle choice.

John VanSanten: So they have to get the care from somewhere. And so the most logical alternative is home health. And so you start to wonder, is there going to be more demand for home health as opposed to people moving into these facilities? Or are they going to have to change the design of these facilities to be able to sort of protect people who live there and give them the sense of security that they’re not going to catch the next communicable disease that comes around. They’re still very early in the discussions about that, but it’s definitely some serious concerns that we’re hearing within the industry about that.

Libby Park: That’s an interesting contemplation, John, regarding the shift to home health and raises questions regarding again, cost absorption. The transition to home health becomes the new norm what will that look like. Another question that we’ve received shifting gears is in regard to construction. Have we been seeing construction delays as a result of the coven 19 pandemic? And if so, how are parties dealing with those?

Shawn Janus: Oh, this is Shawn. I can weigh in a little bit on that one. So I think I was just on a call actually just yesterday. I guess it was with a large group of investor developers and we were kind of touching on some of those similar topics. So I think from the construction side, again it varies state by state. Here in Chicago construction is continuing see crews out there and other States it’s prohibited and it’s not in steam, not non-essential or not moving forward, but I think in all instances everything has been delayed because even on the construction side when you get to that, they still are trying to practice social distancing. So obviously that just delays, it makes things slower. We also have a supply issue in terms of when you can get the supplies, how those come in.

Shawn Janus: So we are seeing construction at least on our side, seeing construction continue. The developers, in fact I’m at call I was somewhat surprised that how rosy their outlook was relative to projects they had in the pipeline. Most of those are moving forward. I’ll be it with delays, whether it be on the construction side as we talked about. Or the other piece is just getting through the governmental regulatory process getting permits done. [inaudible 00:56:36] when you get to the back end, et cetera. But surprisingly also from a leasing perspective, they were still having success in leasing those projects. Again, those are further out in the future. So folks that didn’t go looking beyond kind of the current situation and that there might be some positives. So I think that speaks both to the industry as well.

Perry Bacalis: This is Perry, same thing out here in Denver. It’s a surprisingly on track for construction. Even so much I’ve got a quite a new medical office building and obviously they’ve been delayed not being able to address lease comments, but construction still on schedule so we kind of could go in and we don’t want to miss our date. So yeah that’s one of the nice surprises is there really hasn’t been much of a delay in we are starting construction costs were an all time high out here in Denver months ago and now they’ve kind of come back down to earth too. So that’s also good for our clients.

Shawn Janus: The same thing that was also brought up in terms of the construction cost that those had escalated kind of in the short term. But they’re seeing those come down and I actually had one individual say that they foresee that construction costs overall could come down another 15% here in fairly short order.

Libby Park: We have another question. Jumping back to reopening consideration, what are the panel’s thoughts on multi-tenant medical office buildings and whether a landlord should be responsible for testing at the main entrance of the building or if the testing obligation should fall to the tenant for their own individual suite.

Lorie Damon: This is Lorie. I’ve had a thousand conversations about this matter, so I will weigh in with what I think is prudent. And with the caveat that I’m not an epidemiologist, so here’s what I think. It depends on who the landlord is. It’s a landlord as a health system and they have specific directives and many of the tenants in there are either aligned or affiliated physicians, then I think they are likely going to direct how and where and when testing is going to occur. In the early days of the pandemic, we experienced an awful lot of instances where tenants took it upon themselves to temperature screen patients and some of them were doing it in the common areas of the building and they were doing it suite by suite. That is not only problematic because the common area of the building is not theirs to use for that.

Lorie Damon: It also meant duplication of effort. So in many cases, we worked collaboratively with the tenants, with the landlord to raise the question, can this more safely be done prior to entering the building. Because the goal is to just reduce risk and reduce exposure for everybody entering this space. And then also to reduce the need for interim cleaning so that you can deep clean all of those areas maybe once a day or maybe two times a day if you need to, but try to manage how much cleaning has to occur all the time. And so I think to the extent that tenants and landlord can come to some sort of agreement that screening will happen outside of the building in a secured location and that all parties can contribute to that if all parties can benefit from it.

Lorie Damon: And some of the cases that we had, the tenants who had staff available rotated staff to perform the temperature screening. And so that became very efficient and very cost effective. It allowed for order the path of ingress into the building. So patients were notified, all of the tenants could notify their patients, hey, this is going to happen. Before you enter you’re going to have to go through a temperature screening. And if somebody’s had a high temperature, then they were directed to another entry way or were directed for additional screening to determine whether or not they should proceed with their appointment or not. I mean, temperature screening overall are murky. You can have a fever for lots of reasons, one of which might be COVID and lots of other reasons might not be. So I think part of the goal there is just the whole purpose of temperature screening is to reduce risks for everyone. And the idea of having tenants do it individually in their suite just gives me a pause.

Libby Park: Thanks for your thoughts on that Lorie. I realized that we are at time everyone and I want to be sensitive to everyone’s schedules. I’d like to say thank you to Lorie, John, Perry and Shawn for our conversation today. I’d also like to let everyone know that Hall Render publishes an E-newsletter each month called the Healthcare Real Estate Advisor and also a podcast. If you’d like to receive this newsletter, please email real estate at Thank you again to everyone for joining the webinar and please feel free to reach out to me directly or any of our panelists with any followup questions. Thank you.